Xin Mei rolled her eyes when she heard Su Yuchen. This possessive side of him was not something new for her.

"Don"t worry gege, inform to mother that her extraordinary and extra talented daughter will be at home by tomorrow. This little sister will help with the preparations for the engagement of her big brother."

And with that, Xin Mei ended the call and looked at Su Yuchen. He again said, "you are not going anywhere."

"Oh, come on, don"t be like this. You know Yan gege is getting engaged?" she smiled brightly and displayed him her teeth. "From childhood, I have always dreamt of planning his engagement party and then the wedding. I had also planned to do a lot of shopping for fancy dresses and other accessories using his card."

"Now that my dream is coming true, how can I stay behind. I am going to home for sure." Xin Mei beamed brightly. She was already planning the theme of the engagement party in her mind.

"We can appoint an event management to plan the engagement party and you can use my bank account for shopping, but please don"t go. Think about your dear husband, how am I to live without you by my side for the next few days?"

"Don"t be overdramatic." Xin Mei scoffed and poked his shoulder.

Su Yuchen was not being an overdramatic. He was worried. From the last few months, they were spending their days together and he had become more habitual to her presence.

Now how was he able to spend the next five days without her? How was he able to sleep on his bed when she was not in his arms? How was he able to spend his days when she was not going to be there in the morning in his arms!

Su Yuchen sighed and looked at Xin Mei. She was already searching internet for the ideas on the engagement party. He knew she was excited to plan the engagement party of Xin Yan.

Now, could he be selfish and stop her from visiting her family?

The answer was a big now!

"Can you not change your mind?" Su Yuchen begged and looked at Xin Mei.

Earlier, he had planned that he would not stop her from leaving, but now that he saw her packing her suitcase, he felt his heart heavy with the upcoming separation.

"Chen, I have told you, I am not changing my mind. I am going to help mother to plan the engagement party of Yan gege. As a little sister, it"s my duty." Xin Mei spoke with irritation in her voice.

"And it"s only about five days. Think it as if I am gone for outdoor filming."

Su Yuchen sighed when he heard Xin Mei. He nodded his head and again attempted to console himself that Xin Mei would be back in within five days. 

Besides, she was not going to another city. He could go and visit her anytime.

Once Xin Mei had packed her stuff, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei went downstairs for dinner where Su Zixin was already waiting for them.

He returned to the city yesterday itself, after completing the first schedule of his Hollywood movie.

"Xiao Mei, what happened? Why are you smiling so brightly?"

"Yan gege is getting engaged, and tomorrow, I am going home to help mother with the preparations." 

"That"s brilliant news." Su Zixin smiled happily.

"Is it a brilliant news that Xin Mei is going home?" Su Yuchen spoke in a cold voice and Su Zixin became stiff. He looked at Su Yuchen with wide eyes and quickly raised his hands in surrender.

"You got the wrong meaning, brother. What I mean is, it"s a piece of brilliant news that Xin Yan is getting engaged."

Su Yuchen nodded his head and walked towards the dining room. Su Zixin felt pity for his brother who looked very gloomy at the thought Xin Mei was going to leave him, even if that was for a small period of time.

Su Yuchen, Su Zixin, and Xin Mei started to have their dinner in silence. They were having dinner when a thought crossed the mind of Su Zixin.

"If you are going, then what about my food?" he looked at Xin Mei with wide eyes.

"Only I am going, Chen will be at home. He will cook food for you both."

Su Zixin sighed and nodded his head.

Later that night, they all retired in the room where Su Yuchen made sweet love to Xin Mei. He wanted to remember each inch of her body. Using this memory, he planned to spend the next five days in her absence.

The next day, guards helped Xin Mei in placing her luggage in her car. Xin Mei planned to visit her family first and then she would visit the sets to ask for five days" leave.

Xin Mei was all ready to leave for her house when Su Yuchen back hugged her and placed his head on her shoulder. He looked at her with emotional eyes.

"I will miss you, Mei." He sighed and inhaled deeply. 

"I will miss you too." Xin Mei leaned against him and closed her eyes.

They both stayed in their position for sometime before it was the time of their parting.

"Remember what I have told you?" Su Yuchen adjusted her collar and looked at her chain with the wedding ring.

"I remember, I will call you the moment when I think I need you."

"Good." Su Yuchen ruffled her hairs lovingly and sent her off.

He looked at the car of Xin Mei leaving his property and again a gloominess settled in his heart. He sent a quick prayer to G.o.d, praying to him that Xin Mei would never get a movie whose filming would require her to stay away from him.

He would die due to such a long separation.

"G.o.d, please give me power and tolerance to bear this separation with my Mei. And please, never let me face any separation from her because of her professional commitments."

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