Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 55 – Esquire (Start)

Chapter 55 – Esquire (Start)
Chapter 55 – Esquire (Start)

As the trial proceeded, there was applause. Cheering Hollering sounds.

There were all sorts of sounds within the public square, the sounds were loud. Practically even the people outside of the square could hear it. It was possible to imagine what kind of crazy att.i.tude the excited people had, at the time of the scene.

Perhaps a person’s nature was originally like this. Perhaps humanity was naturally this lively when so many things happened. Perhaps it was not at all related to any kind of virtue or vice, but a matter of the topic.

Regardless of how some people were during their life, often when the people died, a good deal of incidents would be mentioned by others; being made clear in the world.

The good and the bad. However, the likelihood of it being evil was in the majority. A lot of people didn’t dare to speak it when someone was alive, or was embarra.s.sed to say it. But after a certain person died, it would frequently at the fastest rate, be spread amongst the crowds.

Moreover, the Tax Officer Barcas, was basically not any kind of honest person during his life. Although he didn’t dare to kill and burn, neither did he abstain from using his authority to break the laws and commit matters of crimes.

Therefore, everyone would push a wall down as it collapses1. After his death, there was an unceasing amount of crimes being cast onto him.

The vast majority of it was true, there was evidences that followed. However, there was also a small portion of criminal charges that purely made up. A product completely made by a few people while seeking out self-interest, striking out at people when they were down.

However, at this moment, it was precisely the time when everyone was partying hard, how many people would pay attention to such minor details?

Granted, Rumont did notice it, yet with his way of thinking, he was even looked forward to it; the more violently the Tax Officer’s influence fell, the better. Why would he go and help explain for them?

After all, the man was already dead and was also killed by him as well. The more inexcusable the other’s crimes was, the lighter his own blame would be.

Although he had the second Miss a.s.sisting him as testimony in that he had killed in self-defense, the opponent was still a member of a n.o.ble household. Rumont feared that others would one day reverse the verdict, thus he could only unceasingly add bad names to the other; just to have an advantage for his own safety.

Besides, Barcas had given him the chance to get rid of him. However, there was still that Priest right? He needed to think of a solution, once and for all.

Therefore, in regards to this type of ugliness that was hiding beneath the surface of being largely harmonious, he chose to ignore it.

“Your sin is grave……” and at this time, high on the stage in the centre of the public square, Priest Dennis was in the process of p.r.o.nouncing the case sentence of the Tax Officer committing a crime.

He was young and was wearing the white gown uniform of a Priest. At this time, his complexion was a bit pale. His voice was also a bit hoa.r.s.e. But under the attentive watch of everyone, he still remained calm with difficulty. He persisted on, word by word, reading out the preceding Priest dialogues for p.r.o.nouncing a sentence.

In front of Priest Dennis, there were precisely two people with their heads drooped, shivering and trembling.

They weren’t strangers, it was exactly the two people that had accompanied Barcas together to the arranged area. How would they at this time, still have the same arrogance that they had at that time, they had lost their powerful backing; they were worse off than a homeless dog2.

Because the chief culprit was the dead Barcas, thus, in regards to the trial of the accomplices, it wasn’t considered to be too important; only being left to last.

The second Miss at this time, was mainly accompanying her father, speaking for the Lord Baron. But as a known Priest, Priest Dennis also had the responsibility and duty to preside over the current a.s.sembly.

Therefore, even though Priest Dennis did not at all wish to be on the stage, reading out any sort of phrases or p.r.o.nouncing a sentence, but because of a Priest’s obligation, he couldn’t at all shirk it.

As he read out loud, Priest Dennis’ sight was also wandering about the surroundings, he was unceasingly observing the reactions of the people down below, fearing that others could see his disturbed mood at this time.

Correct, disturbed.

Ever since he learnt of the matter of Barcas’ death, he had suddenly developed a type of if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves3 sort of feeling.

Even though he and Barcas merely had a mutually beneficial relationship of using each other, yet, in the wake of the other’s death, he gradually lost the confidence of his own safety.

There was a knot between him and Rumont, so much that if it was related in detail, the one that adopted the initial confrontational posture, also seemed to have been him and not Barcas.

Nowadays, Barcas had already been killed by Rumont. Regardless of whether the other had really killed in self-defense, or had deliberately murdered, in any event, it was correct to say that the man had been killed by Rumont.

The person had died, yet still managed to obtain an ugly reputation and being spurned by others. This type of result made Priest Dennis to feel really fearful. It also made him regard his current plight with concern.

He wasn’t a n.o.ble. What he relied on was the strong church at his back. Only, he had suddenly discovered nowadays, that his own little point of superiority was no longer a sufficient enough of a method, in dealing with Rumont. This kind of acknowledgement, allowed him to feel disturbed.

Abruptly, right when his vision was straying all over the place, it precisely met with a gaze of a person within the crowd; being fiercely ridiculed by the other’s gaze, p.r.i.c.kling him. Priest Denni’s reading voice was evidently shaken.

“……I represent the Shrine, in expressing the punishment to you……depriving you of your autonomy status, to be immediately hung to death……” quite quickly he had discovered his own gaffe, Priest Dennis promptly withdrew his sight. Afterwards, he cast his eyes down and focused on his nose and mouth, meticulously reading out the entire remaining of the verdict sentence.

Right away, a few soldiers came up and they dragged the two people like a couple of dead dogs. Only when the pair were wailing away at the distance, did he then at last let out a breath of air. Afterwards, he went down the stage. In a place with n.o.body around, he then rubbed off the perspiration on his head.

Thinking of just then, when Rumont had suddenly given him a piercing gaze, his heart couldn’t help but go badump4.

That’s right, Rumont would absolutely not let him go!

If he didn’t think of a solution as quickly as possible, striking first to gain the advantage, then in that case, he would then become the next Barcas.

The general a.s.sembly was conducted quite successfully. At least, apart from the Lord Baron and Priest Dennis, that was how the other people considered it. Seeing that everyone was already slowly dispersing, the Lord Baron also ordered people to bring his horse carriage over, and boarded it.

“Eleni, let’s go home.” seeing that his second daughter was still standing at her former location, looking entranced towards a youth that wasn’t too far off, the Lord Baron’s complexion was increasingly unsightly, tearing open the carriage curtains and calling out.

“Father, I still need to return to the Shrine to review my course. I won’t be accompanying you home.” it goes without saying that Eleni was precisely looking at Rumont, watching the youth. Being called by her father, she had immediately sobered up.

However, thinking that there were still her own matters to deal with at the Shrine, she refused her father’s kindness of driving her back to the castle together. The Lord Baron, seeing that his daughter didn’t want to return, was increasingly gloomy as he returned to the carriage centre and afterwards, ordered the horse carriage to move.

Hearing that the clamouring noises were getting increasingly more distant to himself, the current Lord Baron who was skin deep in worries at this time, was pondering all the more. Just then, he even had murderous intentions towards Rumont. Merely, to really manipulate it well, he couldn’t allow himself to not consider it carefully.

To kill a commoner, according to him was quite simple. Killing a Rank 2 Druid wasn’t considered to be too difficult. But, it would also bring a negative affect. Furthermore, needing this matter to be conducted flawlessly, while under his daughter’s attention, it would be quite difficult.

“Lord Baron sir, there’s a gathering of Adventurers in front of us and obstructing the road. Do you wish for your subordinate to go down there and shout at them?” the driver outside suddenly asked.

The Lord Baron furrowed his brows, just as he wanted to issue the man to handle it, yet quite quickly, there was a glimmer within his eyes. It seems he had thought of something, his face that was gloomy had also with a sweep, brightened up.

“No need, wait for them to pa.s.s before sending the horse carriage on.”

While meanwhile, Rumont who had already returned to his drugstore, had just hid into his own room to count his silver coins.

A bag of silver coins was sitting in front of him, this is awarded to him by the general a.s.sembly. The second Miss, representing the Shrine, her father, and as a reward, gave him the silver coins.

In actuality, this was one of two bags that Barcas had also brought along during the appointed visit. It roughly had 100 silver coins.

At the time, Rumont had given his opening price of 1000 silver coins to Barcas. Which afterwards, Barcas truly did carry the amount of money over. Probably because he was worried, that Rumont would adopt a pose of requiring to see the money first before handing over the item.

As for this large sum of money, the majority of it was taken back and held for the common; which also entered the Lord Baron’s pocket. A small portion was given as compensation to the victim families. The remaining bit, was used as a reward and given to Rumont. Receiving this bit of money, Rumont was more than happy to, yet more or less had some regrets.

In honesty, he was currently not short of money, it’s just that compared to money, what he lack even more was a piece of land that he really owned.

Only it was a pity that on this world, even if you had money, if you desired a piece of land that you could really call your own, it still required the approval of the territorial Lord.

Jeff’s place within the forest region, was also obtained via the territorial Lord’s allowance; before getting established.

As a Rank 2 Druid, if he could truly possess his own residence and field, then no matter whether it was cultivating, or the later problems of dealings of herbs, it would have a tremendous help to him. After all, the herbs within his spatial region could be harvested 4 times a year, this coupled with the harvesting times of this world would have discrepancies. If he could own his own piece of land and establish a greenhouse similar to Jeff’s, then in that case, not only could it allow him to have even more land and plants to cultivate his Druid powers, it would also be an excellent shield in regards to his own handlings of the herbs from the spatial region.

Furthermore, during the time on the previous world, Rumont’s residence was quite bright and s.p.a.cious. The front had a garden and a courtyard. During his free time, a few green produces and so forth could even be planted in front of the small two-storied building. When the wind blew, it had scents of flowers and of gra.s.ses. This kind of living could really be enjoyed ah.

Accustomed to such a living, Rumont felt it was quite awkward in residing at the current narrow area.

In the past he had no money, thus he could only endure everything. But now that he money, he still had to endure. As Rumont would put it, it was simply a type of suffering.

Placing the awarded silver coins into his spatial region and storing it well, Rumont then reclined onto the bed, pondering away. Just when would he have his own house with a courtyard and garden.

Just at this time, Nick opened the door and entered, saying: “Rumont, the Lord Baron sent someone to find you.”

“The Lord Baron’s looking for me?” after he came out neatly dressed, he just so happened to discover a person with an appearance of a honour guard, just waiting in the main lobby of the drugstore.

Seeing Rumont come out, being neither polite, he then directed that the Lord wished to see him, informing him to immediately follow him to the castle.

Since the Lord Baron had sent someone to call on him, Rumont naturally wouldn’t refuse. He could only accept and follow the man; walking along the road towards the castle.

En route, the honour didn’t speak. Rumont had inquired a few words, but seeing that he was unwilling to respond, he could only relinquish. After walking a certain amount, a castle finally appeared in front of him.

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