
Eight O’six in the morning.

The drizzling rain falls like threads of silver coloured silk, countless, lingering and unending.

Raindrops merge and stream over the balcony, uniformly, like a thread; upon contact with the ground, scattering, a mesmerizing moment.

The tranquility of the room, disrupted by the instance of a ring, causes the person at the balcony to turn around, he anxiously utters “Why hasn’t it arrived?”

As footsteps hurry to answer the phone, a female voice responds “Ha, Qian Pin Ji, don’t be late to get onto the plane at 1 pm sharp!”

“Don’t worry, Lucina, I’ll be at the airport by 12.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

Putting the phone down, Pin Ji hurries back to the balcony, looking towards the path below.

At this moment, the rain is pouring down, getting worse as time goes by, forming an endless curtain of threads. Due to the rain, the atmosphere is quite humid, yet it still gave off a refreshing feeling. However, Pin Ji did not spare a thought to appreciate it.

Focusing his eyes, he once again determines that he cannot see any personnel from the delivering company, “It was agreed that the new seedling would be delivered today at eight o’clock, how come it still hasn’t arrived?”

Seeing n.o.body around, he absentmindedly strokes an Ox’s horn, sinking deep into his innerself.

This is quite a mysterious feeling, all Qian Pin Ji needs to do is close his eyes, and he could feel himself sinking into a halo of light, materializing into a beautiful picture esque world around him.

Suspended at a height of ten metres; there is a glowing globe, suffusing a part of the atmosphere. This golden radiance seems to give off vitality and vibrance as it all living things.

A brilliant radiance covers the sky above, a vast open field on the ground below, a small cool brook rapidly flows through dividing the plain in half for about 20 metres. A school of fish swimming about at the bottom can be easily seen through the clear waters.

On both sides of the fields, scours of fruit trees, numbering in the dozens can be seen, as well as a small field of crops can also be seen. Pervading in the air is a slight mist, giving off a clean pure sensation. A picturesque scenery filling the s.p.a.ce around.

A number floats in the air above: 1500

However unknowingly, this value used to be a pitiful 50. Normally you could increase the points gradually just from planting the seedlings; nonetheless it will not change without an increase of plants.

Owning roughly 2 mu worth of land, if you could increase the area while increasing the crops, who wouldn’t do this?

Qian Pin Ji stood absent-mindedly on the balcony; a touch forlornly. It had already been two years since he had discovered some of the properties of the small Ox horn; a second hand item that he had purchased.

To recover its energy, it required soaking up the rays of the sun and moon.

For the purpose of increasing this s.p.a.ce, he had planted a large variety of crops. He had figured out that the s.p.a.ce inside possessed immunity to insects, an appropriate, unchanging climate and that the four seasons did not exist. There was also the possibility of even more unknown benefits. Even though the s.p.a.ce could be further expanded with an increase of plants, it was clear that a current limit had been reached.

In anycase, he had figured these mysterious benefits.

The s.p.a.cial area had the ability to identify all the properties of the plant, as soon as it entered into the s.p.a.ce.

As soon as a new plant takes root, the s.p.a.ce itself would record a new entry, it would retain the proto specimen of the plant, for future usage and manipulation. This was the method in which was used to rapidly raise the score --- Qian Pin Ji was eagerly awaiting the future offsprings of the seedlings.

As he was waiting anxiously, a voice suddenly sounded into the room from the outside.

Qian Pin Ji promptly ran to balcony to have a look, certainly, there was someone braving the rains and standing in front of his house.

He quickly ran to the entrance.

As he opened the door, the rain blew inside while revealing the somewhat surprised delivery man standing outside.

“Are you Mister Qian Pin Ji?”

“Sure am, here’s my ID.”

“Mm, could I grab your signature, here’s your parcel!”

Qian Pin Ji hurriedly signed his name and grabbed the parcel while struggling to suppress his emotions. As the delivery man left he closed the door and quickly tore into the package.

It was a new seedling, a newly genetically modified seedling. A type of crop that could rapidly multiply, it costed him quite a bit acquiring.

In a hurry, he makes a quick movement, the seedling that he was holding onto starts to fade away.

As Qian Jin Pi entered into his inner realm, what greeted him was a bright green glow, the colour was akin to the greenery of plants. It was so prominent that it even masked the golden radiance of the sky above. This radiance was emitted by the newly arrived seedling.

“A new vegetation has been discovered, please designate a name!”

As this was announced, almost at the same time, what started as a tiny indistinct light mote suddenly appeared and enlarged into a translucent data screen. A large amount of figures appeared on top of this indistinct glowing data screen that was floating in the air.

What appeared on the data screen was the seedling’s information.

In front of Qian Pin Ji was the shape of the seed, the rest of it was entirely blank, for him to fill in: “Oryza Sativa number 9”

“Entry complete, please get ready to plant!”

Qian Pin Ji went and searched for an irrigated plot of land, showing a somewhat difficult attempt at handling the new seedling, he managed to set it down. Immediately, a holographic image consisting of the new plant as well as its initial figures. At this time a voice also sounded out: “s.p.a.cial area has reached necessary requirements for promotion, locking in owner, initializing a.s.similation.”

Shortly, as a green radiance covered Qian Pin Ji, numerous amounts of figures appeared in front of him, stunning him. He felt he was no closer to unravelling the mysterious origin of the Ox horn.

“What is it doing, a.s.similation? It can recognize an owner? What benefits will it bring me?” Qin Pin Ji frowned, while holding a slight expectation.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, a string of figures suddenly changed. An indistinct glimmer suddenly appeared, rapidly enlarging. Another translucent floating data screen pops out, filled with large amounts of figures .

Name: Qian Pin Ji

Biological race: Humanoid

Attributes: Strength 10 (10), Wisdom 13 (10), Const.i.tution 10 (10), Intelligence 13 (10), Perception 12 (10), Magic power 10 (10)

Occupation: Highest Authoritative Spatial Overlord, Green world society member

Skills: None

In addition, a complicated diagram of a human model was featured below it.

“This is…. Human morphology chart? Why is it the same as a MMO?” as Qian Pin Ji pondered, another voice sounded: “Owner locked in, a.s.similation complete, initializing administrative power, prerequisites for advancement of s.p.a.cial region met, permission to upgrade?”

“Allowed!” Qian Pin Ji yelled excitedly.

A flourishing green radiance. Qian Pin Ji felt his whole body quivering, and as his blood flow increased, he saw in front of him, the spatial region was clearly expanding out. If the initial field was more or less 1 mu, currently, it was roughly 2 mu worth. The radiance from the globe increased, the spatial region continued to expand to about 30 metres.

“Upgrade of spatial region complete, increased efficacy of plants to 110 percent, alteration of owner complete, first skill unlocked.”

Qian Jin Pi was filled with antic.i.p.ation, quickly opened his status screen.

A translucent screen slowly appeared.

Name: Qian Pin Ji

Biological race: Humanoid

Attributes: Strength 10 (10), Wisdom 13 (10), Const.i.tution 10+1 (10), Intelligence 13 (10), Perception 12+1 (10), Magic power 10+1 (10)

Occupation: Highest Authoritative Spatial Overlord, Green world society member

Skills: Spirit eyes (able to evaluate spiritual value of plants)

Qian Pin Ji carefully reviewed, he saw that his const.i.tution had increased by one point, his perception by one, as well as his magic power. Promptly after, he went in front of his mirror.

As expected, it showed a youth, his appearance unchanged, however, it did display a subtle aura, gentle and natural, providing him an increase in magic power.

Ha ha ha ha, Qian Pin Ji was laughing madly in the room, if increasing the rank by 1 had such a result, doesn’t this mean that, from here onwards, he could become an immortal?

It was not in vain joining the green society, because he could boldly travel and pay attention to the greens, seeking out rare plants to enrich the spatial region.

Gracefully, Holy Farmer samples a hundred plants. The spatial regions was quite fussy….which is why he called it the Shen Nong Horn.

Currently he was foolishly fantasizing, thinking that his future prospects were looking good; an excellent ability. As he wiped the drool from his mouth, he glanced at the clock: “c.r.a.p, it’s already 11, got to hurry to the airport!”

Qian Pin Ji quickly went into his room, he faced a big pile of goods. He packed it away into what was certainly a large trunk, because here after, he was backpacking to Europe.

At this moment, Qian Pin Ji thought of a bizarre idea: “If I don’t tell anyone about my ability, I could smuggle anything!”

Even though he thought this, he still quickly moved onto the streets, hailing a taxi to speed to the airport.

An hour later, a plane streaked across the sky.

Slight turbulence could be felt occasionally, which gradually turned into a smooth ride. Qian Pin Ji chose to turn his head and look outside.

A vast expanse of white clouds filling the sky.

“Qian Pin Ji, this time we’re going to the head quarters, it really wasn’t easy!” said Lucina, a blonde haired maiden who was next to him, speaking in fluent English. She often showed an astonished expression to him.

Only a few days had pa.s.sed between meeting, but she felt that Qian Pin Ji exuded an unique aura and temperament. It wasn’t anything major, however, it was enough to distinguish him from ordinary men. Staying by his side, she felt a relaxed and unrestrained sensation.

Softly nodding his head, Qian Pin Ji’s viewed the golden haired Lucina’s beautifully skirt covered legs, his gaze lingering about for 2 seconds. Following in accordance to the essential point of the hard earned knowledge of skirt chasing from the net, he said: “Indeed, but no need to place heavy importance on it, we were both chosen to go to headquarters due being equally talented, wouldn’t you agree?”

Concurrently, he spoke to the air stewardess who just happened to walk by: “I’d like a cup of tea!”

The stewardess gave a smile while serving. Qian Pin Ji quietly savoured the tea.

Lucina had both elbows atop the desk, with her chin propped atop her crossed hands, admiring the young man.

During this time, they had just crossed the borders of Switzerland. The pair belonged to the World Conservation Union. The Union was prudent in accepting members, yet at this point, Qian Pin Ji had officially obtained the necessary qualifications for membership. He was traveling to the headquarters this one time.

Luckily, Qian Pin Ji had always enjoyed botany since he was young. Watching plants sprouting and growing, brought him immense pleasure, this was his innermost thoughts. He genuinely felt that the objective of protecting the greenery and environment was appropriate, and not a hardship to him.

Consequently, due to his hardwork and efforts, he had been accepted as an official member. An unexpected gain.

Hopefully during this trip abroad he would be able to find even more uncommon and rare plant varieties, to increase his spatial region. Even better would be to form a small world. He let out a grin as his inner thoughts turned to his inner s.p.a.ce region.

Qian Pin Ji finished his tea, being a touch fatigued, he started playing with the Ox horn. He gradually fell into a slumber, dreaming of beautiful women, a.s.sets; immersing himself….

Unexpectedly, the plane violently shook, Qian Pin Ji was startled from his dream by the broadcast voice. He stretched his waist and wiped away his drool.

He didn’t catch the broadcast, but he saw Lucina’s pale face.

“What is it? What is it?” Qian Pin Ji cried out, springing an unbidden inauspicious feeling!

Lucina hadn’t said a thing yet, the plane started to violently sway about.

Lucina gave a shriek, facing death she held onto Qian Pin Ji tightly, almost suffocating him. However at this time, it did not bring him any comfort or warmth, as at this moment, he understood that the plane was in a crisis.

Qian Pin Ji panic stricken as he stared outside at the white clouds. Mustering all his strength, he struggled with the safety belt on the chair. Not paying attention, an over thousand yuan leather shoe fell from under his feet. This usually composed and carefree man no longer cared about losing his shoes.

“No, how can it be, I already figured out the Ox horn’s abilities, just a bit more, I would have become the richest man, possessed innumerable of women, a man with the most power! The heavens gifted me such a treasure, how could it let me fail in such unfathomable way….I’m not convinced!”

Qian Pin Ji shouted. At this moment, the pale faced stewardess, with great difficulty keeping composed said: “Mister, please calm down, please try to remain calm….”

Before she could finish her sentence, the plane suddenly took a nosedive, falling like a rock.

Qian Pin Ji was unable to move due to the centrifugal force.

Figuring out the Holy Farmer Horn, he figured he would become an incredible figure. However, at this moment, he had no way to prevent his current depraving predicament. Qian Pin Ji finally stopped struggling, as he tenaciously eyed the Holy Farmer Horn, his past thoughts seemingly flittered past his eyes. Finally, settling onto a scene 3-years past, in front of a second hand store.

There was an Ox horn that could be easily distinguished, the sunshine causing it to sparkle with a golden light.

Qian Pin Ji was filled with immeasurable grief and complaints: “f.u.c.k, you played with me heavens, I’m not willing AAAHHHH…..”

The plane carried endless grief and wretchedness, falling 800 metres, following with an explosion. A flaming spectacle was created in the sky.

© 2024