Red, bred by GEORGE F. HUBBARD, Glastenbury, Conn.; property of SAMUEL W. BARTLETT & SON, East Windsor, Conn.: calved June 15th, 1859; got by King Philip, 1740, Dam Dew Drop, by Holyoke, 580,--

2d dam Atalanta, by Prince Albert, 847, 3d--Alice, by Splendid, (5297) 4th--Danae, by Carlos, (1787) 5th--Dulcibella, by Frederic, (1060) 6th--Delicia, by Major, (2252) 7th-- ---- by Comus, (161) 8th-- ---- by Marske, (418).


Red and white, bred and owned by H. G. WHITE, South Framingham, Ma.s.s.: calved June 1st, 1862; got by Duke of Worcester, _{*}13, 3896, Dam Virgilia, by Prince Royal, 880,--

2d dam Stella 2d, by Rollo, 152, 3d--Stella, by North American, 116, 4th--Stately, by North Star, (4592) 5th--Princess, by Splendid, (5297) 6th--Flora, by Patriot, (2412) 7th--Nonpariel, by Young Denton, (963) 8th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Light roan, bred by D. B. HAIGHT, Dover Plains, d.u.c.h.ess County, N. Y.; property of A. O. c.u.mMINS, Millbury, Ma.s.s.: calved March 15th, 1855; got by Backwoodsman, _{*}6, 226, Dam Ann Gwynne, by Prince Albert, 853,--

2d dam Daisy 2d, by Dandy, 50, 3d--Daisy, by imported King Charles 2d, 84, 4th--imported Daffodil, by Sampson, (5081) 5th--Young Daisy, by Danby, (1900).


Red and white, bred and owned by S. W. BUFFUM, Winchester, N. H.: calved September 4th, 1860; got by Duke of Winchester, 292, Dam Alida, by Kirkleavington, 610,--

2d dam Autumn, by North American, 116, 3d--Adeliza, by Agate 2, 4th--Adeline, by Young Comet, (3427) 5th--Emma, by Wellington, (683) 6th--Anabella, by Major, (398) 7th--Ada, by Denton, (198) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Roan, bred and owned by S. W. BUFFUM, Winchester, N. H.: calved June 15th, 1861; got by Kirkleavington, 610, Dam Lily of the Valley, by Comet, 358,--

2d dam Lucy, by Rough and Ready, 930, 3d--Miss Lathrop, by North American, 116, 4th--Lily, by Grafton, 1623, 5th--Young Lilac, by Sampson, (5074) 6th--Lilac 2d, by Frederic, (2038) 7th--Lilac, by Young Denton, (963) 8th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

=Eva 2d,=

Red, bred by D. W. BARTLETT, East Windsor, Conn.; property of J. S.

ALLEN, East Windsor, Conn.: calved August 3d, 1856; got by Powhatan, 829, Dam Eva, by Logan, 95,--

2d dam Agatha, by Fabius 60, 3d--Young Agatha, by imported Boston, (1735) 4th--Dorcas, by imported Boston, (1735) 5th--imported Cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 6th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 7th-- ---- by Admiral, (4) 8th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 9th-- ---- by Colonel, (152) 10th-- ---- by Son of Hubback, (319) 11th-- ---- by Hubback, (319).

=Eva 3d,=

Red, bred by and property of J. S. ALLEN, East Windsor, Conn.: calved June 17th, 1861; got by Red Duke, 4295, Dam Eva 2d, by Powhatan, 829,--

2d dam Eva, by Logan, 95, 3d--Agatha, by Fabius, 60, 4th--Young Agatha, by Boston, (1735,) 5th--Dorcas, by Boston, (1735) 6th--Cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 7th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683), &c., as in Eva 2d.

=Eva 3d,=

Roan, bred by P. STEDMAN, Chicopee, Ma.s.s.; property of WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.: calved December 7th, 1857; got by Duke of Windsor, 451, Dam Eva, by Logan, 95,--

2d dam Agatha, by Fabius, 60, 3d--Young Agatha, by Boston, (1735) 4th--Dorcas, by Boston, (1735) 5th--Agatha, by Sir Charles, (1440) 6th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 7th-- ---- by Admiral, (4) 8th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 9th-- ---- by Colonel, (152).


Red and white, bred by and property of E. M. HOLMAN, Gra.s.s Hill, Millbury, Ma.s.s.: calved February 1st, 1860; got by Cayuga Prince, 2609, Dam Eva, by Backwoodsman, 226,--

2d dam Ann Gwynne, by Prince Albert, 853, 3d--Daisy 2d, by Dandy, 50, 3d--Daisy 2d, by Danby, 50, 4th--Daisy, by imported King Charles 2d, 84, 5th--Daffodil, by Sampson, (5081) 6th--Young Daisy, by Danby, (1900).


Red and white, bred by and property of F. A. n.o.bLE, East Windsor, Conn.: calved October 6th, 1861; got by 2d Hiawatha, 1667, Dam Letty, by Fabius 2d, 487,--

2d dam Lilac 8th, by Superior, (5360) 3d--Lilac 4th, by North Star, (4592) 4th--Lilac, by Whisker, (5639) 5th--Lilac, by Frederic, (2038) 6th--Lilac, by Young Denton, (963) 7th--imported Arabella, by North Star, (460) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Roan, bred by A. & J. A. CLARK, Granby, Ma.s.s.; property of A. C. & J. G.

WOOD, Gra.s.s Hill, Millbury, Ma.s.s.: calved January 20th, 1857; got by Granby, 544, Dam Cara by Young Meteor, 1147,--

2d dam Double Rose, by Prince Hal, 137, 3d--Rosilla, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Elvira, by Young Comet, (3437) 5th--Emma, by Rockingham, (569) 6th--Anabella, by Major, (398) 7th--Ada, by Denton, (198) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Red and white, bred by and property of MILO J. SMITH & SON, Northampton, Ma.s.s.: calved December 14th, 1861; got by Marmion, _{*}44, 1843, Dam Dew Drop, by Buncomb, 1302,--

2d dam Atalanta, by Logan 2d, 652, 3d--Atalanta, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Adeline, by Young Comet, (3437) 5th--Emma, by Wellington, (683) 6th--imported Anabella, by Major, (389) 7th--Ada, by Denton, (198) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Red, bred by and property of MILO J. SMITH & SON, Northampton, Ma.s.s.: calved January 1st, 1862; got by Marmion, _{*}44, 1843, dam Rena, by Earl of Warwick, 465,--

2d dam Aurora, by North American, 116, 3d--Atalanta, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Adeline, by Young Comet, (3427) 5th--Emma, by Wellington, (683) 6th--Anabella, by Major, (398) 7th--Ada, by Denton, (198) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Light roan, bred and owned by CHARLES H. BARBER, East Windsor, Conn.: calved July 19th, 1859; got by 2d Hiawatha, 1667, Dam Stella, by Fabius 2d, 487,--

2d dam Arabella 2d, by Fabius, 60, 3d--Arabella, by Agate 2, 4th--Dew Drop, by Charles, (878) 5th--Dulcibella, by Frederic, (1060) 6th--Delicia, by Major, (2252) 7th-- ---- by Comus, (161) 8th-- ---- by Marske, (418).


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