Her Majesty's Mails

Chapter 25

[210] This examination is for third-cla.s.s clerks only. Vacancies are filled up in the first and second cla.s.ses from the third without any further examination.

[211] Clerks in the Solicitor"s Office are examined also in conveyancing, and in the general principles of equity and common law.

[212] A Post-Office Mutual Guarantee Fund, suggested by Mr. Banning, the postmaster of Liverpool, is in active operation in London, and deserves mention. By means of this fund many officers of the Post-Office have been relieved from the necessity of providing personal securities, or of paying yearly sums to some guarantee office. Any clerk in London who may wish to join _deposits_ the sum of 10_s._, and letter-carriers 5_s._ These deposits are invested in the name of trustees in Government securities. There are at present nearly 3,000 subscribers, with an invested capital of 900_l._ Last year there were no demands at all on the fund except payments to members leaving the service, who not only draw out their original deposits, but are ent.i.tled to receive back a proportionate amount of interest after defaults have been paid.


APPOINTMENTS IN THE CHIEF OFFICE IN LONDON. (_Extracted from the Estimates of 1864-5._)

In all cases marked thus * the present holders of office, or some of them, receive additional allowances, either on account of length of service, compensation, as paid on some previous _scale_ of salary, or for extra work.

----------+----------------------+------------------------------------- _Number__Salary of Office._ _of__Designation._ +-----------+------------+------------ _Persons.__Minimum_Annual_Maximumper Annum._Increment._per Annum._ ----------+----------------------+-----------+------------+------------_s._1Postmaster-General----2,500 1Secretary1,500after 5 yrs2,000 2a.s.sistant70050 01,000Secretaries*_Secretary"s Office._1Chief Clerk60025 0800{Princ.i.p.al Clerk }1{for Foreign and }60025 0800{Colonial Business*}11First-cla.s.s Clerks:--4 First Section50025 06007 Second Section*40020 0500 4Senior Clerks----440 19Second-cla.s.s Clerks*26015 0380 16Third-cla.s.s Clerks12010 0240 11Supplementary Clerks805 0150 10Probationary Clerksat 5_s._ a day_Solicitor"s Office._1Solicitor----1,500 1a.s.sistant Solicitor----800 1Second-cla.s.s Clerk26015 0380 2Third-cla.s.s Clerks12010 0240 1Fourth-cla.s.s Clerk805 0150_Mail Office._1Inspector-General*60025 0800 1DeputyInspector-General50020 0600 1{Princ.i.p.al Clerk of }40020 0500{ Stationary Branch}1{Princ.i.p.al Clerk of }35020 0450{ Travelling Branch}3First-cla.s.s Clerks26010 0350 6Second-cla.s.s Clerks*1807 10240 12Third-cla.s.s Clerks805 0150 5Inspectors of Mails30020 0500Allowance of 15_s._a day whentravelling._TravellingPost-Office._8First-cla.s.s Clerks26010 0350 15Second-cla.s.s Clerks1807 10240 30Third-cla.s.s Clerks805 0150 141Sorters:--10 First-cla.s.s40s. a wk.2 1250s. a wk.

19 Second-cla.s.s32s. "2 1238s. "

38 Third-cla.s.s25s. "2 1230s. "

74 Fourth-cla.s.s18s. "2 1225s. "

Clerks in thisoffice are alsoallowed travellingallowances at therate of 5s. atrip; sorters, 3s.a trip1{Supervisor of Mails"}{ Bag Apparatus }----290_Receiver andAccountant-General"sOffice._1{Receiver and }60025 0800{ Accountant-General*}1Chief Examiner*47520 0575 1Cashier*47520 0575 1Princ.i.p.al Book-keeper*42520 0525 11First Cla.s.s Clerks:--5 First Section31015 04006 Second Section*26010 0350 17Second-cla.s.s Clerks*1807 10240 22Third-cla.s.s Clerks805 0150_Money-Order Office._1Controller*50025 0750 1Chief Clerk*40020 0550 1Examiner*37515 0450 1Book-keeper*37515 0450 13First-cla.s.s Clerks:--4 First Section36515 04009 Second Section26010 0350 52Second-cla.s.s Clerks1807 10240 55Third-cla.s.s Clerks805 0150 6Probationary Clerks5_s._ per day_CirculationDepartment._1Controller*60025 0800 1Vice-Controller*50020 0600 3Sub-Controllers45020 0600 16Deputy Controllers35015 0500 40First-cla.s.s Clerks*26010 0350 80Second-cla.s.s Clerks*1807 10240 118Third-cla.s.s Clerks*805 0150{First-cla.s.s }7{ Inspectors of }21010 0300{ Letter-carriers }15Second-cla.s.s ditto1507 10200 20Third-cla.s.s ditto1105 10145 2,356Sorters, Messengers,&c. viz.--Sorters:100 1st Cla.s.s40s. a wk.2 1250s. a wk.

450 2d Cla.s.s24s. "2 1238s. "

Messengers:20 "21s. "2 1240s. "

Stampers 60 1st Cla.s.s28s. "2 1235s. "

" 199 2d Cla.s.s21s. "2 1227s. "

Letter-carriers:330 1st Cla.s.s*26s. "2 1230s. "

962 2d Cla.s.s*20s. "2 1225s. "

_Surveyors"Department._13Surveyors*50025 0700 32Surveyors" Clerks:--13 First Cla.s.s*30020 040019 Second Cla.s.s*20010 0300 13Stationary Clerks805 0150 ----------+----------------------+-----------+------------+------------

The surveyors have travelling allowances at the rate of 20_s._ per diem; surveyors" clerks, 15_s._ per diem; clerks in charge, 10_s._ and 7_s._ per diem. The whole are also allowed actual expenses of locomotion.


(_Extracted from the Estimates of 1864-5._)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------_Salary of Office._ _Number-------------------------------- of_Designation __Minimum_Annual_Maximum Persons_per Annum_Increment_per Annum_ -------------------------------------------------------------------_DUBLIN__s._1Secretary70050 01,000 1Chief Clerk50020 0600 2First-cla.s.s Clerks30015 0400 4Second-cla.s.s Clerks14010 0300 1Solicitor----1,000 1Accountant*50020 0600 1Examiner*32520 0425 1Controller of Sorting Office40020 0500 4Deputy Controllers28010 0350_General Body of Clerks._13First-cla.s.s Clerks*20010 0300 39Second-cla.s.s Clerks1257 10180 14Supplementary Clerks705 0120 1Inspector of Letter-carriers1257 10200 1Medical Officer----200_EDINBURGH._1Secretary70050 01,000 1Chief Clerk50020 0600 2First-cla.s.s Clerks30015 0400 3Second-cla.s.s Clerks14010 0300 1Solicitor----400 1Accountant*50020 0600 1Examiner*32520 0425 1Controller of Sorting Office45020 0550 3Deputy Controllers28010 0350 1Inspector of Letter-carriers1257 10200 1Medical Officer----150_General Body of Clerks._12First-cla.s.s Clerks20010 0300 30Second-cla.s.s Clerks1257 10180 9Probationary Clerks,5s. a day-----------------------------------------------------------------------


(_Extracted from the Estimates of 1864-5._)

--------+---------------------+--------+---------------------------------- NumberPoundageSalary of Office.

ofDesignations.allowed.-----------+---------+------------ Persons.[213]MinimumAnnualMaximumper Annum.Increaseper Annum.

--------+---------------------+--------+-----------+---------+------------_Liverpool Office._s. d.1Postmaster730----1,000 1Chief Clerk--40020 0 0500 2Princ.i.p.al Clerks--20010 0 0300 1{Controller of}--30010 0 0400{Sorting Office}5a.s.sistant Controllers--2005 0 0250 1{Inspector of }{Letter-carriers}--1257 10 0200 2a.s.sistant Inspectors--805 0 0120 8First-cla.s.s Clerks--1505 0 0200 16Second-cla.s.s Clerks--1004 0 0140 15Third-cla.s.s Clerks--603 0 0100 23First-cla.s.s Sorters--31s. a week2 12 035s. a week.

23Second-cla.s.s Sorters--26s. "2 12 030s. "

46Third-cla.s.s Sorters--22s. "1 6 025s. "

93Fourth-cla.s.s Sorters--18s. "1 6 021s. "

{Allowance to a }------90l. a-year.

{Medical Officer}_Manchester Office._1Postmaster790----700 1Chief Clerk------450 5Princ.i.p.al Clerks--2007 10 0250 5First-cla.s.s Clerks--1505 0 0200 10Second-cla.s.s Clerks--1005 0 0150Medical Officer------80 1{Inspector of }{Letter-carriers}--1507 10 0200 2a.s.sistant ditto--805 0 0120Sorting Clerks:--20First-cla.s.s--31s. a week3 18 038s. a week.

37Second-cla.s.s--21s. "2 12 030s. "

116Letter Carriers--18s. "1 6 023s. "

_Glasgow Office._1Postmaster673----700 1{Controller of }{Sorting Office}--20010 0 0300 5First-cla.s.s Clerks--1505 0 0200 5Second-cla.s.s Clerks--1004 0 0140 10Supplementary Clerks603 0 0100 1{Inspector of }{Letter-carriers}--1257 0 0200{a.s.sistant }2{Inspectors of }--805 0 0120{Letter-carriers}10First-cla.s.s Sorters--31s. a week2 12 035s. a week.

24Second-cla.s.s Sorters--26s. "2 12 030s. "

29Third-cla.s.s Sorters--22s. "1 6 025s. "

66Fourth-cla.s.s Sorters--18s. "1 6 021s. "

97{Auxiliary }{Letter-carriers}------6s. "

{Allowance to }{Medical Officer}------90_Birmingham Office._1Postmaster500----700 3Chief Clerks--1505 0 0230 2Clerks--1505 0 0200 12Ditto--605 0 0140 1{Inspector of }{Letter-carriers}--1257 10 0180{a.s.sistant }1{Inspector of }{Letter-carriers }--805 0 0120 25Sorters--21s. a week2 10 035s. a week.

20{Third-cla.s.s }{Letter-carriers}--22s. "1 6 025s. "

48{Fourth-cla.s.s }--18s. "1 6 021s. "

{Letter-carriers}6{Temporary }------18s. "

{Letter-carriers}5Auxiliaries------10s.6d. "

1Medical Officer------60l. a year.

_Bristol Office._1Postmaster325----600 1Chief Clerk--20010 0 0300 2First-cla.s.s Clerks--1505 0 0200 7Second-cla.s.s Clerks--1004 0 0140 8{Supplementary}--603 0 0100{Clerks }1{Inspector of }{Letter-Carriers}--1105 0 0140 9First-cla.s.s Sorters--27s. a week2 12 033s. a week.

12Second-cla.s.s Sorters--23s. "1 6 026s. "

10Third-cla.s.s Sorters--19s. "1 6 022s. "

24Fourth-cla.s.s Sorters--16s. "1 6 018s. "

28Auxiliaries------10s. 6d. "

1Medical Officer------50l. a year.


------------------+----------+--------+------+-----------+-------------Salary ofPoundageStaffOtherTotal Name of Town.Postmasterallowed.ofSubordinateExpenses ofClerksOfficers.Establishmentfor 1864-5.

------------------+----------+--------+------+-----------+-------------Bath4501557804,997 Brighton5002108363,357 Birkenhead350746302,652 Carlisle300686453,138 Derby3001105423,449 Exeter500145131046,185 Gloucester300726292,404 Hull45020015634,887 Leeds45028012867,265 Newcastle-on-Tyne4502409544,318 Norwich3801186684,453 Oxford331728232,362 Plymouth3321056372,648 Portsmouth3601185232,104 Preston3001056432,995 Sheffield40021517574,708 Shrewsbury400958684,830 Southampton4501608524,415 Worcester320707402,514 York40012511705,059Belfast3401166473,407 Cork3401056392,719Aberdeen40014610553,545 Dundee2301095302,038 Greenock3001007402,692 ------------------+----------+--------+------+-----------+-------------


[213] On the sale of postage-stamps.


AMOUNT OF POSTAGE (including Postage-Stamps sold by the Post-Office and by the Office of Inland Revenue) during the years 1861 and 1862 at those Towns in the United Kingdom where the amount was largest.

+---------------------+------------- -+----------------+18611862+---------------------+------------- -+----------------+_ENGLAND._Bath17,79518,433Birmingham48,81850,272Bradford, Yorkshire17,09819,640Brighton21,94522,579Bristol33,86535,720Cheltenham11,83412,315Exeter16,33416,739Hull20,56120,819Leeds30,64132,736Leicester10,42011,238Liverpool115,268117,676London979,662[214]1,033,268[215]Manchester102,26398,650Newcastle-on-Tyne24,84425,998Norwich12,74012,997Nottingham12,23713,376Plymouth11,52011,493Sheffield20,36421,188Southampton15,18215,852York13,36813,850_IRELAND._Belfast18,43119,189Cork13,41813,568Dublin67,45865,199_SCOTLAND._Aberdeen15,28316,326Edinburgh73,86374,569Glasgow70,47673,809+---------------------+------------- -+----------------+


[214] Including 163,837 for postage charged on Public Departments.

[215] Including 149,202 for postage charged on Public Departments.

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