Harmful Smile

Chapter 39

The king of Lyork"s kingdom spoke. "I am very happy today to receive a member of the royal family of our neighboring country as well as such worthy emissaries. remaining each on our side, it is certain that we run to the in front of serious problem but united we will be able to oppose. Forgive me, there is a young princess and it is not an a.s.sembly. Dear Envoys, I think this trip must have been exhausting for you. That"s why I have nothing planned for you this afternoon. Tonight however to welcome you, an evening with the n.o.bility of this country will be held in this very place at nineteen o"clock. Maids who are responsible for driving you to your respective quarters and meeting all your needs during your stay here are waiting on this side and will guide you right away. You can retire and enjoy a well deserved rest. I forgot a tournament of our magic academy takes place at this time, it will last two weeks and the partic.i.p.ants will compete by age group. If you are interested, a badge for this tournament as any other visits awaits you in your neighborhood. Princess, may I speak to you for a moment.

Ayleen did not have a chance to run away and smiled moved forward. "Of course, your Majesty, if I can help you with anything."

The king was embarra.s.sed by his question. "Your King, do you think his position is about ... How would I say our business? Rather positive or rather negative. "

Ayleen should not have done so in such circ.u.mstances but, could not help laughing. "Forgive me your Majesty, but I see that you are very concerned about your country and these alliances that are forming. That"s why, although I should not say anything, I"ll be honest. Rest a.s.sured, I know him well our King and if that his ministers make a good report then he will accept. He certainly is not against otherwise we would not have come in the first place. "

The king seemed to feel more relaxed. "I see it"s a relief. A more personal question, are you betrothed? My son is a nice boy and is only seventeen, he is already an accomplished politician. I certainly do not say that for you recommended but it"s a fact. "

Ayleen wanted to run away. "Majesty, if my King grants this marriage, I fear that you must wait a certain time. Because according to our laws like yours, marriage can only be granted at sixteen, but I celebrated my twelve years old a little over three months ago."

The king was shocked. "Really disconcerting. I think you must be tired. I will not hold you back any longer Princess, try to rest. [Will my son be ready to wait? She would be perfect and it would be good for the kingdom.]

Ayleen followed the maid named Clia. She had no more than twenty years and was very sweet. Too much according to Ayleen who wanted to kick her b.u.t.tocks to get her a little upset. The King had the excellent idea of ​​housing her in a manor house inside a private courtyard behind the castle. Along the mansion was a pond where Ayleen could borrow small boats hung along a pontoon. Ducks and swans were swimming on the pond with very clear water, it was beautiful. She appreciated more and more this King who was funny enough and knew how to receive it. This mansion, was actually huge. His height was more than four times that of his own manor. The luxury rooms had beds that could accommodate no less than five people. Ayleen thought that her mother could have used her beds with her friends, just like her father. She soon preferred to forget this image and continued to visit. Curiously, she was tired, certainly because of the pressure of this meeting with the King of another kingdom. This meeting it is true it was very well spent but she remembered these eyes full of animosities when they pa.s.sed and said that lowering his guard in this city would be a mistake. She decided that she would be his room, threw off her dress and fell asleep on the visibly exhausted bed. Then she was awakened a little later by someone who came in almost breaking the door. As she was almost naked and half asleep, she panicked. She was rea.s.sured by attending a rather funny scene. Lena had to smash the door and Clia, who held her elbow to hold her, was dragged by her as Lena walked quietly. Lena, unlike the others, does not show respect. She lifted Ayleen out of the bed, then lifted the blanket and tossed it under it.

Ayleen was confused. "Lena what is happening to you, it"s the change of country that makes you aggressive? "

Lena then went to the dresser in front of the bed, picked up an object and threw it at Ayleen. "Magic recorder and there are some in every room. Forgive me for my behavior but my anger has taken over. I continue the search, my knights are here too but I prefer to check for myself. Then I will ask some questions to these maids, here you can not afford to do things by yourself. Rest."

Ayleen was very angry. "I thank you and yes you are right. Lena you will give me these Magic recorder. Tonight I will have a few words to say to our hosts. "

Ayleen could not sleep but actually circulated her magic instead. Time pa.s.sed and with the help of her maids she changed to a beautiful red dress with black borders that suited her perfectly. A group of servants came to fetch her, handing him an a.s.sortment of jewels which the Crown Prince had according to the servants found very suitable as present. Not being able to refuse, her maids helped her to adjust. This adornment is certainly sumptuous but too excessive for a first gift and not appropriate. In particular not knowing the person to whom you offer it. It was even more difficult now to bring the topic of magical recorders considering this particular intention without hurting the young Prince"s self-esteem and the good feelings he has shown. Since she did not have an escort, Lena served him as a "rider" which with Lena"s eyes after finding these objects would keep all the disturbers away. She arrived in the throne room which was already crowded with guests and which for the occasion had been entirely redecorated. Redecorating it in such a short time, is in itself a feat, the servants of this castle are certainly very competent she said. She later joined the delegation that the King presented after a brief speech and the Crown Prince with a very dignified air finally made his entrance. Ayleen looked at him well this time. He was, we can not deny, very handsome, tall with certainly definite muscles. Ayleen avoided looking too long so that there was neither misunderstanding nor despise of the n.o.bles of this a.s.sembly. People quickly are made false ideas but are sometimes hard to change their minds and she wanted to avoid this kind of problem. In discussing with the n.o.bles of this country, she realized that they were much more liberal than the n.o.bles of the kingdom of Flanders, which was obviously not her case. She did not understand their way of thinking. They granted a lot of right and freedom of thought to their serfs. According to their explanation the commoners of this country could a.s.semble to refuse a laws that they would judge to violate their rights. But of what rights can they even pretend to have rights these these rats. And by what right do they even allow themselves to a.s.semble? It"s rebellion. Thought Ayleen, who was lost. She had to talk to a member of the royal family to understand their point of view. The king was excluded, his status would not allow him to discuss this type of subject with him. She was a princess and not a prince and the difference was not so small.

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