"That waiter is lying." Su Yuchen spoke in a stern voice.

"But boss, he also showed us his mobile where the money transactions indicates that it was from the Jiang family."

"That"s why I am saying, he is lying." Su Yuchen walked toward the corridor window and looked at the dark sky. "I know Jiang family from such a long time and I know them. Men sent by him will not confess easily. Remember, last time the driver had tried to kill himself of confessing the name of Jiang"s."

"Besides, if I know elder Jiang completely, he will not dare to harm Xin Mei or any of my family members after my last warning." Something flashed in his eyes. "Huang Chu, start investigating my enemies or friends. I am sure someone harmed her because of me."

"Ok boss."

Su Yuchen looked at the dark sky, trying to think of the name who could harm Xin Mei. Few people were present at the party tonight then who could have harmed her.

"You are over. You have done the biggest mistake of your life my hurting my love."

"You did what?" A man yelled at his daughter. Disbelieve and rage was there on his face. 

"I was the one to put pa.s.sion in the wine of Xin Mei." A girl in her early twenties spoke in a soft and s.h.i.+vering voice. "I was jealous of her. So, I put poison in her wine."

"You…how can you do something like this in your jealousy? How can you harm an innocent girl? Have you seen the way Su Yuchen cares about her? He will finish us if he gets to know it was you to poison Xin Mei." 

The old man started to pull his hair in irritation and looked at his daughter who was pouring tears.

"Father, I had no idea that Su Yuchen is so close to her. I poison Xin Mei because she is being a hurdle in my debut in the film industry. Besides, I felt jealous when at the party I saw her so close to Su Yuchen. I felt jealous and I…."

"Stupid girl…" her father shook his head. 

"But father, don"t worry Su Yuchen will not know it was me. I had ordered the waiter to take the name of the Jiang family. I had also gotten the CCTV videos deleted."

Her father shook his head. Today, for the first time he felt bad for sharing everything to his silly daughter who had done the biggest mistake of her life.

"Xiao Min, I don"t know what to do now. We are finish once Su Yuchen gets to know that it"s you." Her father shook his head. He looked at his daughter with doting eyes. She was his only family. He could not let any harm touch her.

"I will arrange for you to leave the country before Su Yuchen find out about you. He will not be able to touch you. I will do anything in my power to protect you."

"But what about you father?" she cried and held the hand of her father.

"I will stay back. I can only hope that Su Yuchen is not close to Xin Mei to hurt us badly. G.o.d, why have you poisoned Xin Mei? And why is she so close to Su Yuchen? Why?" He groaned and closed his eyes, feeling headache.

That night, her father arranged for her to leave the country. All arrangements were made and his daughter was sent to airport with a full force of guards to protect her.

"How are you feeling now?" Su Yuchen lovingly combed the hairs of Xin Mei. 

"I am feeling very good." Xin Mei smiled and placed her head on his palm. She looked around at her hospital room which was now full of flowers, cards, and fruits which her fans had sent for her.

"Can you give me my mobile, please?"

Su Yuchen nodded his head and gave her mobile. Xin Mei straightened herself and took her seat. She opened her mobile and posted a message for her fans, to thank them and console them that she was fine.

After sending the message, she placed her mobile aside. She was feeling some pain in her eyes when looking at her mobile screen.

"Mei, I have an offer for you." Su Yuchen pushed a file in her direction.

"What is it?" Xin Mei looked at him with curiosity and opened the file. Her eyes went wide and she looked at Su Yuchen.

"Isn"t this a contract for me to become an official face for the Su corporations?"

"Yes, it is." Su Yuchen smiled and removed her hair locks from her face.

"Huang Chu delivered it to me just now. You can see the contract and read it. But you will be signing it in my office only. I want an excuse so you can visit my office from time to time."

Xin Mei chuckled and closed the file. "I don"t need to read it because I trust you. I am sure there is no point in this contract which I will not accept."

"Still," Su Yuchen smiled teasingly. "Who knows if this is a lifetime slavery contract!"

"Then, I am ready to become your slave for the lifetime." Xin Mei smiled and Su Yuchen chuckled. He placed a kiss on her lips. "I am so happy that nothing serious happened to you."

"How can anything serious happen to me when I have you by my side?"

Su Yuchen smiled and leaned against her head. "Mei, I will try my best to protect you."

"I know, I know." Xin Mei grinned and looked at him. She touched his cheeks and groaned when her finger brushed his overgrown beard.

"Geez, why do you not shave whenever I am in the hospital? Don"t you know I hate your stubble very much?"

"I didn"t wish to waste my time in shaving when I can use the same time sitting beside you." He lifted her hands for a kiss but she pulled her hand from his hold.

"Mister, you are not kissing me till you shave this spiky beard from your cheeks."

Su Yuchen groaned and rolled his eyes. He quickly sent a message to his guard to deliver him his shaving kit, so he could kiss his wife after shaving his beard.

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