Harmful Smile

Chapter 18

The lesson lasted more than two hours and was quite interesting. This young teacher involved her students which made her lessons very lively and fun. Interactions between high-students and student-teacher allowed everyone to exchange their points of view, to broaden their sometimes narrow vision, to see things from another angle and so was also a kind of learning during the lesson that was the neck itself. At the end of the lesson Ayleen went to the candidates" area and found that the first test had just started.

Two pillars approximately two meters high, placed in front of the platform were used to test the mana density contained in each, for this simple test it was enough to place his hand against the central white area of ​​one of these pillars and a number between zero and twelve would come out.

It goes without saying that it was better to have twelve than zero. For those who wanted to enter the branch of the magical academy. For those who were aiming for the branch of the chivalry academy, though important, it was a little less so. The story to prove that among the best knight and fighter many did not use magical reinforcement techniques. In the past years to enter the academy a minimum of three to four were required, which allowed from the outset a quick sorting of individual abilities.

Many young people pa.s.sed the numbers from one to five and then a tall young man with a beautiful appearance and clothes of the best quality stepped forward. He looked so haughty that obviously he alone seemed to deserve to live in this world. He placed his hand on the second pillar, a sizzle was heard and to general surprise the figure eight came out.

He did not smile at his personal achievement but turned around. "I am Sven Svenson second son of Marquis Svenson. Today I have been able to witness many shameful eliminations which lost precious time to the genius that I am. I am convinced that the majority of these people knew their mana density in advance. Therefore, if yesterday your figure was two, it is unlikely that today the figure five has appeared. While you are here to get foolishly eliminated you are also wasting the time of the teachers a.s.signed to this exam who could give lessons to our elders right now. You are waste of time at the academy and people with the real ability to enter. You should be ashamed of yourself. "

Although what he had just said was pretentious, he walked away to the applause of many parents and candidates who began to wonder why so many children came in with a mana density of zero, one or two, knowing that if they wanted to enter chivalry, these children could report their abilities and return to take the sword practice exam the following week. Soon those who knew themselves below the threshold of acceptance for fear of the lynching began to panic and many retreated from themselves quickly. Thus more than half of the candidates disappeared in the s.p.a.ce of two minutes.

Ayleen, who came back late, was at the end of the queue and did not want to wait for hours for nothing. [How painful this waiting is. If I was not in this awkward position as a candidate, I will have been in front for a long time. I have to find a boy. The ideal would be a ugly, a little shy so that I can embed myself at his side.]

She shifted slightly and looked at the front of the line and found the ideal target.

He was perfect, his legs short, a belly so round that if it was a woman, one would think that her delivery would be near. Long arms reaching his knees with large, hairy hands, a huge red nose, not to mention his pimples in large numbers like pustules that adorned his faces. A typical case of commoner according to Ayleen but also an excellent right of way.

So she pa.s.sed in front of everyone, not without being criticized, but she maintained that she just greeted a friend and that she would then return to her place and approached the orang-utan and with a cute look. "h.e.l.lo, I was six places behind you, but two boys were sticking to me, so I approached for protection Forgive me but I did not know how to do otherwise." When I saw your broad shoulders and your Manly and powerful hands, I knew that near a man like you they would not dare to bother me, would you care to take care of me for a few minutes? "

The orangutan, both flattered and embarra.s.sed, did not know where to look. Since when has a beautiful girl spoken to her? Easy, never never except her mother and his eleven sisters. A girl her age did not even look at it and now this beauty seems to be a little interested in his body. Would girls in the capital have different beauty criteria? Anyway if he protected her, this girl could really fall under her b.e.s.t.i.a.l spell and then as his father told him that he would become a man.

The orang-utang gathered his courage and did his best to look at Ayleen. "Of course, my strengths will be at your service. I will become your knight and far from you I will send all these peasants."

What virile and dignified words. I did well to read the love novels of my sisters, although I did not think it would serve me in such circ.u.mstances. I think she will not be able to resist my charm any longer. I have to give her the death blow so that her heart is mine. He looked at the girl who strangely had her head down, her face red, one hand on her belly and the other on her mouth. She must probably feel stunned by my performance and can not contain the nascent pa.s.sion in her body. Gone is the time for me to make this sublime girl my future wife.

The orangutan this time too caught up in his game and confident in his charm shouted loudly. "The women call me their hero but for you I"ll be just Aristyde. I"ll be the blade in your sheath. Ahhhh, I meant that I will be your blade in its sheath always ready to be unsheathed for your well-being my queen. "

He soon realized that around him everyone was laughing and the professor was raising his thumb. What an idiot he was. He had once again plunged into the world of his sisters" books and pa.s.sed for a fool in his future school. The beautiful girl was also laughing a lot, which when he thought about it was very positive. Dad always said to me, "Woman who laughs, woman half in your bed." Looking at her well, she is taller than me and has a big breast. Dad, I"m going to make her laugh so your proverb comes true.

Unfortunately for him, Aristyde did not have time to make laugh the beautiful girl with the big breast because without noticing it he was standing in front of the professor who looked at him. "Young man, when you have finished observing the measurements of your comrade go ahead and give your name and possibly the houses to which you belong and then take the test."

Aristyde approached the professor a little piteously. "h.e.l.lo Professor, I"m Aristyde Bakasaru son of Baron Bakasaru and now I think I have to take the test, is that it?"

The teacher had a presentiment that this child was certainly not very clever and his last name proved it. Aristide put his hand on the pillar and the impressive figure eight came out. The audience no longer laughed at him but on the contrary congratulated him. Ayleen when she was surprised. Not only was this idiot a Baron"s son but his mana pool was not small. Most importantly, staying close to him from time to time would promise to be funny.

Then came his turn to advance. "Ayleen Prishen, daughter of Duke Prishen and Princess of Flanders."

The figure silenced everyone. A twelve had just appeared and the teacher asked him to wait here while he went to get the princ.i.p.al to present it to him. Once the teacher left, she moved away too, anyway it was unlikely that the princ.i.p.al who already knew more or less his skills moves. She joins her knights and lies down on Nina"s legs asking the others to wake her up when the magic ability test begins.

She had a good nap for two hours but ran away when she saw Nina drooling as she looked at her face as she woke up. She went to one of the academy"s training grounds for the magic exam. She observed the spells that the students cast but few had good control and their rank was low. For the moment she had not yet had the opportunity to see an advanced magician pa.s.s the exam on this training ground and became more and more reluctant to enter the academy. Then it was the turn of a girl who did not attract much attention but her water dragon surprised everyone with her magician rank "confirmed *", finally a talent appeared. Sven and Aristyde were also of confirmed rank *. Ayleen thought it was a pity that Aristyde looked like an orangutan because with his potential and his art of making people laugh involuntarily he could be popular. When it was her turn, she decided to do a good deed and launched a zone care magic.

The day ended, she left the academy. The next day would be the written tests. It is undeniable that children from wealthy families are much better off for this second step. They were taught by home tutors and often have a library at home. The children of commoners had to help their parents at home or at work and could not afford to go to school because it was very expensive. Two days later the results were displayed. Eight new cla.s.ses of magic teaching will open next month. Cla.s.ses will be named by letters "A to H". Each cla.s.s will have thirty-five students except cla.s.s A, which will contain only ten. Ayleen noted that she had been accepted and that her cla.s.s would be cla.s.s A as well as Aristyde and Sven but did not see her friend"s name.

She will therefore seek to inquire about it and in the meantime, to avoid getting bored in Saxony, she would go to the guild of adventurers to search for a mission.

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