Harmful Smile

Chapter 53

Ayleen watched this group of poor people during their meal and the only n.o.ble among them was a boy she had known since she was a very young girl. His name is Gregory Longworth, son of Baron Longworth, Baron who is a particularly poor, va.s.sal of his father. The only sources of income on these lands were cow farming and corn and wheat cultivation. Gregory was a nice boy who came to visit Ivan often enough before both of them departure to the academy. He was a nice boy but especially the perfect idiot to help him remove all this vermin without any escaping. She was laughing silently so as not to be noticed and waiting patiently for Gregory to isolate herself a bit to order him to join her. Refuse it? If he could, yes he would certainly have refused because he did not have that superior side of the common n.o.bles. Ayleen anyway will not allow him to refuse. She will try to convince him nicely in memory of their past and their friendly relationship but if he refuses, she will not hesitate to threaten him. Gregory did not have a lot of support or money to help him, and even if he had it all it would not do him any good. She waited until twenty-one hours to see him isolate himself in order to relieve himself of a little desire obviously urgent enough and she ran quickly to join him.

She approached on tiptoe and startled him by touching her ribs. "Gregory, are not you audacious to relieve yourself in front of a girl? Finish, please, we"ll talk afterwards. "

Gregory turned his head slightly to see who the girl was, who had the audacity to scare him while he was crying his little brother and saw Ayleen. He turned back depressed and focused on his work in progress. His work finished, he looked at the annoying girl he knew only too well. "h.e.l.lo Ayleen, sorry I mean your Highness who prevents people from releasing themselves in peace. Do you need this poor man with wet hands for some thankless task? For example; As you bring the baker"s daughter close to you so that you shave her head? Or than I steal all the underwear of my older sister and then confess that it is me confessing that I like his body odor and therefore I could not resist the temptation. Maybe throwing dead flies into my mother"s soup during the family dinner. My mother, I mean, who is well known for its severity and agile whip? Sorry Your Highness but there are so many examples that I do not want to spend the night there. "

Ayleen burst out laughing as she listened to such good memories. "Ah Gregory did not we have wonderfully funny games and we did not have a lot of fun?"

Gregory pouting. "Certainly you more than me Your Highness. Yes, most certainly. "

Ayleen happy. "Well, you won Gregory. Tonight we"re still having fun both of us. We are going to exterminate waste that serves you as teammates. Are not you happy Gregory to play one more time with your little sister Ayleen? "

Gregory scandalized. "Ayleen it"s not worms, flies, cats or others that you want to kill this time but human beings do you realize?"

Ayleen not surprised. "And then it comes back to the same thing. To drown a cat and to be harder for the animal than to cut the head of a man. A drowning is the worst death it seems you know Gregory. I"m not telling you we"re going to drown these vermin, do not worry. "

Gregory thinks that she will never change but becomes more and more dangerous. "Ayleen you know I did a lot of things for you and even a lot without you forcing me to do them. Simple reason, I love you a lot. We have known each other since childhood and sometimes you are so kind that I really want to please you. But this time not Ayleen, impossible. I"m ready to do a lot of things for you, but certainly not murder innocent people who have never done anything to you. "

Ayleen not happy. "Gregory, you have no choice. I do not ask you. I tell you to do it. The nuance is not so small that your little head can not grasp this slight shade? Gregory does not force me to do that I do not wish. Your family can not even pay for their own guards and my dad has been keeping your family parasitic for years without touching any money. I do not think you deserve your t.i.tle yet, my dear Gregory. But if you lose it your family would be considered incompetent and not only would you lose your head but all your descendants and indirect family as far away as they would be they would lose any claim to a poor eighth-grade official position and above. So I tell you Gregory, my big brother that I love, you"re going to help me and that"s for sure. "

Gregory silently watched at he, while Ayleen staring at him in the same way. "Ayleen, if after that you promise me that I will not see your psychopathic plague head anymore, then I"ll help you as best I can. Otherwise I will help you too, but will I do my best if the heart does not follow? What are you saying?"

Ayleen a little sad. "I love you Gregory but you force me to be mean to you and you ask me not to see us anymore. Wait, let me think. It"s okay as long as these dogs are dying, I do not care to see your head of shy kid hahaha. Here, a kiss on the cheek in memory of our childhood. Now when night falls, if you can take care of the two sleeping boys, I"ll take care of the nice little Jane taking my time and a lot of fun. It should be easy for a big boy like you. What do you think?"

Gegory nodding. "It very easy, they drink all three like pockets and are drunk at seventeen hours since we started this hunt. One of the commoner curiously wears on him an interspatial ring. But in this ring instead of having useful things, he took only liters of very strong alcohol. They must already sleep. I"m going to see but do not forget your promise because I do not want to be dragged into something much worse next time. I"ll let you know when it"s done and have fun with Jane, I"m not interested. "

Ayleen nodded. "Promise but you"ll play with Jane too. You will help me to tie it for example. The ropes hurt the hands. Just go."

Gregory returned to the camp without hurrying. He did not really want to execute Ayleen"s orders, but he would fear that she would ask him more soon. He had added that condition, which she had so easily accepted with a laugh, which had deeply hurt him. He took out the knife with which he had sliced ​​the roast beef a few hours ago from his storage ring and entered the common tent. The first night each boy had his tent, but the two commoners too drunk set fire to their respective tent trying to find out which one would burn faster. Every day was a disaster with these three alcoholics. You should know that this Jane drank as much and was not smarter once as drunk as the two boys. Gregory was tired of those three people who had ruined his enjoyment of his first group hunt. Without thinking too much this time, he came near one of his teammates and cut off his throat without this boy reacting much. He wondered a split second if he was abnormal. He was experiencing so much pleasure right now. This feeling of power, combined with the adrenaline that had accompanied him since he had left Ayleen, adding the novelty to the peculiar flavor of an unknown sensation, he ended up smiling. In order to continue this game so exquisite, he pulled the second boy"s hair, which resulted in him pulling his head back and then examined this position and realized that this alcoholic was moving a lot. He felt that putting himself in danger was totally stupid and in the same way as the first, a stream of blood changed the sad color of this tent to a red hue more alive and warmer. He left the tent with his knife still in his hand, stained with blood and a beautiful smile on his face. He waved to Ayleen, who came up to him quickly, trotting along happily and smiling. Both looked at each other and burst out laughing. Then Ayleen asked her to wait a bit here because she had to wake up her friend gently and informedhis his seeing a red man when he woke up would certainly make her very afraid.

Ayleen came out an object from her storage ring and entered the tent where Jane slept. Ayleen took this object and put it on Jane. She then looked at her little face and thinks that this girl was really pretty but what a shame it is a b.a.s.t.a.r.d commoner who allowed himself to invade his cla.s.s. She shook Jane a bit, but she did not wake up at all. His breath stank of poor alcohol made from potatoes. This alcohol was so strong that it could have been used as a weed killer to kill the most perennial weeds, it was said. As Jane did not wake up Ayleen slapped her with all her strength. Jane surprised, immediately sat down, tears in her eye.

Ayleen smiles tenderly at him. "Good evening Jane, glad to see you"re awake. I just gave you a gift of enormous value. It is a gift that represents a lot for me, yes a lot. I was offered it when I left Lyork and the one I love. I had been offered because I was having a nervous breakdown and did not want to part with him. Never in your life as a commoner s.h.i.t, you could possess a gift of such value. A beautiful bracelet that seals the magic. Are you happy with my kindness, my dear? "

Jane looked at Ayleen with fear but could not really understand what was happening to her. His head was spinning because of the alcohol and the fright of his alarm had only made him sober. "Princess, why this bracelet and why are you in my tent."

Ayleen caressed his cheek. "You are so beautiful Jane. You know, I was happy to get into this school dirt and cla.s.s A, but who knew that in cla.s.s A, I would find two small roaches that had nothing to do there. That day, so I decided to clean up the cla.s.sroom and kill those little roaches to have a nice cla.s.s all clean. A beautiful cla.s.s with beautiful n.o.ble children who do not stink with the alcohol of poor people like you. Yes, but now, it does not go as planned and I went to the kingdom of Lyork letting these little c.o.c.kroaches build their little nest quietly in my pretty little cla.s.s of beloved n.o.bles. But the pretty, Ayleen is back and your Ayleen hates embarra.s.sing little c.o.c.kroaches. But nothing is urgent, if if you are a good girl very affectionate and very obedient with your beautiful and kind Ayleen, then your Ayleen may reconsider exterminating the small c.o.c.kroaches. Although your breath stinks, I want your tongue. Kiss me and take off your nightgown now. "

Jane was beginning to sober more and more. The Princess had come to kill her? She could not defend herself with this bracelet and thought of her brother. She kissed another girl and this girl in a hurry s.n.a.t.c.hed her own nightgown. "Why kill us? We do not know each other Princess. "

Ayleen smiles broadly. "I knew that your body would be beautiful and attract me a lot, your mountains are small but very pretty. Now my beauty, your mouth and let"s take advantage of each other. Your life depends on your performance by the way. You are more or less than my b.i.t.c.h in this moment. At work, my dear."

About an hour later Jane who was crying asked. "Princess, can we live?"

Ayleen laughs loudly. "Of course, of course ... Of course that you will die my beautiful, I wanted you since the day I cut your finger and now, I tasted ahahaha. Or should I say. I just wanted to give you the best meal before you left us. And now Ayleen is going to go to sleep otherwise her beautiful eyes will be puffy and Ayleen hate not being perfect so I leave you in the company of someone who has found his calling tonight. Gregory your steak is served. Come to eat it is all hot and very juicy. But do not forget to finish Gregory, we understand each other well. "

Gregory, who had been waiting for a long time in front of the tent to keep watch, had not missed anything. "Do not worry Ayleen, I will definitely eat this steak and chew it a few times, and once I"m full, I"ll finish it."

Ayleen chuckled at his nonsense. "Hold the key of my bracelet, you will give it to me at the end of the chase. Well, I just have to wish you good appet.i.te Gregory. This steak is excellent you"ll see. "

Ayleen left on hearing Jane"s desperate calls and remembered this more than pleasant meal. [What a wonderful delight, I am quite difficult level women but must admit ... Good Ayleen, in your bed. Will the other little c.o.c.kroach be so good? No, he does not give me any desire. It"s just a common target, not so funny as this pretty girl. I wonder if daddy left for the north of the kingdom already? I hope he brings me a nice present. What a wonderful night for those born rich and powerful is not Gregory? hahaha.]

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