Harmful Smile

Chapter 9

Once everything was set up, the soldiers saluted and withdrew, presenting their middle finger to Sergeant Basil, who had made their a.s.s so painful.

On the training ground, only the four knights and Nina stayed to watch Ayleen"s show.

In front of them, fifteen large panels made of a mixture of iron and silver, which gave off strong magical ripples. These panels had to contain a circuit or a magic panel to facilitate the amus.e.m.e.nt of their owner. Plated, almost crushed against each panel, there were men who seemed to be magnetized against them. Their arms were in a horizontal position, aligned at the height of their shoulders. Their Legs in an angle of about thirty degrees. It seems that they could not communicate for any reason, their eyes wide open, could not close. Under four of them, certainly because of fear and stress, a small river was forming. But it was not very poetic to think about it.

Ayleen advanced towards the prisoners and stopped at about four meters from them. She summoned a blade of wind and drew a line on the ground at this spot.

"Nina make a bet. without a stake, it would be less fun, would not it?? If with my new spell I manage to squirt their blood in front of this line you will owe me a gold coin. But if I can not win my bet then this coin will be yours ok? "

Nina smiles at this interesting proposition. "Okay, I"ll pay you if you ever manage to win your bet but if you fail then I"ll add a condition of my choice. Will you always start with these terms? "

Ayleen already knew what Nina wanted but she had to win. "Heard then let me start. You make the audience as usual. "

The air around Ayleen became heavy and unstable. His whole body was suddenly surrounded by a pure aura a blinding golden color. She then began to sing a new spell Misericors Deus lucem, peto commodare auxilium mihi. [Thousand holy swords]. She raised her arms, began to levitate two feet above the ground when countless the swords looked as real as Elena"s sword, hovering above her.

This spell in the eyes of all was magnificent, the swords were not motionless but shifted slightly and circled around each other, a bit like a flock of birds.

Very surprised and happy with the progress of her little protégé Nina recovered quickly. "The target does not matter, but I want the right thumb, the left eye and the right foot."

The golden swords advanced very slightly, but only three rushed to the man immobilized on the second right panel. The speed only perceptible by Nina, surprised the latter. The blades sliced ​​the pulpit of the human puppet that seemed nailed to its panel. The blood was expelled from the motionless body very powerfully. A beautiful red fountain sprinkled the barren ground of the training ground. Really a great view for the knights who played the role of public and enjoyed attending the successes of their Princess.

Nina contemplated and gave her judgment. "A mixed result certainly the thumb is missing but the index is also severed. Nothing to say for the right foot. A nice clean cut at the bottom of the ankle, clean and neat work. Congratulations. But Princess,It seemed to me to have asked you for her right eye right? So, how is it that the toy has lost half of its head? It is true that his left eye was withdrawn in the operation nevertheless, we can not clearly call it a success. You will certainly not disagree with me? This insect was already pretty ugly but since you removed part of the head its appearance has not improved. I suggest for the sake of all, that you take out that horrible head that hurts my eyes. "

Ayleen was fuming inside. "It was my first try, it certainly could not be perfect. You are too critical and perfectionist. Personally this view does not bother me. You"re annoying me today, so keep on staring at the dirty face because I"m not going to cut off his head. "

Nina was not angry, on the contrary, Ayleen was so cute when she got angry. "I announce. Lower lip ... "

All the best pleasure has an end. This butchery as a good meal could not last forever and when all the toys were broken, it was necessary to end the game Ayleen won his bet, when a few drops of blood landed in front of the line. Therefore, reluctantly, Nina paid for it. Nina imagined winning but tonight she will be alone in her big bedroom. Yes alone in her big bed. Yes alone with his fingers. But she did not say her last words, she describes herself as a gourmet who likes to taste the best dishes. It is certain that one day she will taste this forbidden little forest.

The knights when they have a beautiful morning. As spectators, they bet on what bet their Lieutenant would announce. They also bet on Ayleen"s success or not in his attacks. When the latter is distracted by Nina who likes to tease her, three of them too happy to win a bet with good bets screamed with joy and began to make a victory dance to celebrate their winnings. Which meant celebrating Ayleen"s failure. They were then mysteriously pursued by ice lances for two minutes, under the continuous insults of their beautiful Princess.

A pleasant morning ended and tomorrow they would leave for Hent.

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