Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 19 - Bison (start)

Chapter 19 - Bison (start)

In a flash, it was already the eleventh month. A gloomy sky, appropriate for a funeral. Ash coloured clouds stretched over a wide expanse, endlessly spiraling in the air. It was lacking the beautiful and radiant sunshine. It also lacked an happy atmosphere. Nick’s family was surrounded with an air of melancholy. A suffocating situation.

Over a week had past since Nick suffered injuries. Although he had undergone a 3 day treatment under Druid Jeff and his life was considered whole when he returned, yet, Nick’s inner organs had after all, been injured. After his damaged organs were treated and mended, he still was unable to perform any high strength related activities.

Currently, Nick still certainly needed to rest and recover for another month. What did this imply, for the only bloodline successor to a family that wasn’t considered well off? Right, it signified that there was no hope for the future. It implied that along with them being too old, this family would gradually fall into a difficult position.

Nick’s family, was an average household in the town. Their family had a plot of land. The father, Old Clint, was a logger. The mother, followed the norm and was an ordinary farmer. Although the family struggled to barely provide, yet, this was before Nick got injured. A busy family, striving with effort that had never lost confidence in their progeny. A lifestyle that was impoverished yet staunch. This was a portrayal of the fundamental lifestyle residing in the small town.

Busy, due to being strong and the hope of living on.

Hope, placed on the son, uncomparable hope that a healthy bodied son was capable of bringing. Although before 16 years of age, Nick was a rascal, he never caused them any worry or to scold, but, who never played around when they were young? By experiencing a few disasters, growing up afterwards, would make them more steady and strive to be a qualified townsman, becoming the pillar of support for the family.

Yet presently, the future pillar was broken. From the moment Nick was carried home to now, this impoverished family was enveloped in a repressing sort of atmosphere the whole time.

“Nick, drink some soup! “ Nick’s mother wasn’t over 30 this year, yet already had a head of grey hair, due to enduring backbreaking physical labour as well as weathering the winds and sunlight over the years.

At this moment, she was carrying a pot of soup with very little meat, carefully ladling it into a bowl and carried it towards the bed afterwards. At this place, the usually lively and active Nick was listlessly reclining, staring blankly at the trees outside the window.

“Mother, I don’t want any! “ in the past, his eyes would light up differently the moment he saw meat, yet now, towards a delicious bowl of meat soup, Nick had no interest.

Perhaps, in the beginning, Nick was happy that he didn’t need to work, and had a lifestyle where he only slept, lazing about the whole day. However, once he realized that perhaps afterwards he would pa.s.s endless amount of days and nights like this; unable to run freely, unable to train and unable to help his parents with heavy labour, he panicked.

Presently, Nick was really panic-stricken.

He didn’t know what he could still do in the future. Previously said, Nick was a 16 year old happy-go-lucky youth who followed behind Rumont and Nick, in which then met with a disaster and suffered his 16th birthday in misery. He then began to engage in introspection of his former life.

Before 16 years of age, he had a thin and weak, but healthy, body; an impoverished but carefree childhood and optimistic and hardworking parents. Yet after turning 16, he lost everything. A crippled body, lack of a future and parents full of worry. What should he do? What should his family do? Nick stared at the giant tree outside with vacant thoughts.

Seeing that he wasn’t willing to drink the soup, all Nick’s mother could do was sigh and place the bowl on the bedside table, afterwards she carefully covered the bowl containing the soup with a larger bowl.

Although the cost of Nick’s treatment was put forth by Rumont, however, Nick’s parents, in the hopes of helping their son’s body recover faster, nevertheless bought food that could provide nourishment back home for him to consume. The originally non-wealth family had completely, now used up all their savings. This bit of soup, was the result of the couple going to their neighbour’s house and borrowing some money to buy the meat to cook with!

Nick turned his head and watched his rickety hunchback mother walk away, feeling sour inside. He wanted to cry. He gradually felt full of remorse as his gaze once again landed on the 2 bowls clasped together.

If he could be healthy once again, if he didn’t go with them that day……

“Ah! It’s Rumont! And Feivel as well? “ suddenly, old father Clint’s voice could be heard from outside. Rumont…...came over? Nick had trouble propping himself up and over by the window. Sure enough, saw two figures appear at the front of Nick’s family gate. An elegant youth was leading, who else could it be than his best friend Rumont!

Shortly, Nick had complicated emotions. He didn’t know what kind of att.i.tude he ought to have towards his former friends.

He understood that he shouldn’t complain. The hunting operation that day, even if it was Rumont’s suggestion, yet it was still of his own accord that he went. He couldn’t completely place fault of the injuries he received upon the pair. Even more so, in order to help him, Rumont shouldered the burden of a debt of 300 silver coins.

However, upon seeing his family sink into depression, because of this issue. Nick couldn’t help but hold a grudge against Rumont, nor use a normal manner to face him.

If…..if it wasn’t for his proposal, maybe, maybe he would still be living a healthier lifestyle……

Looking out the window, the same aged Rumont had a slightly coppery complexion showing up on his handsome face; owing to his recent days of swordsmanship practice. However, he showed an even more prominent male charisma, one that most youths of the small town would never possess; self-confidence br.i.m.m.i.n.g within his countenance.

Nick was a touch despondent upon seeing this, from whence, did this former best friend already change into someone so outstanding? As well as presently, he couldn’t help but……

“Rumont, Feivel, go in quickly. Nick’s currently in bed, and doesn’t want to eat anything, go persuade him, he can’t continue on like this. “ Nick’s mother walked out, barely forcing out a smile to Rumont and Feivel, before showing a face full of worry as she discussed.

Rumont let out a sigh. Don’t mention Nick, even if it was himself, who was suddenly declared that he was essentially half a cripple, he wouldn’t be able to endure it mentally.

They rea.s.sured Nick’s mother and at the same time semi-forced the wild pheasants that they were carrying, stuffing them into her arms. Rumont then pushed the door open to go in. Feivel followed behind. Once they entered, a pungent medicinal scent a.s.saulted their noses, causing the pair to sneeze.

Rumont rubbed his nose, at the same time in this brief period, he took notice of the simple room, after which he viewed the bed. A layer of cotton lining was atop the wooden bed, with a despotic looking youth reclining on top, who was facing outside the window.

“Nick? “ Rumont cautiously called out his name.

“Nick, it’s us! Feivel and Rumont! Feeling better? “ Feivel went over, patting Nick’s back.

Once Nick turned around, not only Feivel, even Rumont jumped in fright.

“Nick, you……” Rumont and Feivel were stunned as they viewed the person in front of them. This person who was wasting away. Merely a few days had pa.s.sed. The originally round faced, lively active youth, at this stage was looking awfully thin and pale. Not only was he thinner overall, even his eyes were showing a lack of vitality.

“Nick, are you still okay? “ Feivel recovered his senses, busily asking. “Listen to your mother, why aren’t you eating? Don’t tell me you don’t want to be like before, once again fighting with us? “

Nick shook his head, showing a touch ridiculing manner: “You don’t need to hide it from me, I’m already a cripple! How can I still be like before……”

Silence filled the room for a while before Rumont suddenly spoke: “actually, it’s not impossible to fully recover your body. “

“What did you say? “ Nick’s eyes suddenly burst forth with an incomparable glimmer, looking at Rumont. However, it disappeared just as quickly. “It’s fine, you don’t have to console me. Didn’t Druid Jeff also inform me that from now on, I was basically half-crippled? What else could there be. “

“A Druid couldn’t cure a person doesn’t mean that a Priest is unable to cure them. After all, it’s the Priest’s specialized field, moreover, even if a normal Priest can’t cure it, isn’t there still higher ranking priests? You have to have hope, anything is possible. “ Rumont answered, patting Nick’s shoulder: “rest well at home, don’t have to be anxious over the money, I’ll help you. You have to have hope, don’t you dare give up. “

After speaking, he grabbed Feivel and quickly retreated out of the room.

Once they had left Nick’s household, Feivel inquisitively asked: “Rumont, even Druid Jeff said that Nick’s injuries couldn’t be fully treated, do you really have a way? “

Rumont kicked a stone on the path as they walked: “I dare not guarantee that his injuries will be completely healed, but, having hope is better than having no hope. “

As a result of the reasoning that the spirit can affect the body, Rumont decided to start utilizing the most fundamental psychology on his friend, in regards to his body. During the time that Nick was injured, his first thought was how to reduce the influence, not allowing this injury to affect his future hunting plans. In regards to the guilt and unease for Nick, it was when he saw Nick’s dejected expression fiercely bursting out from within. Although Nick did not voice out any blame, however, he still felt that he should do something again.

Rumont let out a sigh, and towards Feivel, followed up with: “I’m planning to go hunting in the forest tomorrow, you coming? “

In light of the issue of Nick’s injuries, Feivel still did not hesitate to accept Rumont’s proposal.

On the next day, just when daylight broke, there was a duo who headed out to the forest; each carrying their own weapons and sufficient amount of rations and water. It was still chilly within the early morning forest. Feivel kept breathing a ha, into his hands, trying to warm them up. Unlike him, the slighter bodied Rumont was quite awake, unceasingly looking around for any traces of prey.

“Feivel, wait a bit. “ Rumont suddenly stopped. In front of him, was the excrements of an animal. He squatted down to examine.

After a while, he sprung up and said to Feivel: “gra.s.s eating animals have just pa.s.sed by, their numbers aren’t too many, we’ll follow along and see. “

Feivel nodded his head, taking down the bow and arrows off his shoulder, keeping closely behind Rumont.

The duo covered a certain amount of ground before a river appeared in front of them. Both sides of the river had thickets of bushes. The pair carefully hid their figures as they looked towards the river bank.

Sure enough, a group; one large, two small, of bison were resting by the river quenching their thirst.

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