Harmful Smile

Chapter 16

A month pa.s.sed very quickly, during that time nothing remarkable happened in his life. Except that she was now twelve years old and that for her birthday her mother had the brilliant idea of ​​offering her a field.

Ayleen hoped none the less of the d.u.c.h.ess, who always found good gift ideas. Helen had returned to the castle but dared not look at anyone. In short, she became more and more annoying and useless. Maybe leaving her at the brothel would have been a better idea?

Today, Ayleen was going to take his two-day entrance exam because the number of candidates was extremely important. Back to school would not take place until next month but for everyone to be able to complete the administrative formalities in advance, exams were always held about a month before. Since the three days she had joined the capital, she did not live in the family mansion of Saxony, but stayed in a hostel in the city center to avoid her annoying brother.

To supervise the candidates who were waiting outside the academy, the princ.i.p.al instructed second and third year students to enforce the order. Let us note that each year some candidates, especially n.o.ble ones, amused themselves by hara.s.sing the children of commoners.

Last year these little jokes went too far when two commoners were beaten to death by two n.o.ble children. That"s why this year a large number of students would stand guard to prevent such a scene from happening again.

The academy of Sina was the best academy of the empire and surrounding kingdoms. Many n.o.ble children came from other kingdoms, if unfortunately one of these young people were to be injured or worse the risk of war would not be excluded.

Ayleen arrived before the academy escorted by Nina and three royal knights only. To stand out was certainly not his style or certainly to have a bigger escort would not have been allowed.

She looked around and spotted n.o.bles, some bourgeois, children of rich merchants but she lives mostly untold number of commoners filthy. If she could change the policy of this academy, this low life will certainly not come here.

In particular, she was looking for a girl, her only friend. Her friend"s name was Angela, a daughter of Marquis, and both were the same age. But unfortunately for the moment Ayleen could not find her.

Then she heard a conversation between two n.o.bles and two commoners.

Roturier A "Our right to present ourselves here is not inferior to yours."

Roturier B "This academy is fair and does not exclude anyone."

n.o.ble A "Stanislas, Did you know that dogs could talk?"

n.o.ble B "Of course they can talk but what they say is meaningless. As expected of people without education. "

Roturier A "If you continue to hara.s.s us, I will ask for help from the discipline students around us."

n.o.ble A "But will you have time?"

At this precise moment n.o.ble A threw blades of winds to the two commoners. Very quickly the students arrived and were able to calm him down, but the two commoners, although they were not seriously injured, were still bleeding heavily. "

A student in charge of discipline. "Are you all idiots? You have not yet pa.s.sed your exams and you are already fighting. Do you want an entry ban? I will want to know who started this infantile quarrel. "

Ayleen grinned at the fourteen or fifteen year old student. "Forgive my respected student intrusion, but I was nearby during this whole affair so I can testify if you allow me."

The student was about to drool while watching her while a student after hitting his colleague granted her the right to report the facts.

Ayleen looked a little embarra.s.sed and timid in showing the two commoners. "I do not defend these two n.o.ble boys but these other young people have said some pretty serious things. So I understand that these young n.o.bles have been got upset. These two other people said, "For a fair society, all these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds of n.o.bles must be hangedand, the king beheaded and his head exposed for a year at the top of the main entrance to the capital." I am sorry to say that It is a crime to say such things and I feel a little sad to think that these two young people could try to sell such bad ideas. So of course, one of the two n.o.ble boys got angry. For my part I think he wanted to defend his father and his king. I can not say all the bad words that these two young people said because it"s too vulgar but you now know the main part of the story. "

Many students as well as candidates gathered in the surrounding area following this altercation. When they heard the explanation of this beautiful girl who looked so shy and gentle they were disgusted by these two commoners.

Their death sentence was no doubt anyway, but many began to defend the two young n.o.bles who just wanted to defend their king and the dignity of their family.

The students who came to settle this case were now in an awkward position. From a simple street brawl they went to the crime of lèse-majesté. How could they handle this situation? At that moment, two royal knights who appeared as if by magic, took the commoners by the hair claiming that they would take care of the suite and thanked the students for their fast and effective work.

Students, visibly tired, have ordered everyone to separate and return to their previous place and have thanked Ayleen and then repositioned themselves at their respective posts.

n.o.ble A looked at this girl who had helped him. She was of a high n.o.bility, it was certain but why be so far. "Thank you very much miss, but you sentenced two innocent people to death. Was not it a little too much? I mean, you did it to help me, for that I will be forever grateful to you, but two lives will be taken. "

Ayleen laughed. "Forgive me if I laugh but your stupidity really exceeds what I had imagined. Did you think I want to help you? My boy, the opinion you have of yourself seems to me far too high. I do not care about you, but I hate those vermin commoners with whom I"ll have to spend four years. So, if I can get rid of both of them today thanks to your ridiculouslittle war, why do not I take the opportunity. Now I have no reason to stay here talking to a fool. "

Soon, the noise of the incident spread throughout the region and one of the students, surrounded by four young and pretty students had a bad feeling. He immediately thought it must be her. Yes, surely, what other girl would be pleased to see two poor boys executed from the first day. He inquired as to where exactly the quarrel had been, what the girl who had testified looked like, and her suspicions were confirmed. He quickly went to this area to avoid further incidents. The pretty students followed him, giggling like turkeys as they watched her muscular b.u.t.tocks and secretly whispered how much they would like to knead that little a.s.s. Soon he was on the scene and quickly found the culprit who played the nice girl shy. That she is annoying, he said to himself, but I must put it back on the right path right now, that"s my role. He approached her and spoke to him in a low voice.

But her reaction was not the one he was hoping for, and she began to cry while looking at him. "You are a student supposed to give us the example so why are you telling me such obscene things? I"m not a cheap b.i.t.c.h like you say and I certainly will not your gold coins for you to have fun with my body. You make me very scared. "

Under the threatening gaze of his fellow students and those of the candidates, this poor boy named Ivan Prishen began to turn around. But when he took two steps one of her admirer slapped him by calling him a pervert when the others they left by insulting him. Alas, soon his charming little sister will join his pleasant sanctuary and his academy will probably become the pandemonium.

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