Harmful Smile

Chapter 52


When night came, Ayleen triggered [Soul tracking] but still did not find his teammates. She had thrown it several times already this afternoon and the last time she spotted them was about two minutes after she reached Berny and her animals. His teammats at the time were going in the other direction, but she did not worry that they were trying to follow her from afar. Later, she cast her spell more than twenty times but no presence of them was discovered. She also tried to contact Louis with whom she had exchanged her name of communication but he never answered him. She was beginning to feel that these fools had abandoned her with this group containing two beasts. She did not worry much honestely, a new adventure companion was funny and realized that she really enjoyed that kind of walks that allowed her to meet a lot of different people. If she had to meet these people in Saxony, she would never even look at them, but here it was nice and refreshing. In this kind of place, who you are no longer really important, all that was important was to have fun together, protect each other and make memories by living fully these beautiful days of true freedom. While Ayleen once again had her head elsewhere and was looking at the sky smiling, Berny came to see her to tell him that everyone had been sleeping for almost three hours and that he had woken up by habit to check the the magic barrier and was surprised to find her there. Ayleen came back to earth and found that her body was completely frozen but did not notice it before. She ran inside the tent and lay down in a corner to isolate herself and warm herself at the same time. As she shivered with cold, she looked at these two creatures and wondered how she could stay so close and breathe the same air that these beasts were to vitiate with their stinking mouths. She watched their ears and eyes a little smaller and stretched that looked like Naofumi but green in color. She wondered if Naofumi had any elf blood and was quick to dismiss that idiotic idea, knowing that on his planet, only human beings existed and that this funny boy was quite happy to discover new races he had seen in these strange books. She also wondered what the men found on these female beasts. Because even if it is true that their body was attractive, which man would go for a cow or sow for a woman or a partner? Was not it the same? She also loved beautiful female bodies like Peach"s or her mother"s, though she often made fun of her as old raisin. But some beautiful things are toxic and she knew something about it. [Little mushroom who smiles, ahhhhh.] Someone talking to her brought her back to her senses.

Berny saw her shiver. "You"re cold, it"s smart to stay outside half the night in this outfit. Hold an extra blanket. I go to bed, good night. "

Ayleen not happy with this remark but remembering that she is not Ayleen, looked at Berny with a look pretty and full of regret. "Thank you Berny because I"m so cold that I do not even feel my legs or my arms anymore. It burns me inside and it hurts. Also I have trouble breathing, I"m scared Berny, help me. "

Berny alarmed. "You do hypothermia. It"s not possible. Not the choice I"m going to warm you up. Do not worry, it"s just for your own safety. I will not hurt you. "

Ayleen looking sorry. "I beg your pardon, Berny. I have not stopped bothering you since I joined you. Ah, I feel a little warm, but I"m so cold inside. Hold me stronger Berny. "

Berny confused. "It"ll be okay, do not worry. Hey, why do you put your tongue in my mouth? "

Ayleen looking helpless. "Berny help me breathe with mouth to mouth, I do not care anymore."

Berny finally understanding that this young lady should not be so cold as that. "You"re not that cold, are you, Helen?"

Ayleen smiling at him. How important Berny, I see on the other hand you are very hot. Happy appet.i.te Helen ... "

The next morning two elven women looked with hateful eyes on the girl who was licking her lips and smiling at them. Berny on his side, was supposedly gone looking for wood for three hours but did not want to return between his three girls who were threatening with their eyes. He decided to hide in the forest, remembering what he had done next to his two wives. He told himself that maybe he should have been more discreet but did not think for a second than completely abstain with this Helen could have been the best option. A little later, with Berny in the center, two angry elf women on the right and a happy girl on the left, they went hunting again and fell on a blue-bellied spider that had obviously reached rank 4. While Berny and his women were fighting hard Ayleen was throwing unnecessary [Wind Blades] and then decided the time was right. its two targets were somewhere in this forest and if she wasted more time, eliminating them would become more complicated.

While Berny and two women were fighting and she was in the back Ayleen prepared her [Thousand holy swords] spell and called Berny. "Berny, do you love your women?"

Berny surprised by this question in the middle of a fierce fight, can only answer without turning around. "Of course, Marsha and Zina are my life."

Ayleen not contentedly cast his spell in the direction of the blue-bellied spider but more than two hundred swords went to the two elves who were fighting with the monster and did not expect an attack on the back. The blue-bellied spider was knocked down and the two elves reduced to pieces of meat that could be found throughout the area. Berny did not understand what had happened and was so shocked that he could not react. He stared before him on the gra.s.s where one could see dragging various offal and parts of faces of one or other of his women. It was difficult to differentiate them in this state, but Berny seemed to want to pick them up, looking everywhere if that could still be possible. He saw a girl trample on the lost ear of one of his wives violently as if she felt intense hatred against that ear. Then she turned around and smiled at him. She was so beautiful last night so why now he was so scared and she seemed so scary? The girl approached him, he wanted retreat but was still paralyzed by shock and fear.

Ayleen laughs at seeing him so cute. "My Berny, my love, do not be afraid, I will not hurt you. No, actually, at first I planned to kill you at the same time as these two b.i.t.c.hes. But yesterday you were very kind to me your little Helen and your caresses were very sweet. But Berny, once a man touches me, no woman deserves to be touched by him. I"m above the all these s.l.u.ts and especially of these two animals that you must have sent you secretly in the woods surrounded by the mouches that these dirty creatures females attracted. Berny, how dare you copulate with these two long-eared beasts? Answer my Berny. "

Berny was really scared now. This girl was completely crazy. "I loved them Helen it"s very simple."

Ayleen looked at him very black. "You had me yesterday, you taken advantage of this n.o.ble perfect body and you still preferred two s.l.u.ts with long ears. You"re worthless Berny, I was wrong about you thinking you were special. You are like all the mens, thinking only with what you have between your legs. It is said that these animals are perfect for it. Well Berny, if that"s what you want, go join your s.l.u.ts [Wave of wind blade]. Idiot, if you prefer animals then you can at least copulate with them there but here is the kingdom of my uncle dirty traitor [Seeing what I did to you my Berny, even dead you will not be able to copulate. Fufufu]

Ayleen left with a smile because eventually she was mistaken about Berny so knowing it before it was too late was a blessing in itself. She knew the direction of these two targets according to the number they had drawn and more or less the sector but in this huge forest how to find them?

She then cast the spell [speed] and ran a part of the day to reach the direction of target 1. Having reached her exhausted goal, she searched for two hours the group in which target 1 was hiding but did not find it. So she decided to eat the food she had taken from Berny and still planted Berny"s tent by grunting [If only I could use a brainwashing or soul-control spell, I would have been able to control Berny as soon as possible. last night and make him become my little dog. Berny gives the paw to Ayleen, pfff. But it"s too late aaaaah, what a pity.] The next day all day long she searched this area and the edge of the other two surrounding areas for traces of its target and finally found it around four o"clock that embraced a boy near the tents that the group had already planted. This boy was not a n.o.ble at least this target knew she should not exceed her rights unless it was the n.o.bles who did not want this stinking waste as a night partner. She decided to pitch her tent three kilometers away and come back to see that she was Jane"s tent. She also observed how this group was composed, who knows maybe she could use it?

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