100-yard dash Moore, Barnard 10-3/5 sec.

100-yard dash, for Juniors Leech, Cutler 11 "

220-yard dash Moore, Barnard 23-1/5 "

220-yard dash, for Juniors Leech, Cutler 24-3/5 "

440-yard run Irwin-Martin, Berkeley 52-3/5 "

Half-mile run Meehan, Condon 2 m. 4-1/5 "

Mile run Tappin, Cutler 5 " 4-3/5 "

Mile walk Hackett, Trinity 7 " 4-2/5 "

120 yard hurdles Beers, De La Salle 15-3/5 "

220-yard hurdles Syme, Barnard 26-3/5 "

One-mile bicycle Powell, Cutler 2 " 34-1/5 "

Two-mile bicycle Running high jump Baltazzi, Harvard 5 ft. 11 in.

Running broad jump Cowperthwaite, Col. Gram. 20 " 8 "

Pole vault Simpson, Barnard 10 " 3/8 "

Putting 12-pound shot Ayers, Condin 40 " 3/4 "

Throwing 12-pound hammer Irwin-Martin, Berkeley 117 " 4-1/2 "

Throwing baseball Zizinia, Harvard 325 " 4 "

Long Island I.S.A.A. Games, Eastern Park, Brooklyn, May 11, 1895.

Event. Winner. Performance.

100-yard dash Stevens, B.L.S. 10-3/5 sec.

100-yard dash, for Juniors Robinson, St. Paul"s 11 "

220-yard dash Stevens, B.L.S. 25-3/5 "

220-yard dash, for Juniors 440-yard run Jewell, Adelphi 55-3/5 "

Half-mile run Bedford, B.H.-S. 2 m. 13-3/5 "

Mile run Romer, B"klyn Acad. 5 " 12 "

Mile walk Hall, St. Paul"s 8 " 37 "

120 yard hurdles Gunnison, Adelphi 16-3/5 "

220-yard hurdles Gunnison, Adelphi 29-4/5 "

One-mile bicycle Two-mile bicycle Roehr, Poly. Prep. 6 " 20-3/5 "

Running high jump Gunnison, Adelphi 5 ft. 4-1/2 in.

Running broad jump Jewell, Adelphi 20 " 3-1/2 "

Pole vault Phillips, B. & S. 9 " 7 "

Putting 12-pound shot Mason, Poly. Prep. 36 " 8 "

Throwing 12-pound hammer Mason, Poly. Prep. 100 " 11 "

Throwing baseball


New York I.S.A.A.

School. Firsts. Seconds. Thirds. Points.

Barnard 4 2 4 30 Berkeley 2 4 5 27 Columbia Grammar 1 0 1/2 5-1/2 Columbia Inst.i.tute 0 0 0 0 Condon 2 0 2 12 Cutler 4 4 2-1/2 34-1/2 De La Salle 1 0 0 5 Drisler 0 2 0 6 Dwight 0 0 2 2 Halsey 0 0 0 0 Hamilton Inst.i.tute 0 0 0 0 Harvard 2 2 0 16 Trinity 1 0 0 5 Wilson & Kellogg 0 1 0 3 Woodbridge 0 0 0 0 Yale 0 1 0 3 Sachs 0 1 0 3

Long Island I.S.A.A.

School. Firsts. Seconds. Thirds. Points.

Adelphi 6 2 3 39 Polytechnic Inst.i.tute 3 3 5 29 Brooklyn High-School 2 3 1 20 St. Paul"s 2 3 1 20 Brooklyn Latin School 2 2 2 18 Bryant & Stratton 0 2 1 7 Pratt Inst.i.tute 0 0 2 2

The accompanying table offers a comparison of the work done on the two tracks, and will serve as a record of the day"s doings. s.p.a.ce prevents my inserting a comparative table of the interscholastic and intercollegiate records, but I shall do that at an early date, and the showing will by no means discredit the school athletes. The only difference between the New York and Long Island programmes is that the New-Yorkers run a one-mile bicycle race, while the athletes on the other side of the Bridge cover two miles in that event. And they do not throw the baseball. They are right. The event is not athletic.

The Yale Interscholastic Tennis Tournament was held in New Haven on the same date as Harvard"s in Cambridge, and although the entries were not so many from the Connecticut schools, the work of the players was excellent. The winner was J. P. Sheldon, of Hotchkiss Academy, who held the championship of Ohio before he came East to attend school at Lakeville. Sheldon"s hottest matches were against Sage and Trowbridge, who was last year"s champion. He defeated Sage in two sets, 7-5, 6-2, and overcame Trowbridge only after three stubbornly contested sets, 8-6, 6-2, 6-4. Last year Trowbridge did not compete at Newport, and it is Sheldon"s intention now to follow his schoolmate"s example. I hope he will change his mind, for it is to the interest of sport that the ablest players should meet, aside from the mere question of determining which one is actually the strongest.

The Interscholastic Relay Races, held on Franklin Field, Philadelphia, April 20th, at the same time as the Intercollegiate relay races, developed the fact that the schools, in point of time, made almost as good a showing as the colleges. The best collegiate performance of the day was Harvard"s defeat of the University of Pennsylvania in 3 m.

34-2/5 sec. The poorest winning time was made by C.C.N.Y.--3 m. 55-1/5 sec. The fastest time by a school team was made by the Central High-School, which defeated the Manual Training School in 3 m. 57-1/5 sec. The most interesting scholastic contest was between De Lancey and Episcopal Academy. Episcopal gained the lead in the first lap, only to lose it in the second, but regained it in the final quarter when only 75 yards from home. Here Ogelsby, spent with his hard run, could not go another step, and fell to the ground, leaving Knors to finish in a canter.



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