Heavenly Star

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

The night pa.s.sed.

There are still stars in the sky that are not obscured by the morning light. Ye Wuchen got up early today. Even Xiao Mo, who always got up early, just opened his sleepy eyes and looked at him, and then continued to close his eyes and sleep. The early morning of Ye"s family is very quiet. Ye Wuchen stands in the hospital, breathing fresh air, slightly lifting his head and looking at the distant blue sky.

A soft white light appeared on his shoulder. Without ye Wuchen"s call, Xiangxiang took the initiative to appear. He sat on his shoulder and hooked his snow-white hair with two small hands. Suddenly, ye Wuchen inhaled the air in his nose and carried the incense that made people drunk.

Ye Wuchen"s eyes fell on her and said with a smile, "Xiangxiang, what do you feel, right?"

Xiangxiang looked at him, and her bright eyes shook slightly.

Ye Wuchen felt the slight agitation of Xiangxiang a few days ago. At that time, he began to be restless because of an extremely uneasy mood.

Xiangxiang hasn"t spoken to him for a long time, as if she lost her speech ability like Tong Xin after she grew up to the strength of G.o.d level. For some unknown reason, she has never appeared again since she appeared as an ordinary girl in order to save ye Wuchen six months ago, and has always maintained the state of a pocket girl. In fact, ye Wuchen always knew that she was afraid that he would "invade" her... Maybe she knew how much her charm was.

The only thing that can make ye Wuchen almost out of control is Xiangxiang.

Some things are doomed not to escape, and all he can do now is escape. Looking at the Tianchen continent, it can be said that it belongs to his continent. He only needs a simple word and an action to have the ability to cause strong turbulence in the whole continent. Because of his power and means, after cleaning for not too long, the South emperor Zong and the North emperor Zong with uneven hearts have all returned to their hearts. No disharmonious voice has completely become a sharp sword and a net to cover the sky in his hands.

If there is no snow, no pupil, no foam around him. From then on, he can run around the world and do whatever he wants. All laws and orders will be determined by him.

But. The staggered time and s.p.a.ce and the arrangement of fate are destined that this will not be his end.

This may be fate.

"Xiangxiang, now only you know me best." Ye Wuchen smiled, stretched out a finger and touched Xiangxiang"s body gently. Xiangxiang"s body shrank back a little, then raised her head and gave him a soft smile, which was a comforting smile.

A few days later, the imperial doctors in the three imperial palaces hurried to Ye"s house and went straight to Ye"s backyard. w.a.n.g Wenshu suddenly retched after breakfast this morning. Her face was pale and her feet were floating. She scared the Ye family up and down. Ye Wei immediately called people to the palace. Long huang"er was so worried when she heard that w.a.n.g Wenshu was ill that she immediately asked the three Royal doctors with the best medical skills and the oldest qualification to rush to the hospital as soon as possible.

Doctor Li inquired about the symptoms and looked at w.a.n.g Wenshu"s face. He was suspicious, but he didn"t dare to make a sound. He picked up her wrist, closed his eyes gently, and quietly began to pulse. For a moment, his old eyes were stunned, and there was no doubt in his heart. He got up, laughed three times, and then said in a loud voice: "general ye, Mrs. ye, Congratulations, Mrs. Ye is not ill, But I"m happy... It"s worthy of being general Ye. When I"m middle-aged, I"m still so fierce that people envy me. Ha ha! "

The other two old royal doctors also had a general idea in Cha Yan guanse"s heart, but none dared to make a conclusion. After listening to Doctor Li"s remark, they immediately congratulated in unison.

w.a.n.g Wenshu was stunned and put her hand on her lower abdomen, but she couldn"t believe her ears. It took a long time to say with incredible joy: "is this... Is this true..."

"It"s true. Although I have low medical skills, I can"t read this wrong anyway." Doctor Li laughed and said, "I"ll go back and prescribe some of the best tocolysis pills. Mrs. Ye is a little older and shouldn"t move much during this time. After August, the Ye family will add new recruits. We old friends are waiting for a wedding wine!"

"This... This... Thank you, elders." w.a.n.g Wenshu was happy and incoherent. She stood up, sat down carefully and took Ye Wei"s hand. She was so excited that she didn"t know what to do. Ye Wei smiled and nodded at her. There was great comfort and joy in that smile. His joy even exceeded that of w.a.n.g Wenshu.

"Mrs. ye, I have a question. Please let me know if it"s convenient for Mrs. Ye." Li Yuyi bowed and said.

"Lord Li, but it doesn"t hurt to say." w.a.n.g Wenshu nodded.

"That"s right. I have been aware of Mrs. Ye"s physique all these years. With all due respect, Mrs. Ye"s body lost its fertility years ago. We tried our best in vain. I don"t know what panacea Mrs. Ye used... Or which miracle doctor did it? "

Since w.a.n.g Wenshu gave birth to his eldest son, ye Wuchen, there has been nothing more. At that time, he was the chief imperial doctor of Tianlong palace. He checked her body and tried all kinds of methods, but failed to restore her fertility. This is also the biggest reason why he saw the joy when he first met her today, but he was confused and uncertain. Now w.a.n.g Wenshu is nearly 40, but she is suddenly pregnant. It"s really strange.

w.a.n.g Wenshu smiled happily at Ye Wei and said, "it"s chen"er who convalesced me a few months ago. I didn"t expect to..." I see. " Doctor Li suddenly sighed: "young master Ye is indeed a man of heaven. He is really as omnipotent as legend. No wonder, no wonder..." four years ago, he praised ye Wuchen. Now, it"s not as simple as admiration. Just in terms of medical skills, he has become an unreachable mountain. When the good news came out, ye Nu laughed happily for three times and said many "good" words. The reward of all ye family servants in the current month was doubled, and the whole Ye family was full of joy and joy. The news also spread quickly, which has a great momentum to let the world know. With the status and prestige of the Ye family, their every move is being watched all over the world. For a time, people from all directions almost broke the threshold. All kinds of precious tonics came from all over the country and piled up a hill at Ye"s house. Now the Ye family is not what it used to be. Ye Nu and ye Wei have been planning to expand the scale of the Ye family. Ye Wei came to ye Wuchen"s yard and saw him standing next to the lotus pond. Wu Bo"s eyes looked straight ahead and seemed unaware of his approach. Ye Wei stood behind him. They were silent for a long time. Ye Wei finally spoke first and said only three words: "thank you." Ye Wuchen turned his back to him and opened his eyes slightly. These three normal words contain too many and complex things, and only the two of them can understand this sentence. Ye Wuchen turned around and smiled: "we are family and will always be. We don"t need to say these three words at all." Ye Wei smiled back and turned away“ Father, "ye Wuchen shouted at him, looked at his back and said," my surname is ye and my name is Wuchen. This is the name I gave myself when I lost all my memory. Therefore, my fate with the Ye family is doomed by heaven. I have already integrated into this family and enjoyed everything here. Therefore, no matter what time and what will happen in the future, I will never do anything sorry for the Ye family. " Ye Wei turned around and smiled more warmly: "I know... Because you are my son... I believe you will give Yao"er a perfect future." Ye Wuchen was shocked, but he saw Ye Wei smile again and turn away. Ye Wuchen was aware of Ye Wei"s suspicion, but he didn"t expect that he had already noticed the relationship between him and ye Shuiyao. Now, it"s natural that everything should be taken for granted. When he doubted his ident.i.ty, whether he went to Dafeng country to rob relatives or brought Xihai Lanjiang jade to her in front of everyone, he was no longer a simple sister and brother, But only... Since she learned that she was pregnant, w.a.n.g Wenshu threw away all the things at hand. She kept her body relaxed and happy every day as much as possible. She didn"t dare to work hard or take big actions any more. She looked forward to the stars and the moon every day and wished to have the child tomorrow. And she naturally became the key protection object of the Ye family. There were maid guards everywhere. Secretly, she was the person of the evil sect arranged by Ye Wuchen. A few days later, a congratulatory letter was sent from the distant dafengguo, and the writer was Zhuge Xiaoyu. She first congratulated the Ye family on their happiness, and then asked ye Wuchen at great length when to marry her back. Unless ye Wuchen married her, she would stay in Tianfeng city forever. This is the stubborn decision made by Zhuge Xiaoyu, and she has never wavered in this decision. She has never returned home since she left Tianlong city that year. For this matter, Zhuge Xiaoyu"s mother doesn"t know how many times she has visited the door. Each time, she makes an eye-catching side attack, indicating when ye Wuchen will marry Zhuge Xiaoyu. And ye Wuchen can only answer vaguely every time{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}this novel has been translated by www.ReadNovelFull.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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