Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 17 - Small Feast (Start)

Chapter 17 - Small Feast (Start)

As a Druid, Rumont will soon officially obtain his freelancing paperwork. At the same time, his social status would be elevated to be equaled with the upper echelons of knights, as well as, priests and magicians. It would only be correct for him to have the qualifications to join the evening meal.

In the past, even if Miss Eleni was fond of Rumont, he would not be able to join the meal.

Presently, as he entered the dining hall, he observed a long dining table in the centre, upon it, were two candelabras made of bronze; at this time, the candles situated on it were already lit.

Madame Salin promptly arranged the seatings. Priest Dennis was of course given the first seating, the second was Miss Eleni.

The next 3 were the shrine’s guard Captain Barca, Apothecarist Anson, Matron Lady Salin. It also, as of this moment included one more, Rumont.

After everyone had taken a seat, the servants of the shrine started to serve.

Due to a lack of preparation, today’s dishes were the ones they had daily------the main course consisted of white bread, yet accompanying it was jam, b.u.t.ter or cheese if you so chose for consumption, in a generous amount.

A stew that had carrots, potatoes, onions as well as meat all mixed in.

“We give our thanks to the food granted by the G.o.ddess. “ after everyone gave their mealtime blessings to the G.o.ddess, they began to eat.

Although these foodstuff was simple, it provided almost all the necessary nutrition that a normal human body required.

“Rumont, do you know what reference this soup has? “

“I do not know Miss Eleni. “ answered Rumont, as he tried to gain Miss Eleni’s favourable opinion, which was an undoubtedly, enormously good idea. Concurrently, Priest Dennis at the dining table, was showing an obvious gloomy expression. The present Rumont completely understood what he was thinking about.

Priest Dennis was 19 years old before he became a priest and was sent to this shrine. Within these 10 years, his rank had increased to the 4th step, this speed was neither fast nor slow. However, the 29 years old Priest Denni was still a bachelor. Reportedly, he was once pursuing after the Baron’s eldest daughter, afterwards, he went after the 2nd eldest, Miss Eleni.

In this world, the Priest profession wasn’t inherited per se. The benefits that the n.o.bility enjoyed in this world was unique, yet it was unable to be inherited by the posterity, they could only rely on finding a successor.

As a result, in light of these new circ.u.mstances, certain sentiments and thought weren’t difficult to comprehend.

Although Rumont did not want to offend Priest Dennis, however, he still could not go as far as to not speak at all.

“In those days, the Lugarde Kingdom invaded our kingdom, the enemy surrounded our strategic location, Dunche city. At the time, the young queen, 13 years of age Weibliche - Shmurda dispatched Prince Cecil with a letter to the city militia, requesting them to hold fast until a.s.sistance came. The city militia were able to hold off for half a year, using up their supplies. Later, when torrential rain came and flooded the crops. The kingdom’s fleet had arrived at the city’s boundaries; the city militia rushed out of the gates to collaborate. At that time, they were all looking for food, they eventually found some potatoes, carrots and onions. The people threw all 3 ingredients as well as meat from wild beasts they killed, into a large pot to stew. Afterwards they shared it out equally to stave off their hunger. One the cityfolk tasted this dish, they all cried out that this was best dish they’ve tasted in their whole life. From that point on, it was a convention that spread widely. “ Miss Eleni delivered interestingly as she ate.

“Miss Eleni, we need to hurry a bit, we still have Charme’s household celebration tomorrow. A clansman is getting married. They’ve invited us to preside over their marriage. “ Priest Dennis said as he placed his dish down: “we need to go prepare this evening! “

“Mm, that’s true. “ Eleni kept silent, keeping her head low, enjoying her meal in peace.

As Eleni and Priest Dennis were leaving, Rumont finished eating. Rumont was a touch embarra.s.sed trying to speak when he then heard Matron Lady Salin say: “Young…...Rumont, you’ve recently become a druid? “

“That’s right, a Rank 1 Druid! “ Rumont said as he got up.

“A Rank 1 Druid, is still a Druid. “ Apothecarist Anson laughing said: “Congratulations Mister Rumont, incidentally I was 40 years old when I became a Druid. Presently, I’m Rank 2. “

Rumont activated his Spirit Vision and looked over, he found a similar Nature energy concealed within his body. He cheerfully said: “Hey, so Mr Anson was a Druid, that’s really hard to imagine. I’ll have to consult with you about herbs from now on! “

“Hey hey, it was only through a lifetime contact of plants that I incidentally became a Druid. Advancing in the future would be too difficult, unlike you though. Mm, if you really want to learn from me, then just come. Apothecarist Anson had a favourable impression of him, patting him on his shoulder: “Rumont, you’ve become a Druid at such a young age, once the Lord Baron finds out, he’ll definitely be jubilant. You should currently go back to rest a bit, I believe that the Lord Baron will confer to you very quickly.

Rumont went home after having his fill of conversations.

Contrary to his expectations, the information travelled from the shrine to the streets even faster than expected. Someone immediately noticed him.

“Rumont, it’s really you! “

“I’ve heard that you’ve become a Druid, is that really true? “

“Rumont, you’re really talented. “

Everyone clamoured around Rumont, he was surrounded all the way back to Mort’s Inn.

“Oi, is that young Rumont? You’ve become a Druid? “ momentarily at the door, the first person he saw was the frequently seen mercenary Captain Howard, who greeted him first.

Rumont seeing this said: “Ah, that’s right, I’m merely a Rank 1 Druid! “

“Oh, this really is too amazing. “ Howard touched the handle of his sword: “We’re considered friends, come, it’ll be my treat today! “

Howard was frequently seen moving about the town all the time. As a Mercenary’s living could be described as blood on a blade; they regularly went to the shrine for treatments. However, not only did a Druid have healing spells, they also researched on medicinal herbs. Buying dinner was of course of mutual benefit, increasing the relationship between them.

Without waiting for Rumont’s call, the Mort couple came out. Mort’s entire face was red, entirely laughing while shouting: “Howard, you can’t do that today, because it obviously should be my shout today. Come, the round’s on me everyone! “

Everyone immediately erupted in cheers.

As they went in, Mort upheld his promise, filling the place with drinks, not one was being too greedy, as they were all from the same town.

“Hey, I’m making griddle cakes today, everyone have a taste! “ Madame Mort loudly voiced.

At this moment, there were a few who replied with an okay. Madame Mort’s griddle cakes were a family recipe. The cakes were a golden brown, and piled with cooked seafood, consisting of a multi-coloured fish, shrimps, mussels and clams; the seafood was mixed with a claret coloured sauce and topped with green leafy vegetables.

It was treated as an exquisite experience, it had an excellent flavour and filled the mouth with an exceptional freshness. This was Madame Mort’s signature dish, ranking 1 in most recommended of dishes at the inn.

“Rumont, go take a bath first. I’ve already gotten a set of clothes out for you, although a touch old, but it’s still good. “ Mort yelled out.

During a celebration it was customary to cleanse oneself, Rumont obeyed the arrangement with a smile.

Hot water was rather luxurious. Rumont first scrubbed himself with cold water. Normally, he wouldn’t do such a thing, presently though, he needed to carefully wash himself before going in, bathing himself in the hot water. Rumont immersed himself and was reluctant to leave, right up until Madame Mort called from outside, carrying the new set of clothes------these were clothes from Mort’s youthful years. The styling was a bit old, but it was still quite new, it was carefully maintained over the years.

The neatly dressed Rumont went back to the store front. Everything was cleaned. He saw the lively atmosphere was gone, what remained, were people who wanted have a meal as well as those who wanted to gift him.

There was two whole tables heaped with grilled fish, procured ham, eggs, roasted meat and a pot of tender meat stew. In regards to Rumont, all this was an absolutely enormous enticement.

However, Rumont did not act rashly, he waited.

A short amount of time later, his best friend Feivel hurried over, carrying a string of meats. He obviously had heard the news of Rumont becoming a Druid. Once he saw Rumont, his face blossomed with a smile as he greeted him out loud as well as giving a friendly punch on the shoulder.

Everyone had shown up. Very quickly, the inn became quite noisy. Everyone was gobbling up the roasted meats, while talking excitedly. Rumont released his cares and together with everyone, entered the fray for food. Although the vegetables weren’t amazing, fortunately, it was plentiful.

It was late night once everyone was satisfied and had their fill.

“Feivel, we’ll speak again in a few days. “ Rumont whispered, during the time of seeing the guests off.

Feivel agreed straight away, happily nodding his head as he presented his cash gift.

Today, the inn wasn’t open. Nevertheless, Rumont still helped out with the work, cleaning the messy tables. Mort had declined him several times while he was working, smiling dreamily.

At the same time, Madame Mort was making an inventory of the cash gifts. Adding it all up, unexpectedly it was about 11 silver coins.

Once the cleaning was over, the inn did not open for business. Mort shut the gates. The 3 then sat down.

“Currently, what are your plans? “ Mort asked directly.

Presently, Rumont was already a Druid. He was no longer the same in the past, he couldn’t continue to remain at the inn working the menial labour.

Rumont immediately thought about his debts and then said: “Um, I want to open a medicine store. Apothecarist Anson’s medicines must go through the shrine for sales, while I can sell directly to the ma.s.ses. I’ve gotten permission from Apothecarist Anson to help out and study at the herb garden. It’s a job that’ll help pay for the debts I owe the union and you! “

He owed 50 silver coins to Mort as he studied to be a Druid.

“Going to the herb garden is good idea, Apothecarist Anson has always treated you well. “ Mort replied straightaway: “opening a store will require money won’t it. I’ll just lend it to you again, you can ignore the interest. “

Rumont was gasping in his heart, he quickly waved his arms: “as a matter of fact, I’ve already planned to manage with wild goods from the forest. I’ve saved some money already. Later I can also make my own herb garden. “

“This is a good plan, you’ll have many outlooks later! “ Mort listened and released a breath, this was a relatively normal train of thought.

Rumont nodded his head repeatedly, expressing that his idea was certainly practical: “But, currently I don’t have a place to live. “

“Of course, actually, my inn still has a few open rooms, I’ll help you move out of your small room. You can live there first eh. Wait until you have more money, then you can buy your own plot of land and build a cabin! “ Mort frankly said. Seeing Rumont nod his head, he also said: “Come with me! We’ll move your room out! “

“Wait a minute, first take the money with you, you still need to buy some clothes and stuff! “ Madame Mort handed the money over to him

Rumont attempted to decline it, before eventually accepting it.

Afterwards, Rumont followed Mort up the floor. They cleaned up the easternmost room. This room wasn’t big, but it did have a wooden bed and table set as well as a wardrobe.

This was already enough for Rumont currently.

It was originally quite tidy, taking the three but a moment to clean up. Once it was at last cleaned up, Madame Mort also said: “afterwards, you need to buy your own lock, to prevent the others living here from entering when you’re out for a period of time. “

Rumont expressed his grat.i.tude by keeping his head down. Once the other two went out, he sat on the bed and indulged in his thoughts. From today onwards, he didn’t need to wake up early for work.

Seeing n.o.body around, Rumont once again grabbed a peach from his inner region; eating while thinking.

Although he had already become a Rank 1 Druid. Yet strictly speaking, a standard Druid would include being able to recognize over a thousand different plants, their characteristics, as well as the myriad knowledge of cultivating them.

Even still was the knowledge of turning medicinal herbs into useable medicines.

In addition, traditionally, Druids would live in the wilds; learning how to live outside of town, learning to communicate and live amongst the animals, as well as even learn fighting skills. After all living in the wilderness would require a certain amount of proficiency. In regards to learning how to make medications from herbs, it wasn’t a big problem, he would study under Apothecarist Anderson.

The physical fighting skills, could be learnt from Lieutenant Richard, he could learn a considerable amount of skills there. After all, Captain Karel had given instructions to take of him.

But first, he needed a weapon. Rumont, wanted a sword. Last time, he had obtained a short sword, which was practically a dagger. To fight, he needed to use a longsword. In that case, he need to head to the old blacksmith’s place to fetch the sword.

Rumont laid on the bed and gradually settled his mind.

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