We are glad to announce that the sum for the Willie A. Grant memorial stone has been secured, the contributors being:

A Friend, Maine $1.00 Grant Knauff 1.00 Sallie F. Hodges .25 Grace Pearl Richards .25 James F. Rodgers .25 Fred W. Baxter 1.00 Thomas W. Smythe .50 Helen Hunt Ermentrout .50 f.a.n.n.y C. McIlvaine .25 James W. Gerard, India 1.00 ----- The amount needed $6.00

These sums are given to place a Grant memorial stone in the School Building, Sir William having contributed to the Fund $2.50. He was a Brooklyn member, and died last year.

The following contributions have reached us since last report:

Robert I. Wilson .10 W. S. M. Silber 1.00 Hubert and James Mitch.e.l.l, Truman and John Pierce, Samuel Canfield, and Allen Russell 5.20 Miss J. F. Gillespie 1.75 George Pierce 2.00 Kirk Munroe Chapter, of Kingman, Ariz. 1.00 Iswa Finchon, South Africa 2.55 Henry S. Canby 1.00 G. W. Hinckley 1.00 Lancelot Chapter, of Newtonville, Ma.s.s. 3.00 Edison Chapter, of Bangor, Me. 2.00 Virgilia M. Porter .50 Edith Cartledge 5.00 S. A. Rulon, Jun. .10 Ruth S. Earle .10 Belvidere Chapter, of Daretown, N. J. 5.00 Cornelius Newman .10 Cornelius S. Lombardi 1.00 Paul E. Good 1.00 Leonard, Florence, and Helen Whittier 1.00 Lois S. Miller 1.00 Esther R Custer 1.00 ----- 36.40

The Order is to raise $3000, if possible, and still needs about $1000.

Any sum from anybody is welcome. The Fund is to build an Industrial Schoolhouse for the boys at Good Will Farm. These boys are orphans and known to be deserving.




_Amount_, $........................


_This money is contributed, not because it is asked for, but because I want to give it._

If you use this Good Will Mite, simply pin it to your letter, in order that it may be detached for filing. If the amount is given by more than one contributor, add blanks for their names, but attach the added sheet firmly to the Mite, that it may not become detached and lost. Include a given name in each case, and write plainly, to avoid errors on the Honor Roll.



The beheaded letters, if rightly guessed, will spell the name of a famous English revolutionist.

1. Behead cowardly, and leave a large black bird.

2. Behead a skating pavilion, and leave a writing-fluid.

3. Behead a fruit, and leave to exist.

4. Behead a red pigment, and leave a serpent.

5. Behead to blow gently, and leave abaft.

6. Behead an occurrence, and leave an opening.

7. Behead to bind, and leave a unit.

8. Behead a den, and leave atmosphere.


Men will fight for sterling silver, And h.o.a.rd the shining gold; For the dollar is almighty, With uses manifold.

There are various other moneys Not taken in account, That have their special values And uses paramount.

1. There"s one that"s hard and brittle, Grayish or silvery white; "Tis used in bells and mirrors To make them clean and bright.

2. One oft purchases an office.

Which never should be sold.

3. One"s the heritage of children, In goods or lands or gold.

4. This one ushers in another, 5. A union of two lives-- Oft a curious kind of lottery For husbands or for wives.

6. This is paid as compensation To many an injured wife; 7. And this is used as medicine-- Mayhap "twill save a life.

8. This one curses every miser, 9. And this will bitter be; 10. This is useful confirmation, 11. And this makes all agree.


Upper left-hand square.--1. To exist. 2. A metal. 3. Not good. 4.


Upper right-hand square.--1. To make a sound. 2. What heathens worship.

3. A knot. 4. A dale.

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