Harmful Smile

Chapter 33

The number four training ground was one of the smaller ones. It was usually reserved by the teachers of the first years. Like the others he possessed, a magical barrier and training dummies of excellent quality. All students had already arrived with the exception of Ayleen and Arystide. When Professor Sanders arrived and he noticed that this lady was once again late, he told himself he had to really act. But how? No matter, he would improvise when the time comes. He started talking to his students a bit to find out their favorite spells and then set the targets for the magic court. When he came back, he saw Ayleen and Arystide coming back very quietly and this girl clearly winked at him. [What audacity for a young lady. In addition she leads another student in his bad att.i.tudes. If I do not react very quickly, she"ll corrupt all this cla.s.s and it will be too late.] As he walked toward her to reprimand him, a student was faster than him and stopped right in front of Ayleen.

Sven could not stand his att.i.tude anymore. "Princess, here you are at the academy and you would be kind to respect your teacher as well as your comrades who wish to progress. If you did not want to see your magic improve it"s one thing but do not bother others. That"s all I had to say to you. "

Ayleen looked at this boy "h.e.l.lo, Mr. Svenson if my memories are good? First of all, when we talk to someone, we greet him. Maybe in your campaign it is not necessary but here yes. Then we do not know each other. So I beg you not to talk to me so authoritatively Neither our relationship nor your little status gives you the right to do so. And finally, in no case it"s up to you to make this kind of remark. I know that you like to do morals to others and think you are in your right to do it. I have seen you only twice and on both occasions you acted authoritatively and played the moralizers. But I am not the others and in front of me, your morality is worthless. In front of me months your authoritarianism is worthless. Finally, in front of me, know that you are worthless. You come Arystide this idiot annoyed me. "

The Professor went near Sven who was motionless. "Sven are you okay? I"ll fix that. Miss Prishen I would like to talk to you. Why have you been so hard on your cla.s.smate? "

Ayleen did not care about Sven but did not want to be accused wrongly. "Professor, do not you confuse the aggressor and the victim? Who is the first to run on the other without even saying h.e.l.lo? It was absolutely not me. "

The Professor did not know what to do with this girl. "Miss Prishen, we"ll have to have a conversation about your behavior."

Ayleen smiles "Good, but we"re in cla.s.s then not now. I"ll listen to you tonight after this lesson and see if you can convince me to change my att.i.tude. "

Professor Sanders thinks that eventually all was not lost. She was obviously ready to listen. Very good. My students that you have been this cla.s.s means that you are part of the elite but you are not perfect. Launch the attack you want on the training dummies and we will try to identify your mistakes and rectify the mistakes made during your magic attacks. Mary and Jeanne are moving forward. Mary throws [Thunderbow] and Jeane a lot of [ice picks].

The teacher commented. I spotted some small ... "

Ayleen really wanted to have fun. "Professor can we duel? It would be easier for you to write down all our mistakes on our multiple spells and you would help us more quickly. Just put the magic absorber to avoid injuries and I see that Jeane is very talented. I would really like to train against her to progress. "

The Professor was surprised. "Good, great idea. I did not think you would want to partic.i.p.ate. I have shock absorbers in my ring and do not worry about your level it is impossible for you to experience any small cut. Well then Jeane and Ayleen, I"ll call you by your name if you want to be part of the cla.s.s now. You put the shock absorbers and then start.

Ayleen gave him his best smile. "With the greatest pleasure and this training will certainly be very revealing of our skills and what we miss."

Ayleen and Jeane installed their shock absorbers, came face to face, and then Professor Sanders announced the start of the fight. Ayleen threw a [Jump] to stand just behind Jeane, followed by a [Holly Sword] who sliced ​​Jeane"s little finger under the screams of the students and the cries of Jeane.

Ayleen looked at his Professor dubiously. "Professor, I think the absorbers do not work well. His finger is in any case very well sectioned and can be saved with good healing magic is a chance. I"m going to cure you Jeane do not worry and stop moving [supreme healing] here it is done. I"m going in the shade because it scares me and my head is spinning. "

Professor Sanders was unresponsive. From day one, one of her students had lost a finger. What had he done? And would that Miss Prishen have done it on purpose? Not possible, she was only twelve years old and so her magic was still limited. The absorbers must have been deficient and it is true that he had not checked them for a long time. So it was entirely his fault. [If this miss didn"t could cure Jeane, I"ll lose my job the first day.] "Thank you, Ayleen, and sorry for all that, Jeane will rest and be sorry for what you"ve been through. We stop the duels and resume the attack of the models. "

The cla.s.s then proceeded without major incidents, Ayleen did not listen and did not partic.i.p.ate but given the help she had given him the Professor let pa.s.s. But after cla.s.s he held her back to discuss her embarra.s.sing att.i.tude. "Miss Prishen, do you remember that we said we would discuss your att.i.tude and look for a way to fix it?"

Ayleen stopped him. "Professor I accept, but the cla.s.s is over so I leave. Find me at Sinsi cafe in an hour and I"ll listen. Well, I"m leaving. Prepare your arguments because if for others it"s important to be here, it"s not my case. So, as I told you, you"ll need it to convince me. "

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