Days went by, Huang Chu, Peter, and his team were eagerly searching for Mian. Though they got a clue, still it was hard for them to find Mian because the incident had taken place nearly ten years back.

Now that danger of Song Daiyu was not looming over the head of Xin Mei, Su Zixin left to the states for the filming of his Hollywood series. He had taken a leave from director Chang which he got without any ha.s.sles.

The filming of the movie Earth 2050 was progressing at a fast speed. It was a sci-fi movie but speed was at a good pace which also impressed Director Chang. Director was filming the past life of Xin Mei, so the filming was not affected by the absence of Su Zixin.

During filming, Xin Mei had become very close to Gu Biyu who was playing the role of her mother in the movie. On the sets also, they become like a pair of mother and daughter. They spend most of their time together.

Xin Mei liked the company of Gu Biyu. She felt motherly vibes coming from Gu Biyu. The thing which made them closer was that Gu Biyu knew knitting. 

One day, Gu Biyu was completing her gloves using wool when Xin Mei saw her. Being curious, Xin Mei had requested to Gu Biyu that she wanted to learn knitting art. She also wanted to make some stuff like gloves, socks and caps which she could gift to her family.

To learn knitting, Xin Mei spent most of her free time with Gu Biyu. She also stayed at the sets after pack up to learn some more. Xin Mei was very excited when her gloves and sweater which she was knitting had started to take shape.

Another thing that brought them close was the fact that Gu Biyu knew about the marriage of Xin Mei. She knew Su Yuchen was her husband.

So, what happened was, one day after her knitting, when Xin Mei left the sets, Su Yuchen was there to receive her. Xin Mei, as usual, took her seat in his car but they both were spotted by Gu Biyu.

Then Gu Biyu had caught Xin Mei in a temple where she was praying for Su Yuchen, her husband.

Gu Biyu did not hide this fact from Xin Mei and confronted her the next day.

"Xin Mei, are you married?" she asked with a teasing smile. 

Xin Mei wanted to deny but proves that she was married were very strong. Besides, Gu Biyu a.s.sured that she could understand her reasons.

"I was also like you. I wanted to be an actress but could not due to family and society. So, I can understand you if you have kept your marriage hidden because of the society."

Seeing such an understanding lady in front of herself, Xin Mei did not hide the fact and confessed that she was indeed married, and she felt light.

Xin Mei felt light after knowing that someone on the sets knew she was married. 

Su Yuchen also got busy with one of the important government projects which could take Su corporation to more heights.

Both Su Yuchen and Xin Mei got very busy with their lives. They completely forget about Song Daiyu. They forget she was still alive not dead, and was burning with vengeance against Xin Mei and love for Su Yuchen.

Song Yang could feel his heart breaking into many pieces whenever he looked at his daughter. She had become madder. She did not know about anything other than Su Yuchen.

So many times, she had pleaded to him to let her to get out of the house, to let her meet Su Yuchen.

"Father, please get me out of this house. I want to go out and find Su Yuchen. I want to make him fall for myself."

With a heavy heart, he had always rejected her pleas. He also felt secured that guards of Su Yuchen were properly guarding the house. Song Daiyu had attempted to leave the house but they always stopped her on time.

Bai Yue also got to know about the incident of Song Daiyu and Xin Mei. She was very angry when she was reported that Song Daiyu attempted to poison Xin Mei.

She was angrier on Xin Mei, Su Zixin and Su Yuchen who did not tell her about the same. She only got to know about all this from her species whom she had sent to the guards of Su Yuchen.

"Elder Su, call your precious grandson at home. It has been long that he has heard my scolding." Bai Yue gritted her teeth.

By the evening, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were summoned at the Su residence. Bai Yue was very angry at both. She gave a lecture to both and punished them. They were asked to clean the dogs, also their s.h.i.+ts.

Bai Yue planned to punish them more but she changed her mind when Su Yuchen played a sad card that he was heartbroken on losing one of his close friends. That was how he saved himself and Xin Mei from the severe punishment which Bai Yue had planned for them.

 When Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were returning home, Xin Mei received a call from Xin Yan.

"Yan gege," Xin Mei happily greeted her brother.

"Xiao Mei, how are you little princess?" she heard an overexcited voice from the other side of the phone.

"I am all good. You tell me, you seem very happy today."

"I am very happy." Xin Yan chuckled. "You will not believe but after five days, I am getting engaged with Da Chun."

"Really?" Xin Mei squealed. "Oh my G.o.d, gege. I am so happy for you. Finally, I will get my official sister in law."

"It"s only engagement Xiao Mei. Marriage is still a little far away."

"So what, looking after the speed in which you are getting engaged, I can say that marriage is not very far."

Xin Yan chuckled when he heard her. 

"Before I forget, mother has asked you to come home and give her a helping hand. She wants to make the engagement party a royal affair and in this, she will need your help."

"This is not a thing to be said. I am coming home tomorrow itself. Then I will stay at home and will help mother. I know she will not be able to do anything without the help of her expert daughter." She bragged.

Su Yuchen"s eyes widened when he heard the one sided conversation from Xin Mei. He could conclude that Xin Mei was going to stay at her parent"s house to prepare for the engagement party of Xin Yan.

If she was to go then what about him?

"You are not going anywhere." He said without holding back his thoughts. "You are staying at home with me." He declared. 

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