The next day, when Su Yuchen woke up, he was feeling all fresh. After was.h.i.+ng up and wearing the fresh pairs of clothes delivered to him by Huang Chu, he made his way inside the hospital in secret.

"Huang Chu, ensure to clear the hospital from any reporters. I don"t want them to hover around the hospital all the time and if you can"t do so, prepare the arrangement of s.h.i.+fting Xin Mei to somewhere quiet." He ordered and quickly made his way toward the VIP room where Xin Mei was already s.h.i.+fted.

"Zixin, you can return home. You also need proper sleep." 

Su Yuchen looked at Su Zixin who was dozing off in and out of the sleep. Su Zixin looked at Su Yuchen and rubbed his eyes. He yawned and stretched his body. He stood up from his chair.

"Brother, the doctor checked upon Xin Mei not an hour ago. Her condition is stable and it is expected that she will wake today."

Su Zixin informed before leaving the hospital room. He made his way out of the hospital and made his way home in a driver driven car.

Once Su Zixin was gone, Su Yuchen walked toward Xin Mei. His heart ached when he looked at her condition. There was a big bandage applied on her right cheek and plasters were there on her legs. Her legs were hung on the bed using a pool. Her right arm was also plastered.

Carefully, Su Yuchen walked toward her left side of the bed and took his seat. He took her left hand in his and a tear escaped his eyes. A shaky breath left from his mouth.

"I am sorry Mei, I am so sorry. This is my fault that you are lying on this bed. It"s the fault of my family that you are again…I am sorry."

He took his trembling lower lip in between his teeth and closed his eyes, trying to gain some needed support from the warmth which her hand was giving to him.

After some time, the Xin family also arrived at the hospital. Xin Yan shared a sad smiled with Su Yuchen and stood beside him where her parents took their seat beside Xin Mei. He Lin started to sob upon seeing her condition where Xin Jin kissed the forehead of He Lin, to give her his support.

"Chen, can we have a private talk? I have something to say to you."

Su Yuchen nodded his head and left the private room of Xin Mei with Xin Jin. Xin Jin also ordered Xin Yan to look after his mother and sister before leaving the private room. Both made their way toward the balcony of the hospital.

"Father, what do you want to talk with me?"

Xin Jin sighed heavily and looked ahead at the city visible from the balcony. His lips trembled and tears appeared in his eyes. He took a deep breath.

At that moment, Xin Jin looked very old.

"Chen, I want to ask for forgiveness from you."

"Forgiveness? Why father?"

"Because I have kept a secret hidden from you for so long. I thought I…." he gulped and looked down. "I thought I was protecting you and my daughter but yesterday I realized that maybe, maybe I was doing some mistake."

"About what secret are you talking about? I am not getting anything." Su Yuchen frowned his brows with confusion. He was feeling confused and irritated seeing his father in law who had brought him out in the balcony when he wanted to be beside Xin Mei. 

Su Yuchen wanted to snap at Xin Jin who was puzzling him and was taking too long to tell him the secret. But he controlled himself. He knew he was getting extra irritated from yesterday, from the time he had met Jiang Biyu.

Xin Jin took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself before speaking, "Chen, Xin Mei is not my real daughter. She is my adopted daughter, probably your friend Mian."

"Father, if you are joking, then I must tell you that I am in no mood to hear jokes." Su Yuchen snapped. "There Xin Mei is lying on the hospital bed and here you are joking that she is not your daughter."

Su Yuchen yelled, feeling anger bubbling inside of him.

"I am not joking." Xin Jin yelled in a throaty voice. "I am sure you will believe me after looking at this."

Xin Jin produced a locket and a chain from his pocket, looking at which Su Yuchen"s eyes widened. He took the delicate pedal in his hand. He felt breath knocking out from his lungs at the close inspection of the locket. 

He had given this same necklace to his Mian before leaving the orphanage! He could not forget about its style in millions of years.

Many questions swirled in his mind and he looked at Xin Jin for the answers.

"But how is this…how?" he whispered yelled. A huge lump had formed in his throat and tears flowed from his eyes without any control. "I have read her report and she is your daughter then how can she be my Mian…I…." 

Su Yuchen shook his head.

Xin Jin felt bad when he looked at the condition of Su Yuchen. He never wanted to disclose this secret to anyone. But when the last day he heard Su Yuchen saying about Mian, how she was his friend, bells rang in his head. 

Xin Jin remembered the real name of Xin Mei and her orphanage. After hearing the sadness in the voice of Su Yuchen yesterday, Xin Jin decided to tell Su Yuchen about Xin Mei or Mian! 

So today he came prepared, with the determination to come clean to Su Yuchen. He also brought the necklace which he had found around the neck of Mian to make Su Yuchen believe the same.

"Father, why are you quiet? Please tell me everything. Please." Su Yuchen begged pleadingly. "How can my Mian be Mei? How is this possible? How?"

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