In the meantime, guards rushed out from their hiding. They made a wall around Su Yuchen and around the place where Xin Mei and Song Daiyu were fighting.

Same moment, the dangerous men, who were the man sent by the stranger, to kill Su Yuchen in case something went wrong from his plan, also came out from their hiding. They were ordered to kill Su Yuchen and kidnap Xin Mei, bringing her to their boss.

Sound of bullet fire rung in the airport. The common public started to run when they heard the sound of bullet fire. They were quickly shown their way out of the airport by the extra guards" force of Su Yuchen, without much harm. Guards of airport authority also arrived to take a control of the situation.

"Missus, leave Song Daiyu. For now, we should leave the airport. Everything is chaos in here at the airport. He can"t let any harm befell on you or boss. So, we should leave this airport, right away." Huang Chu walked towards Xin Mei and pulled her up, away from Song Daiyu.

Xin Mei nodded her head and glared at Song Daiyu who was wincing in pain.

"Take her with us. I am still not done with my revenge. I want to torture her with my own hands."

With that said, Xin Mei ran towards Su Yuchen and took a hold of his wheelchair.

Meanwhile, some of the guards took a hold of the arms of Song Daiyu, taking her in their custody, so, Xin Mei could take her revenge from her, later on.

Xin Mei gulped when she looked at the scene in front of her. Her guards were fighting with some other trained men. There was gunfire all around the airport.

She noticed, many of her guards were already injured in an attempt of saving her. Her heart skipped a beat when a bullet pa.s.sed close to her arm.

"We should leave." w.a.n.g Wei barked and surrounded Xin Mei and Su Yuchen.

Guards kept fighting against the man and successfully took out Xin Mei and Su Yuchen from the airport.

Xin Mei sighed with relief once they were out of the airport. Guards also sighed with relief when more forces of Su Yuchen also arrived at the airport.

Guards and all were so engrossed in helping Xin Mei and Su Yuchen towards their car that they did not take a notice of Song Daiyu who was also in their group.

Song Daiyu looked at Su Yuchen and Xin Mei with dark eyes before pus.h.i.+ng on one of the guard and s.n.a.t.c.hing his gun.

"Xin Mei, if I cannot have Su Yuchen then no one can have him. Su Yuchen, let"s meet in heaven." With that said, without waiting for a second, she fired three bullets in the direction of Su Yuchen, at a place where no one was s.h.i.+elding him. She also fired a bullet in her head, killing herself.

"Chen." Xin Mei yelled and quickly covered Su Yuchen. She could not let anything happen to Su Yuchen.

"Xiao Mei." Su Zixin yelled and looked at the bullets running the direction of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen.

Su Zixin rushed towards the direction of Xin Mei and gave her his cover. He could not let anything happen to either Su Yuchen or Xin Mei.

In the meantime, w.a.n.g Wei also gave them his cover, taking in all the bullets on his back.

"w.a.n.g Wei is injured, take him to the hospital immediately." Huang Chu ordered and guards quickly took w.a.n.g Wei away.

At the same time, Xin Mei, Su Yuchen and Su Zixin entered inside the guarded cars which made its way towards the hospital.

Once Xin Mei was inside the safe confines of the car, she let her emotions breakdown in the form of tears. She hugged unconscious Su Yuchen tight. She let his heartbeat calm her down.

"How can you be so stupid? How can you go out with that Daiyu? What if she has done something dangerous to you? What if she had taken you away from me? What if those black men had killed you? What if….?" She choked and a sob escaped her lips.

Su Zixin sat beside her. He kept rubbing her back. "Now calm down. Brother is all fine and safe in your arms. Besides, Song Daiyu is dead."

Xin Mei nodded her head and again looked at Su Yuchen and then at Huang Chu.

"Find the person who was helping Song Daiyu. I am sure she was not alone in kidnapping Su Yuchen. I want the name of that person." She looked at Huang Chu with dark, fire in her eyes.

"Don"t worry missus, we have already confiscated some of the men. I am sure they will take the name of their owner sooner or later. Besides, I think they were not helping Song Daiyu. They were using her to get to the boss. They were there intending to kill the boss."

"Ensure to torture him or her once he or she is in your custody. That person should receive the  proper punishment for giving a helping hand in kidnapping of my Chen." Her eyes turned red with anger.

The voice of Xin Mei was very cold and full of chilliness that Huang Chu felt a s.h.i.+ver down his spine. He looked at Xin Mei from the rear-view mirror and gulped.

His missus looked no less than his boss when she was angry.

Su Zixin looked at Xin Mei and Su Yuchen, and a relief filled sigh left his lips. He felt so happy that they were all well. His family was well and fine. Nothing harmful befell on them. Now Su Yuchen, Xin Mei and his grandparents were his family which he had left.

After losing his parents at a tender age, and then having his heart broken by Song Daiyu, he was not ready to lose his family members. He would do anything in his power to protect them.

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