Harmful Smile

Chapter 21

That day pa.s.sed quickly and then Ayleen remembered reading a great story about a man fighting monsters and getting better every time he killed one. That"s what I need and I"ll become stronger, she thought. She looked at Peach who was cooking the meat for everyone and thinking she had found a good girl. [Could I possibly hire him? She cooks well, she is s.e.xy and not completely stupid. If she does not disappoint me too much in preparing the meals during our mission, I will propose to engage her.].

Always observing the cooking of the meat. "Peach we still kill a lot of Goblins and also many Orcs but in reality that does not really benefit us. You know I know a way to kill creatures helps us improve a lot but I do not have enough information about it. I"ll talk to you about it and you"ll tell me if you know how it works. In fact you have to find a level system and when you have it, it helps you to earn xp. But I do not know where to find this artifact system. You certainly know You who are old and who traveled streets and pavements for so long? "

Peach did not understand anything and also felt a little unhappy. "Thanks Ayleen for the old woman, but you know I"m only nineteen years old. And when you say I"ve been on the ground for a long time, it looks like you"re talking about a tired old prost.i.tute. I do not know what all the things you are talking about are. Besides, what would it be for anyway? "

Ayleen told herself that aside from her beautiful physique, this girl was a little cretin in the end. "The xp even if I do not know exactly what it is, evolves our magic and makes us stronger quickly. I learned it not long ago when a cook named Ling Tian forgot one of his novels at home. Seeing your bewildered head, I see that you still do not understand anything. Forget it, I"ll ask my father and my uncle, they know more than a virgin who hides her b.o.o.bs in front of a little girl. "

Peach did not know what to say. This dirt really liked to embarra.s.s her and make fun of her. But she could not help but appreciate it. Perhaps because behind her appearance, there was only a little girl a little too spoiled. It could be because she took the Goblins for her friends and talked to them quietly. In any case she brought a lot of life into the group, sometimes too much. The dinner was not bad. The Ayleen evidence was only grumbling five or six times. The dinner was too fast. That he lacked salt. Asked where were the spices and complained that there were none .

Ayleen was eating what Peach prepared without any fuss according to her, and then asked her one more question she had the secret of. "Peach, you and the paralyzed facials will still sleep outside tonight? Because very little for me tonight, I go back to see mom and dad and find my big bed. If that tells you we have dozens of unoccupied rooms. This morning I woke up with a violent backache, and this night you snored so loudly that I woke up. I thought for a moment that I shared the tent with an asthmatic. "

Peach wanted to spank her but this girl was stronger than her. "And how are you going home big fat? Have you forgotten that we are in the middle of the forest? You"d better shut up your big mouth sometimes instead of saying so much nonsense. "

Ayleen smiled at him. "I"m going to contact Uncle tonight and also ask Dad about the artifact system. Do not worry, I"ll be here very early tomorrow morning and I"ll give you my report. Goodnight My Love. She gave him a wink, launched a dimensional jump and disappeared from the camp under the astonished look of the two brothers Mario and Peach angry.

A little later, in his hot bed, Ayleen had already talked about the artifact and the xp with his father who had certified that he did not know the artifact but that the xp was mentioned in old writings of the royal family and that she should instead ask her uncle to find out more. Ayleen was mad with joy, finally she had her way to leveling up by killing monsters and all this thanks to a c.r.a.ppy book forgotten by a feng shui cook addict. She took out her communication medallion to join her uncle.

The medallion shone and ... "Good evening, my uncle, loved."

Uncle the King: "Oh good evening baby, do you find yourself in the forest right now? How scary it must be for my baby. "

Ayleen: "Do not worry, I moved to Mom and Dad"s place, because sleeping outside hurts my back and the young woman I sleep with does not want me to caress her b.r.e.a.s.t.s."

Uncle King: "My angel why do you want to caress say another woman"s hills?"

Ayleen: "To discover of course! When I asked Mom, she told me that seeing was a good apprenticeship and took me to a big house in Hent where all the people were naked and tangled so I ran away. I prefer to spare you the discussions we had because I still have nightmares. So I want to find out how adult women are. Besides, it"s fun to see the reactions of my fellow adventurer. "

Uncle King: "Your mother is a fool it"s not new. When you come to see me, I will put at your disposal several beautiful maids so that you can discover and play. This should be fine with you? "

Ayleen: "Thank you my uncle, but I did not contact you for that, although it makes me very happy. In fact, I have a very important question to ask you. Do you know the artifact level system and the xp? "

Uncle King: "This artifact is unknown to me but I know the concept of xp. Long ago one of our ancestors had summoned Potter Hero to kill Draco Malfoy. This hero, coming into our world earned xp by killing monsters. In addition, the people he was teaming with also gained XP and quickly became very strong. There was later a lot of invocation but I do not remember the names of the heroes because they were complicated. They usually ended with sounds like ki, ra, no, and so on. They were just as powerful but some lacked a bit of character always according to our writings. Moreover they had the bad habit of trying to create private harems and ended up fighting more with their p.e.n.i.s than their sword. Our last ancestor, who had summoned a hero, was upset that this hero had put six of his own pregnant daughters and issued a warning to future generations. Since our family never again invoked heroes. "

Ayleen: "Uncle, as soon as my mission is over, please buy me a hero. That"s not what i meant. As soon as my mission is over, I will come to the royal castle and we will invoke a hero. Do not worry, I"ll take care of it, feed it and take it out. I promise, I"ll pamper him and above all do not worry if I see he"s a pervert hero I"ll cut his p.e.n.i.s and he will take his sword. "

Uncle the king: "But it takes a reason to invoke one and we must also provide a good weapon. "

Ayleen: " As for the reason, you can just invent an excuse and for the weapon, the old magic shield that serves as a cutting board in the kitchens will be perfect no? Please, please my beloved uncle. "

And that"s how the fate of another poor j.a.panese man was decided.

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