Heavenly Star

Chapter 514

Chapter 514

Xing Tian"s angry eyebrows sank, and dignified and confused appeared in his heart. His biggest defect was his relatively weak mobility. The shadow of the sword forced him to avoid. Even if he could avoid, he would not choose to avoid. His strongest strength was not attack, but defense! With his powerful body and the unique super protection of soil forces, when the sword shadows approached his body, a circle of yellow light appeared on the surface of his body.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh

Dozens of sword shadows stabbed Xing Tian at the same time. After attacking the target, the attack of this shaped force either causes a certain amount of damage and lethality, or disappears after being offset by the defense force... However, it is still so strange that the sword shadow not only does not disappear after it cannot pierce his body, but changes the flight direction along his body and flies close to his body.


Blue Sword shadows carved on him. The blue of the sword shadow became deeper and deeper, and the flight speed became faster and faster. Gradually, he suddenly felt a trace of pain.

The power of a humble human makes him feel pain.


A yellow light suddenly erupted from Xing Tian"s body like a flame and dissipated immediately. On Xing Tian"s body, there was a layer of earthy yellow. It was a strange armor deeper than his earthy armor. It was attached to his original armor and wrapped his body from top to bottom except his face, making his body look heavy again. This is not just as simple as adding a layer of armor. The gorgeous earth awn on the outer layer of the new armor shows its extraordinary.

"Hey, just at the beginning, I was forced out of the "shenhuang armor"." Vatian touched his nose and smiled strangely.

"It seems that the boy"s attack is unusual. With Xing Tian"s temperament, he won"t take out the divine Huang armor to play at will. "

"You say, is it possible for Xing Tian to fall into the hands of this boy?"

"Hey, although I"d like to see it, if Xing Tian can"t even clean up this boy, he won"t be Xing Tian either."

With the shenhuang armor that can increase the originally high defense ability by half again, the pain caused by the sword shadow disappeared completely. Xing Tian showed an angry grin and suddenly hit the ground with a fist. The earth suddenly trembled violently... Fortunately, this is G.o.d"s continent. If this is Tianchen continent, the surrounding vast land will completely collapse.


The earth split a long gully, and a golden soil column burst out from the ground just below Chu Jingtian, who was closing his eyes and controlling the sword shadow to fly to Chu Jingtian. The crisis came from below. Chu Jingtian"s eyes widened, and all the sword shadows surrounding Xing Tian disappeared at this moment. All the forces were concentrated at his feet to resist the blow containing the power of terrifying earth.

With a m.u.f.fled sound, the scattered dust obscured the sun. In the dust, a figure flew to the sky as high as a broken scarecrow. After flying to the distant highest point, it fell powerlessly below and hit the cold golden ground.

Lengya"s face twitched and rushed to Chu Jingtian"s direction. Suddenly, a blue light flashed in front of him, reflecting vatian"s face. He stabbed his throat without looking. Chu Jingtian suffered a terrible defeat. How could he ignore the so-called rules set by the G.o.d


As the fight between lengya and vatian was about to begin, a voice completely interrupted it. Chu Jingtian slowly climbed up from the ground, his clothes were broken in many places, and there was a blood mark of more than one finger wide around his mouth. He looked at lengya with deep eyebrows and shook his head slowly: "don"t defeat him!!"

Lengya"s broken wind blade retracted and walked back to the place where he stood before without saying a word. Cutting Tian spit lightly and showed a meaningful smile. He no longer paid attention to lengya and prepared to see how Chu Jingtian was going to struggle.

"You"re good." Xing Tian habitually shook his wrist: "after bearing 70% of my strength, you can still stand up. To tell the truth, I feel no small accident." He narrowed his eyes and smiled playfully: "I wonder if you can stand up if it"s 80% power?"

Chu Jingtian supported the ground with his sword, stood firm, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with one hand, and suddenly laughed with great ease: "it"s already your 70% power... You, too!"

Xing Tian"s face "brushed" down, and then he burst into a wild and incomparable laugh: "ha ha... The human beings in your Tianchen continent are not only humble and pitiful, but also stupid and ridiculous..." his eyes narrowed, his hands were covered with two rings of earth colored light, and he was forced out of his mind by a human he has always despised, He was so despised by him in front of other G.o.d generals. It was a very unpleasant taste. He was angry: "you will soon taste the price of contempt for G.o.d!"

With a wave of his hands, the white sky suddenly darkened. Three earthy yellow lights appeared over Xingtian, and three terrible threats were also released from the three lights. Under this pressure, the other five G.o.ds changed color slightly and had to release some strength to protect their bodies. Even they reacted like this. It can be seen that Xing Tian"s strike... Hardly left his hand!

The degree and range of power cohesion were extremely terrible, and the pressure of that power became more and more heavy. The three groups of light gradually condensed into three earth colored arrows tens of meters thick, and then flew to Chu Jingtian with a ferocious smile. The earth arrow contains too terrible divine power and earth power. The terrible strength contained in the arrow tip directly cuts through the void, resulting in a circle of ripples like water waves in the surrounding s.p.a.ce, and the sharp sound of sonic boom is like a continuous explosion.

Chu Jingtian"s body was supported by cangming"s sword and looked at the three earth arrows... This is not a simple earth element arrow, but a terrorist attack sent by the G.o.d General of the divine world, which can destroy heaven and earth. He didn"t move. His eyes were hazy and had no focus, as if he had been stunned.

In their view, he may have been really scared silly, or under serious injury, he was firmly locked and unable to move by the terrorist force of the earth arrow.

Chu Jingtian"s consciousness echoed with his voice to himself.

Father... Mother

Although I have never seen you, I don"t know what you look like, and I haven"t let me enjoy my parents" affection, after all, my life is given by you. Your hatred is my greatest hatred in this life... Today, I finally found the person who killed you... I can finally do what I should do for you as a son of man

Finally, I can try its power... I won"t lose, not only for the honor of the sword G.o.d, but also for the feud. Perhaps, after revenge for you, I can finally go to your world to reunite with you

His eyes were still dim, but the cangming sword supporting his body was gently raised by him and pointed to the sky.

Tiansha sword... Chu Jingtian combined the sword he understood with the sword magic formula taught him by his grandfather, but this move has never been used since he realized it with his high talent and understanding“ The name of "Tian Sha Sha Jian" was taken by him, because once this sword is released, it will kill. It is the only sword he can"t fully control. If he only kills people, he won"t worry about it, but what makes him worry about is the word "disabled"... The middle one will be cut into broken limbs under the cutting of countless swords, and his death will be very miserable. How could he allow himself to do such cruel and b.l.o.o.d.y things.

Empty eyes looked at the terrible earth arrow flying through the sky. His body trembled slightly. Suddenly, a cold wind blew from him, and the blue sword shadow suddenly burst out from behind him. For a moment. The sword shadow rising into the sky almost covered the whole sky. In this short moment, there were many, dense and terrible sword shadows, which made Xing Tian and all G.o.ds change color.

The sky was dark, and the shadow of the sword covered the sky and the sun. Unexpectedly, even the light poured down was covered. The huge square in front of the temple was completely in darkness, and many G.o.d guards outside the square all looked here. The sword shadow all over the sky became stunned as they were together.

At this time, Chu Jingtian was the only one who remained completely calm. He quietly watched the countless sword shadows rush down like meteors, covering the earth arrows shot from the sky, and completely covering Xing Tian. At the same time, there are sword shadows, but this is completely different from the sword shadows he released before. Not only the number is many times more, but the power of this terrible number of sword shadows is not dispersed due to the number. Unexpectedly, each one has a power far beyond the previous one, and it is a kind of indomitable killing power.

Tiansha sword is a desperate sword. They are not controlled by Chu Jingtian. Once they lock the target, they will never return.

The earth colored giant arrows were completely shrouded by the shadow of the sword and collided with each other. Suddenly, they only heard a continuous thunder like angry sound from the sky. The huge energy and Qi force surged out of the s.p.a.ce they contacted. The terrible Qi force dispersed the air, even the dark curtain that pervaded the sky. The six G.o.ds looked into the air and lengya. They saw that the three earth arrows were swallowed up by endless sword shadows in the shocking energy explosion, and slowly became smaller and slower, and finally disappeared there... But the number of sword shadows seemed to have not decreased at all. They shot down with the breath of disaster. The target of each sword shadow was Xing Tian.

At that moment, Xing Tian even felt fear. Cutting the sky, muddy sky, sealing the sky and sunny sky all subconsciously took a step back. The power of the blue shadow made them afraid of being affected.


This is a roar that can be called a shocking roar. With his roar, his body suddenly burst into a yellow flame that generated shenhuang armor again, but this time, the yellow flame continued. His eyes showed obvious red against the yellow flame, and his look was a terrible ferocity. Then he didn"t even look at the endless sky killing sword that had completely enveloped him, Rushed to Chu Jingtian in the roar.

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