
Red and white, bred and owned by B. H. STEDMAN, Chicopee, Ma.s.s.: calved June 27th, 1859; got by Double Duke, 1451, Dam Kathleen, by Powhatan, 829,--

2d dam Atalanta, by Prince Albert, 847, 3d--Alice, by Splendid, (5297) 4th--Danae, by Carlos, (1787) 5th--Dew Drop, by Charles, (878) 6th--Dulcibella, by Frederic, (1060) 7th--Delicia, by Major, (2252) 8th-- ---- by Comus, (161) 9th-- ---- by Marske, (418).


Red, bred by SOLOMON COWLES, Farmington, Conn.; property of S. W.

BUFFUM, Winchester, N. H.: calved September 15th, 1852; got by Murat, 729, Dam Cherry 2d, by Napoleon, 734,--

2d dam Red Lily, by King Philip, 85, 3d--Rosabella, by Dictator, (3591) 4th--White Tulip, by Whisker, (5639) 5th--Tulip, by Patriot, (2412) 6th--Lilac 2d, by Frederic, (2038) 7th--Lilac, by Young Denton, (963) 8th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

=Kate Louisa,=

Red, bred and owned by NEWTON CARTER, Hartford, Conn.: calved April 20th, 1859; got by Red Rover, 2109, Dam Miranda, by Backwoodsman, 226,--

2d dam Lucilla 2d, by Guarionez, 68, 3d--Lucilla, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Louisa, by Boston, (1735) 5th--Agatha, by Sir Charles, (1440) 6th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 7th-- ---- by Admiral, (4) 8th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 9th-- ---- by Colonel, (152) 10th-- ---- by Son of Hubback, (319).

=Kate Louisa 2d,=

Red, bred and owned by NEWTON CARTER, Hartford, Conn.: calved February 6th, 1862, got by Duc D"Argentine, _{*}20, Dam Kate Louisa, &c., as above.

=Lady 3d,=

Roan, bred and owned by J. S. TAYLOR, Shelburne, Ma.s.s.: calved June 14th, 1861; got by 4th Hiawatha, 2970, Dam Stella, by Tec.u.mseh, 1025,--

2d dam Luna, by Rollo, 152, 3d--Young Lilac, by Sampson, (5074) 4th--Lilac 2d, by Frederic, (2038) 5th--Lilac, by Young Denton, (963) 6th--Arabella, by North Star, 460, 7th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

=Lady 4th,=

Red roan, bred and owned by J. S. TAYLOR, Shelburne, Ma.s.s.: calved June 25th, 1861; got by General Sale, _{*}28, Dam Lady 2d, by 4th Hiawatha, 2970,--

2d dam Luna, by Rollo, 152, &c., as in Lady 3d.

=Lady 5th,=

Red, bred and owned by J. S. TAYLOR, Shelburne, Ma.s.s.: calved May 26th, 1862; got by General Sale, _{*}28, Dam Stella, by Tec.u.mseh, 1025,---

2d dam Luna, by Rollo, 151, &c., as in Lady 3d.

=Lady Sale 5th,=

Red, bred by J. M. SHERWOOD, Auburn, N. Y.; property of A. O. c.u.mMINS, Gra.s.s Hill, Millbury, Ma.s.s.: calved June 20th, 1855; got by Red Jacket, 890, Dam Lady Sale 3d, by imported 3d Duke of Cambridge, (5941),--

2d dam Lady Sale 2d, by Earl of Chatham, (10176) 3d--Lady Sale, by General Sale, (8099) 4th--Clara, by Napier, (6238) 5th--Maid of Orleans, by Mameluke, (2258) 6th--Helena, by Waterloo, (2816) 7th--Moss Rose, by Baron, 58, 8th--Angelina, by Phenomenon, (491) 9th--Anne Boleyn, by Favorite, (252) 10th--Princess, by Favorite, (252) 11th--Bright Eyes, by Favorite, (252) 12th-- ----by Hubback, (319) 13th-- ---- by Snowdon"s Bull, (612) 14th--Beauty, by Masterman"s Bull, (422) 15th--d.u.c.h.ess of Athol, by Harrison"s Bull, (292) 16th--Tripes, by the Studley Bull, (626).

=Lady Finley,=

Red roan, bred and owned by S. W. ROBBINS, Wethersfield, Conn.: calved September 24th, 1861; got by Duc D"Argentine, _{*}20, Dam Maid Marion, by 5th Albion, 2482,--

2d dam Maid Marion 2d, by Lord John, (11728) 3d--Maid Marion, by Robin Hood, (9555) 4th--Lily, by Young Zealot, (8797) 5th--Lily, by Young Van d.y.k.e, (8733) 6th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Young Spectator, (8619) 7th-- ---- by Phanta.s.sie, (8389) 8th-- ---- by Young Rockingham, (8498).

=Lady Lathrop,=

Red, bred by A. O. c.u.mMINS, Millbury, Ma.s.s.; property of H. G. WHITE, South Framingham, Ma.s.s.: calved November 10th, 1859; got by Young Monarch, 3605, Dam Lady Sale 5th, by Red Jacket, 890.--

2d dam Lady Sale 3d, by 3d Duke of Cambridge, (5941) 3d--imported Lady Sale 2d, by Earl of Chatham, (10176) 4th--Lady Sale, by General Sale, (8099) 5th--Clara, by Napier, (6238) 6th--Maid of Orleans, by Mameluke, (2258) 7th--Helena, by Waterloo, (2816) 8th--Moss Rose, by Baron, 58, 9th--Angelina, by Phenomenon, (491) 10th--Anne Boleyn, by Favorite, (252) 11th--Princess, by Favorite, (252) 12th--Bright Eyes, by Favorite, (252) 13th--Bright Eyes, by Hubback, (319) 14th--Bright Eyes, by Snowdon"s Bull, (612) 15th--Beauty, by Masterman"s Bull, (422) 16th--d.u.c.h.ess of Athol, by Harrison"s Bull, (292) 17th--Tripes, by the Studley Bull, (626).

=Laura 3d,=

Red and white, bred and owned by P. LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.: calved August 29th, 1851; got by Prince Leopold, 869, Dam Laura, by North American, 116,--

2d dam Louisa, by Boston, (1735) 3d--Cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 4th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 5th-- ---- by Admiral, (4) 6th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 7th-- ---- by Colonel, (152) 8th-- ---- by Grandson of Hubback, (319) 9th-- ---- by Hubback, (319).

=Laura 5th,=

Red and white, bred and owned by PAOLI LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.: calved May 1st, 1860; got by Brother Jonathan, 2570, Dam Laura 3d, by Prince Leopold, 869,--

2d dam Laura, by North American, 116, 3d--Louisa, by Boston, (1735) 4th--Cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 5th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 6th-- ----by Admiral, (4) 7th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 8th-- ---- by Colonel, (152) 9th-- ----by a Grandson of Hubback, (319) 10th-- ---- by Hubback, (319).

=Laura 6th,=

Nearly red, bred by and property of PAOLI LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.: calved August 6th, 1861; got by Marmion, _{*}44, 1843, Dam Laura 3d, by Prince Leopold, 869,--

2d dam Laura, by North American, 116, 3d--Louisa, by Boston, (1735) 4th--Cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 5th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 6th-- ----by Admiral, (4) 7th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 8th-- ---- by Colonel, (152) 9th-- ---- by Grandson of Hubback, (319) 10th-- ---- by Hubback, (319).

=Laurestina 2d,=

Roan, bred by P. LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.; property of H. G.

WHITE, South Framingham, Ma.s.s.: calved June 10th, 1860; got by John Bull, _{*}40, 3025, Dam Laurestina, by Earl of Warwick, 465,--

2d dam Laura 3d, by Prince Leopold, 869, 3d--Laura, by North American, 116, 4th--Louisa, by Boston, (1735) 5th--Cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 6th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 7th-- ---- by Admiral, (4) 8th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 9th-- ---- by Colonel, (152) 10th-- ---- by Grandson of Hubback, (319) 11th-- ---- by Hubback, (319).

=Lady Sale 6th,=

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