"Daiyu, meet her, she is your sister in law, my wife Xin Mei." Su Yuchen introduced and Xin Mei smiled brightly.

She felt glad that Su Yuchen had made it clear to Daiyu that he treated her as his sister and Xin Mei was her sister in law, his wife.

Daiyu paled when she heard the words of Su Yuchen. Complete shock appeared on her face and she looked at Su Yuchen who smiled at her.

Su Yuchen noticed her changing expressions but he thought she was very shocked.

"Married? When? How?" She gasped in shock and took a step back. Daiyu remembered who this Xin Mei was. She had done her full research on her, she knew Xin Mei was close to Su Yuchen but she did not think that they were married.

"Bro Chen, isn"t she a mere star? How can you get married to her? What if she cheats on you? And what about Mian? Did you not love her anymore?" Song Daiyu looked at him with desperation in her eyes. She did not expect to receive such a major shock on her return.

"Calm down Daiyu," Su Yuchen chuckled and held on her shoulder. "I know you are worried and surprised that I am married. But it is the truth. I am married to Xin Mei for the last one year. And trust me, she is the best wife for me. I love her. I hope you will also like her."

"She is not like the other superstar who are cheaters or gold digger." Su Yuchen smiled and looked at Xin Mei.

Song Daiyu clutched her hands tight and looked at Xin Mei with a killing gaze. Quickly, before anyone could catch her, she averted her gazes away. 

"How dare of her to s.n.a.t.c.h my Bro Chen from me? And what did he say, married from an year, and he loves her? He will forget about her once I will start adding misunderstandings in their relations.h.i.+p. Bro Chen belongs to me and me only."

Song Daiyu again glared at Xin Mei and then smiled within a second. Su Yuchen was not able to catch this change in her expression but Su Zixin and Xin Mei caught them. Being in the film industry, they knew how to catch such a sudden change in expression.

"Nice to meet you, Xin Mei." Daiyu smiled widely and forwarded her hand for a shake. "I am happy that bro Chen is finally over Mian and found his love in you."

"Nice to meet you too." Xin Mei shook her hand. Her eyes were looking in the eyes and at the face of Daiyu. "I am also happy to meet an old friend of Chen."

"Chen," Xin Mei looked up at Su Yuchen. "We should go in or are you planning to send off your friends from the doors itself?"

"Ah, I forgot. Daiyu, why are you standing here? Come inside."

Su Yuchen motioned for Daiyu to enter inside the house. Su Zixin who was hearing everything while hiding behind the door, hidden himself completely, to not come in their sight.

"Your house is really beautiful Bro Chen." Daiyu smiled and praised Su Yuchen.

"You should look at that wall. This is the most beautiful place in this house." Xin Mei grinned and pointed toward the wall with their family photos.

The smile on the lips of Song Daiyu froze when she heard Xin Mei. She looked at the wall and could see many photos of Su Yuchen and Xin Mei.

"I will need to work hard to push this Xin Mei out of the life of Su Yuchen. If not that, then I will kill her."

Unaware of the killing thoughts running in the mind of Song Daiyu, Su Yuchen invited her inside the house and in the living room. They started to talk like long lost friends.

After some time, Su Zixin also entered inside. He acted as if he was not aware that Daiyu was returning. He hugged her tight and excitedly talked with her. 

"Daiyu, stop talking with brother only. Talk to me too. At last, we are childhood friends and ex-couple." Su Zixin grinned and looked at her, as if everything was completely normal in between them. 

Song Daiyu smiled and started to talk to him. She did not show on her face that she was hating Su Zixin at that very moment who was not letting her talk with Su Yuchen.

"Song Daiyu, what are you major in?" Xin Mei asked.

"What is this Song Daiyu? Call me Daiyu or Daiyu Jie. We are now sisters, so no need for formalities, Xiao Mei." Song Daiyu smiled at Xin Mei.

Xin Mei smiled back to Song Daiyu. 

If not for the warning of Su Zixin that Song Daiyu loved Su Yuchen and if she had not witnessed her glare on her, Xin Mei would have believed that Song Daiyu treated Su Yuchen as her brother.

The way she was talking with Su Yuchen and herself did not give out that she had some deep feelings for Su Yuchen. Song Daiyu had created a G.o.ddess-like aura around herself which made no one doubt on her.

Song Daiyu had smiled at Xin Mei from time to time. But from inside, she was dying to scowl at Xin Mei and eat her alive. Only she knew how hard it was for her to smile at the girl who had s.n.a.t.c.hed her Bro Chen.

Song Daiyu had an idea about how deep Su Yuchen"s feelings were toward Xin Mei. If he could forget about his Mian then this Xin Mei was something.

"Xiao Mei, have you seen the paintings of Mian? Bro Chen had them hung around in his house. He loved her. I was so envious of this Mian girl. She got someone like bro Chen to love her so deeply."

Song Daiyu smiled. She was trying to make Xin Mei jealous over Mian. Xin Mei knew what Song Daiyu was doing. She did not need to be jealous of Mian, she was an important part of Su Yuchen"s memory.

"Now, I am a lucky girl. Am I not?" Xin Mei smiled and leaned against the shoulder of Su Yuchen. "Chen loves me more than anything. He loves me more than Mian, right Chen?"

"Right Mei, I love you more than anyone."

Xin Mei looked at Song Daiyu from the corner of her eyes and smiled when she saw her clutching hard on the sofa.

"You can try to hide your feelings from Chen, but not me. I will not let you come in-between us."

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