Harmful Smile

Chapter 46

When Phileon carried her away, he perceived that night was beginning to fall. He said a few words to one of the generals who accept and carried Ayleen to the door of the house of his saviors.

Philéon sorry. "Forgive us for imposing our presence, but it seems that these mushrooms are no longer effective and my Princess fell asleep. Would you let her sleep here tonight? I will stay close to her in case she is ... How could I say, if she has a relapse and wishes to please the trees. Understand that it"s always my fiancée first and foremost."

The father particularly embarra.s.sed because of his son moron. "Do not worry your Highness, I have not watched the Princess. When to spend the night here, it would be an honor for our modest home. Enter, please. Son leave your room to the Princess, take off your sticky sheets and put away your dirty socks lying everywhere. It smells goat all over the house. "

The happy son shouted from an indefinite place. "Can I sleep with Princess Dad?"

The father looked at the Crown Prince, who had a dark look. "You sleep in the stable, you are considered a danger."

Not happy son shouted from who knows where. "I see father, but you too have admitted that she had a pretty good pair so you can also be considered a nuisance."

The screaming mother of the roof on which the wind had broken a tile but as his men are both incapable, repairs it. "You two in the barn with the cow. And you Father, we will settle this when our guests are gone. In this regard, h.e.l.lo your Highness. "

Philéon shouted towards the roof. "Thank you very much for your help. Madam, she is still young. It would be unfortunate if men with impure thoughts profit from it. "

Ayleen mumbling. "Um that"s fine for you to say that."

The mother who had a very good hearing. ""Crown Prince, I"ll leave you our bedroom and sleep with the Princess, it seems like it"s more cautious."."

Ayleen still mumbling. "As long as someone caresses me ... ..."

Philéon not knowing what to say "...."

When it was time to go to bed, the father and son were taken out of the house by the mother with a big kick in the a.s.s. Arriving in the barn, the son asked.

"Father, do you think the mother is also a nuisance?"

The father too tired to talk to his idiot son. "You know, it"s your mother and your bad genes do not come from me ..."

Still at bedtime, the mother kept pushing the Crown Prince to get out of the room.

The mother made a remark. "Prince Heritier what is this head of (thin I miss an opportunity.) Know that as a woman I would preserve the chast.i.ty and pure body of this Princess now go out please."

The Crown Prince not quite innocent but would not go so far as to enjoy his Princess. "Madam, I a.s.sure you that you are mistaken, I am a perfect gentleman who thinks only of the well-being of my fiancée."

The mother is not stupid. "My name is not an idiot Prince Heir. What man in front of such a young woman would keep his calm except a man whose a.n.u.s itches. Now scram. "

Unceremoniously she pushed the Crown Prince and locked the door.

The mother exhausted. "Well, Princess, you will have made people run around. Everything ends for the best so it"s perfect. In bed, mother. "

Ayleen did not remember well but vaguely remembered the two trees in this house that enjoyed the view. But she was the one who was wrong. [Not very serious but revenge anyway.] "Good night Madam, thank you for your welcome and to chase the men to protect me."

The mother said to herself that instead of a moron of son, if she had been lucky to have a cute and beautiful little girl like her, her life would have been perfect. "Do not worry about that, the men are all beasts and they must be trained."

Ayleen murmuring. "I trained Philéon the other day hahahaha. Yes, madam, but they are so violent sometimes that they scare me so much that I can not stand up in front of your son and your husband, please forgive me. "

The mother jumped. "What did these dogs do? Tell my little girl. "

Ayleen crying slightly. "They saw here and there and commented."

The mother outraged. "f.u.c.ked with cattle, I will castrate these d.a.m.n bulls. They deserve to have their b.a.l.l.s cut ten times. "

Ayleen protecting them. "It"s not their fault, Madam. Even if I did not understand what they said, according to them in the village there were only big tuna rancid and they had found a nice little fresh trout. So I think they had to be kind of obligated. "

The furious mother. "Milled with males, I am a big rancid tuna. You will spend your next month playing the wrist f.u.c.ked. And in addition he enjoys a little girl naive who is the Fiancée Crown Prince, but what a con. "

That night, all over the village, for fifty minutes, the Mother was heard swearing incessantly about the father and his son. Everyone was wondering what the father had done because he was known as an honest man that everyone respected. The son was less respected, he was faulty, pinched the a.s.s of the married villagers or not and threw smiling mushrooms in the common soup at evenings in the village. But he was not rejected because he was also known to be simple-minded. So we forgave him his little differences and his idiotic jokes but recurring. The next morning, a fury came out of the house and ran to the stable, whence reasoned moans and supplications of the two men who were beaten by the one who told them (so you love the hand of this big tuna rancid old b.a.s.t.a.r.d of pervert stalker of little girls.) and other pretty phrases that animated the awakening of the villagers, replacing for once the too monotonous song of the c.o.c.k. Later, two unknown pig-headed men came to buy bread from the baker"s shop in the center of the village. It was two particularly hectic days for these villagers, of whom nothing ever happened in life. That morning the Crown Prince asked the mother"s permission to greet her Princess who was lying in bed. The mother agreed, noting in pa.s.sing that his son"s bed was squeaking a lot and that his hearing was excellent and asked him if they understood each other. The embarra.s.sed Crown Prince confirmed to him that he had received the message perfectly and went to find Ayleen who was smiling while playing the maidens.

Ayleen turned to look at him and gave him a very pretty smile. "Philéon, come and give me a hug. I did not get any last night. "

Philéon did not dare too much. [And if the mother arrived? Dangerous, really too dangerous.] "We are not in the castle, it is risked. "

Ayleen was not satisfied at all with this answer. "Philéon, I saw what you have in the pants, so I know you have what you need so bring you kind of coward."

Philéon hesitated a little for fear of the mother anyway. Suddenly he felt himself go forward. "What are you doing and if anyone sees us."

Ayleen laughed inside. He was so afraid of the mother? [Anyway she told me that she would come back to see me in less than five minutes. We"re going to have fun]." Philéon look, it"s magic. Tadam ahahah The blanket flew off with some of my clothes on. Give me a hug now my darling Phileon before the mother sees us. "

Philéon said to herself that she was exaggerating by taking him by the feelings."If you really want a hug, I can not of course refuse you. Oh, the beautiful hills that are here. A kiss to this hill and one to that ... "

The mother with a murderous look. "You"re having a good time, is not it, Crown Prince? As soon as I have my back turned for five minutes you undress her and climb her hills. A professional climber to what I see. "

Philéon transpiring. "It"s not what you believe. I listened to her heart, to see if the effect of the fungus had stopped. "

The mother looked at Ayleen who was looking at the other side, protecting her chest. She looked at her and saw tears in the corners of her pretty eyes. "What a poor child, you are a man to abuse such a pretty little girl. Go out, I"ll help him get dressed. Come on darling, he will not bother you anymore. There you are, it"s over, my beauty. "

Philéon seeing this, did not know what to say. This little plague was also responsible for the mistreatment this morning of her two rescuers. But it was also for this wild and different side that he loved it so much. "I"m going to withdraw for the moment. Ayleen, we will have to return then for the royal castle because the ministers of your country were in crises as well as the n.o.bles. No need to talk about the King of Flanders who had already starting to mobilize an army to invade our kingdom. I will tell you on the way. I understood madam, I"m leaving.

Three days later a new n.o.ble was born. All the n.o.bles who were able to go to the royal castles during the day were obliged to present it, as well as the military officers and senior officials to attend the presentation of the t.i.tle. The heroic man who saved the Princess of Flanders. The father entered the castle and seeing all the important people of the country, he was panicked. An official accompanied him and rea.s.sured him reminding him of the protocol to follow in a low voice and in real time. Next to the Royal throne, on the right a smaller throne had been added on which sat the Crown Prince. To the left of the royal throne, another smaller throne on which the Princess of Flanders sat had been added. It was known that the n.o.ble t.i.tle and county t.i.tle had been found by the Princess for her savior. The King had approved this action and was delighted with this t.i.tle and everyone was waiting to hear it. The father reached the ten meters and went down on his knees. The king looked at this simple man full of grat.i.tude for him. He had brought back his beautiful daughter and had taken care of it. Everyone will not behave so well and he wanted to thank him and see him at the same time. "Today is a special day for our beautiful kingdom. A day where we salute and make an honest and deserving man a new Earl of the Kingdom of Lyork. A man who brought us safely and in full health the second princess of Flanders and my future beautiful daughter, who at the same time avoided a war let us be honest. And that"s why I held exceptionally that people representative of this kingdom attend your t.i.tle handing sir. The pretty second Princess of Flanders held to thank you for choosing your new t.i.tle of count and the name of your county, which I agreed with Joie. Princess, if you will, bring the t.i.tles. Sir from this day you are the Earl of Acorn and your county will be called Oak County. The princess insisted a lot on the fact that you liked to take yourself for an ahahahah tree. So this t.i.tle she chose will be very representative of your character. Earl of Acorn be welcome among the n.o.bility of the kingdom of Lyork."

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