Heavenly Star

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Far away, quiet world.

Gra.s.s, trees, streams, wild flowers bloom. Even if the surrounding s.p.a.ce suddenly changed, she didn"t care at all. As long as she could be by his side, she was willing wherever she was.

Holding his body, listening to his heartbeat and gently smelling his taste, the frozen snow has a feeling of being in a dream.

"Brother... Brother..." she whispered and called again and again. She and he had too many life and death departures. At the first meeting, he left quietly. She fell into a coma again and again in order to save him and made desperate crazy actions again and again. Later, they fell into the broken soul abyss together. He fell into a desperate situation for her... Under the broken soul abyss, the pain of life and death separation tortured Ning Xue for two years... And this time, The sudden meeting in despair is a great touch that subverts almost all consciousness.

Fate didn"t break them up after all. Or, their fate has long been closely linked, no matter what, can not cut off the fetters between them.

"Brother, is this a dream... Brother..."

Ye Wuchen smiled lightly and said softly, "if this is a dream, it must be a dream that will never wake up..."

Xueer in her arms is no longer the girl with two long scars on her face and only ten years old. At the moment, she is a truly beautiful G.o.ddess, but even if her appearance and voice have changed, what will never change... Is the frozen snow that still infatuates with him... Will always belong to him alone.

"HMM... brother," she raised her head and looked at the man in front of her with hazy eyes. They had only been separated for more than a month, but they felt that it had been a thousand years. For thousands of years, but his face, everything about him and all the memories between them were cherished in her heart and never forgotten. She gently said like a dream: "brother, we"ll never separate... Ok..."

Only after enduring the torture of never seeing each other, did she really know that it was a pain she couldn"t bear. In any case, she would never be separated from him again. Her mission is not important, the future of the land of G.o.d is not important, and the G.o.d who gave birth to her is not important... From this moment, she just wants to exist selfishly for him.

For her sake, he actually came here and broke into the temple for him... What she experienced must be more difficult than going to heaven, and facing more dangerous obstacles... What can"t she give up for her brother.

"Well, we"ll never separate... No matter who it is, we can"t separate us anymore... We"ll come back when we save Tong Xin... No one wants to take you away from me." He said softly in a soft but determined voice.

Pupil heart

Two words made Ning Xue suddenly wake up from the misty dream world. She suddenly fell down from ye Wuchen"s arms and said in panic: "brother, let"s hurry to save Tong"s heart. She has awakened the black Xuan G.o.d and become the main body of consciousness of the black Xuan G.o.d. For three days... If she is not rescued from the black Xuan G.o.d within three days, she will always a.s.similate with the black Xuan G.o.d and never come back!"


As if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, ye Wuchen was excited and his eyes were split. He finally realized what he had missed... In the underground s.p.a.ce of the temple, he saw the frozen snow, but did not see the pupil heart. There was only a huge white doll, but there was no black doll talked about by people in the land of G.o.d!

"Tong Xin, she has been sent to the demon continent with the black Xuan G.o.d, where..."

The voice of frozen snow suddenly stuck. She seemed to suddenly think of something. The snow-white fairy face suddenly turned pale... She finally remembered what terrible consequences would be caused if the consciousness of black Xuan G.o.d woke up and white Xuan G.o.d didn"t wake up immediately.


In the distance, a huge roar suddenly came, and the earth trembled a few times. A large group of strange birds were startled in the gra.s.s not far away. The explosion was far away, but it spread such a terrible distance - what a terrible force it would be!

There... The source of the sound is thousands of miles away from here - the central temple!

"The consciousness of black-and-white Xuanshen is awakened. First, if the consciousness of another Xuanshen is not awakened at the same time, it will spontaneously produce its own violent consciousness... At that time, the Xuanshen will be a violent doll that no one can stop... Everything will be his enemy..." Ning Xue whispered the ancient memory deeply printed in his mind.

Ye Wuchen: "!"

Far north, the temple of the land of G.o.d.

At this time, the temple no longer exists.

Let the sky collapse, let the whole Tianyu Palace City crack in the huge vibration, and in the roar of energy, the temple, which bears the protection of the strongest divine power and could not be damaged, turned into ruins in an instant. The extremely terrible shadow covered the hearts of all people in Miyagi. It was a power so big that none of them could imagine.

The earth was shaking and everything around them collapsed in vibration. Finally, in the direction of the central temple, they saw a beam of white light rising into the sky. The light had been shooting into the distant sky and seemed to directly puncture the unreachable sky. In that beam of white light, a huge white shadow moved slowly from the bottom - it was a puppet, a dozens of meters high, made of some rough and funny puppets, but no one could laugh in the face of this funny puppet... The shape of the puppet, such power, is it

However, this legend will become the most powerful weapon in the land of G.o.d, and the most protective puppet Xuan G.o.d, shot a bunch of white power at them at this moment. Two light beams of white light, not strong, came out of his eyes and shot into the distant earth.


Two beams of white light fell to the ground, but the strong white light, which was only tens of centimeters, had a terrible light explosion after landing. Tens of kilometers of area was shrouded in white light. I don"t know how many people were directly blinded at the moment when the white light hit... The white world was obscured, but there was no line of sight, But the white light is not just light. All white is an aggressive light force with terrible power.

The G.o.d Emperor stood in the very distant sky and looked at the huge area shrouded in white light. After the white light dispersed, the area disappeared... All the creatures, all the buildings and everything there disappeared... Disappeared without a trace. There are innumerable strong men here, but none of them can stand the light power of the mysterious G.o.d.

Puppet Xuanshen... This is a completely anti heaven existence. The G.o.d Emperor was brutally punished by the law of chaos because he made this rebellious thing. This terrible thing could have become the strongest guardian of the land of G.o.d, but now it is creating an unprecedented terrible disaster.

If it goes on like this, one month... No, even more than ten days, a few days... The whole land of G.o.d will be destroyed in the hands of the white Xuan G.o.d. All the changes are due to the emergence of human beings, which took away the princess Bai who would have become the consciousness of Bai Xuan G.o.d.

At this time, the G.o.d Emperor had a feeling that his heart was bleeding. So many years of efforts, expectations and hopes, in exchange for today"s outcome.

Bai Xuan"s body began to drift forward slowly. No matter where he went, he would turn into a ruin without any living creatures. With that blow just now, most of the Tianyu palace city was completely destroyed

G.o.d Emperor, she has no other choice... She can only choose to make all this come to naught.

Perhaps, the black-and-white G.o.d should not exist or even appear, so today is doomed that the black-and-white G.o.d must be destroyed soon after awakening - complete destruction.

Well... At least in this way, the white and black can exist safely. Perhaps this is also the punishment of G.o.d for me.

The G.o.d Emperor sighed silently. The white awn flashed in her hand, and there was a white spherical object in her palm. She closed her eyes and crushed the white crystal in her hand

When it is crushed, everything will come to naught... All

The puppet Xuanshen will never appear again

However, the price of all this is the real disaster that another continent must bear!

It"s called Tianchen continent!

At the moment when the white crystal was crushed, the movement of Baixuan G.o.d suddenly stopped, and countless white lights, like thick ropes falling from the sky, enveloped his whole body - it was a Dharma array, a Dharma array sealed in Baixuan G.o.d, a last resort that could not be used as a last resort.

The white light became more and more intense. Finally, the array took shape on the white doll. The white doll"s whole body trembled and began to expand in the trembling, doubling, doubling... Five times... Ten times

The originally powerful and terrible light force is also growing in an extremely terrible range in the expansion of his body. The light force is too terrible. All other elements in the surrounding tens of miles of s.p.a.ce are completely excluded, and the light force with endless destructive power is spreading rapidly

That"s a precursor to an explosion! The precursor of the white doll explosion!


In another instant, the light power began to dissipate at a very fast speed, because the white Xuan G.o.d suddenly disappeared from the air, disappeared in the formed array and was transferred to another s.p.a.ce.

In the light elements that did not dissipate, the G.o.d Emperor stood there alone and looked at the open front... Everything ended like this. This was an unexpected and unacceptable ending for her.

That person... Is that the one that white and Black said?

His appearance changed everything.

However, because of the his appearance, Tianchen continent is doomed to perish!



The rapid expansion of the light power still feels real here thousands of miles away. Ning Xue looks at the north where the sky is shining white, and her heart is violently disturbed by the increase of the light power - this is an unprecedented strong anxiety. Her consciousness also quickly searches in all her memories for the source of the anxiety.

Suddenly, the power and prestige from the distance disappeared. It was as if the white Xuan G.o.d had disappeared at once. And Ning Xue was shocked at this moment. Her hands suddenly grasped ye Wuchen"s body and her only dependence now“ Xueer, what"s the matter... "Ye Wuchen picked up Ning Xue"s pale and terrible face and asked anxiously. Ning Xue"s lips opened and closed, sending out a trembling whisper: "in order to prevent the failure of the awakening of the black-and-white doll from causing disaster to the land of G.o.d, the G.o.d Emperor Jiaxie who made the black-and-white doll sealed two arrays in the white doll"s body, one is the transmission array of s.p.a.ce, One is the destruction array that can make all the powers of the white Xuan G.o.d and his body explode... When the black Xuan G.o.d fails to wake up, as long as the two arrays in the white Xuan G.o.d"s body are activated, the white Xuan G.o.d will be transmitted to another s.p.a.ce and destroyed in another s.p.a.ce... If the white Xuan G.o.d is destroyed, the black Xuan G.o.d will also be destroyed, Directly into the purest darkness and death power dissipated... "Brother... Brother..." she powerlessly held him and her body was shaky: "the energy of the explosion of the white Xuan G.o.d was enough to completely destroy the land of G.o.d... The position pointed by the transmission array in his body... Is my brother"s home... Tianchen land..." ye Wuchen: "!!!" Tianchen continent... Tianchen continent... Tianchen continent

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