Harmful Smile

Chapter 56

Chuck and John in the lead, the tribe arrive in front of the shamanic altar which shines red. Red on which black spots appear.

John makes a comment that Chuck agrees with. "What the f.u.c.k is this s.h.i.t? Aaron, where were you when this thing appeared?"

Aaron, frightened by this thing, clings to his older sister who is no more rea.s.sured than his idiot little brother who smells like urine. "I was peeing on the altar when suddenly in front of me, this big red thing appeared and as I was very scared, so I fell on my a.s.s."

Such a historic monument. One of the pride of the region. His idiot son can"t think of anything better to do than urinate on it. Stephy who, with his heavy hand, slaps again him in the face and Aaron falls back on his a.s.s: "You should be ashamed of yourself, you pig. Perhaps it is the G.o.d of the Incas who is taking revenge."

Chuck Benson sighs. In addition to having a heavy hand with his children, his wife, an old lingerie model, does not have an IQ of 50 and his general culture is around 0. "Aaron, your mother is right. You shouldn"t urinate on historical monuments."

Aaron seems surprised. After getting up, he sc.r.a.pes off his ear and naively asked. "The plants in the house and the mineral water cans are not historical monuments, are they, Dad?"

Chuck Benson is exhausted. In addition to having a wife dumber than a goldfish, he has a son dumber than his wife. "If the plants in the house and the mineral water cans are historical monuments, then you shouldn"t pee in them, my son."

Stephy who sees all her dead bonsai in her head in a strange way and rethinks the special taste of her drinks enters a black anger and is about to slap her son when a black fog escapes from the red circle before he suddenly disappears. After the black fog disappeared, suddenly everyone freezes because they see a human form, perhaps a humanoid one. Indeed, the closing of the gate emitted a blinding flash, which dazzled the members of the 2 families and they are just beginning to discern what is in front of them. John"s Daughter, who is the first to regain her sight, exclaims.

"She"s not E.T., she"s a real G.o.ddess who must be a little younger than me. She so beautiful, as I would like to possess even 1/3 of her beauty."

Little by little everyone sees the girl who seems absorbed in something and doesn"t pay any attention to what surrounds her. Chuck and John, who feel their little brother asking for a fresh meal, obviously conclude that this young lady with huge, no, big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, is more sublime than the most beautiful woman they have ever seen.

Ayleen on her side just received a message. (Relationship to the acquired Naofumi player), who confirms that her status is updated and she waddles with happiness before turning her head slightly to face the people present. [This child is definitely very dirty, particularly ugly and smells very bad.] These new abilities are multiple and when her deep blue eyes come into contact with those of the 2 men, they would be ready to throw their family for her but Ayleen has other intentions and checks to make. [Not her, her brain is emptier than a dry lake.] She focuses in particular on Chuck who is of all the most interesting from a brain point of view and looks for all the information that could be useful to her in her memories. (a.s.similation), (a.s.similation), (a.s.similation)... [This internet thing looks practical but very complex. An even more sophisticated television, no, it"s more than that. (a.s.similation). Um, to open a bank account, I"m afraid I"ll have to go to the source, for the rest, I think I"ll be fine. Unless, let"s check this part again and if it is, I"ll give myself 10 slaps.]

Impostor: can take the place or pretend to be anyone (confuses consciousness, replaces the certainties of one or all persons). Can create a complete "ident.i.ty doc.u.ment, bank... included" ident.i.ty in relation to the world in which you find yourself according to the desired data.)

Paf, paf, paf, paf.... [But what an idiot I am.] We"ll see about that later. For now, let"s start the presentations again. (soul control - time capacity h-6 minutes)

That gives me a little time. Time control will be a real plus in the future. They left about a hundred meters from here. Year 2015, no idea of the real time data in this place. Not important, clothes like those of this young girl in white and blue would certainly be better than my special Princess dress. (creation) This little dress is pretty, I like it very much. Let"s see this ident.i.ty. I love luxury, but if I trust my recently acquired knowledge, being a Princess in this world is useless. Let us be a young heiress with considerable wealth whose parents have died. Let us add to that as I saw in the memories of this man.

I"m a little Wall Street genius. I really like dramas, so the little heiress has disappeared and journalists are spreading my picture everywhere. Do I have amnesia? Huhuhu, oh yes, I have amnesia. Let"s make bad handcuff marks on our wrists and ankles and make bad beating marks on our faces, bodies and arms. (creation) I need an attachment, someone influential who will be part of my family and protect me, huhuhu. If you"re going to be a rich little girl, you might as well choose a rich aunt who loves me and this woman looks great. According to the man"s memories she is heartless and hard but she loves her Ayleen more than anything. This is my world, with my new abilities, my world is everywhere.

Let"s keep Ayleen Simons, 14 years old. Um, for the rest, let"s go like that and for the address... Um, the rich client"s sumptuous apartment in this man"s head will be perfect to start with. One second, how long have I been missing? Two months will be more than enough. Let"s tear this dress and T-shirt apart a little bit in strategic places. Everything is ready for the show. (imposture) "Oh, it"s raining ident.i.ty papers and credit cards."

Little Aaron who has just drunk three bottles of cola cola consecutive to the feeling that his worm will spit in a short time. Has a red face from containing the jet too much. He decided to talk to his father when the first drops flowed into his underwear. Although he is holding his crotch, the fight is lost in advance and he knows it. "Dad, I"m going to pee on myself. It"s starting to flow in my underwear, Dad."

[Why is he telling me instead of going?] "Go pee, Aaron, if you have to, don"t hold back."

John looks at his friend with pity. This child is stupider than a turkey already cooked and his friend is so nice to the little fool. Aaah. Poor Chuck, he can"t deny that his wife Stephy and what he and his brother are what they call a luxury ball vacuum. That she"s stupid is forgivable, that Chuck takes care of her is even commendable, but this kid.... He"s small, skinny, he has such long ears that he could fly with them, like Dumbo. His thin and twisted legs are far too short. His right eye is lower than his left and says s.h.i.t to the other, while his nose is shaped like an eagle"s beak. If we add to that his pointed chin, his prominent forehead and his missing teeth, his right arm reaching his left ankle, with his stupidity, this kid is a national disaster.

Shortly after John puts his hand on his forehead when he sees this little fool running around with his d.i.c.k in the air. Stephy slaps him and as usual the kid will whine to his father.

Aaron snot on the nose, his eyes full of tears and his shorts soaked, takes his father in his arms. "Dad, the Indian altar, on the Indian altar, there is a dead girl."

Chuck smiles thinking that his son must have been frightened by the stories about the Amerindians they told earlier, but... "Dad, dad, dad, the altar, on the altar a young girl is unconscious. I didn"t really see her face, but she"s definitely breathing. Dad, why did Aaron p.i.s.s himself?"

But when his 16-year-old daughter and John"s 17-year-old daughter come back out of breath and whiter than a Pole"s a.s.s, he understands that as a man he must act and save the damsel in distress. "Forget your little brother"s misadventure. John, the women, the children, a damsel in distress is waiting for our help. But rest a.s.sured, I"m sure the young lady is fine. John as lawyers, for once let"s defend a just cause and save this young girl from the misfortune that strikes her."

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