Red and white, bred by A. H. BEACH, Merwinsville, Conn.; property of BURDETT LOOMIS, Suffield, Conn.: calved June 23d, 1860; got by Duke of Ash Grove, 2745, Dam Belle 3d, by the Count, 1028,--

2d dam imported Belle, by Monarch, (7249) 3d--Barmaid, by Hurricane, (4061) 4th--Spotted Boughton, by Crusader, (7939) 5th--Bombazine, by Regent, (544).

=_{*}49 Middles.e.x,=

Red and white, bred and owned by H. G. WHITE, South Framingham, Ma.s.s.: calved June 30th, 1862; got by Thornd.y.k.e, _{*}68, 4422, Dam Laurestina 2d, by John Bull, _{*}40, 3025,--

2d dam Laurestina, by Earl of Warwick, 465, 3d--Laura 3d, by Prince Leopold, 869, 4th--Laura, by North American, 116, 5th--Louisa, by Boston, (1735) 6th--Cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 7th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (683) 8th-- ----by Admiral, (4) 9th-- ---- by Sir Harry, (1444) 10th-- ---- by Colonel, (152) 11th-- ---- by Grandson of Hubback, 319, 12th-- ---- by Hubback, (319).

=_{*}50 Neptune,=

Light roan, bred by JOHN BOOTH, Killerby, England; imported by SAMUEL THORNE, owned by WILLIAM HURST, Albany, N. Y.; got by Water King, (11024) Dam Bloom, by Buckingham, (3239),--

2d dam Hawthorn Blossom, by Leonard, (4210) 3d--Blossom 3d, by Young Red Rover, (4905) 4th--Blossom, by Isaac, (1129) 5th--Blossom, by Pilot, (496) 6th--Twin Cow, by Albion, (14).

=_{*}51 Napier,=

Dark roan, bred and owned by WILLIAM HURST, Albany, N. Y.: calved March 10th, 1861; got by imported Neptune, _{*}50, 3192, Dam imported Finella, by Grand Duke, (10284),--

2d dam Fay, by Foig-a-Ballagh, (8082) 3d--Fame, by Raspberry, (4875) 4th--Farewell, by Young Matchem, (4422) 5th--Flora, by Isaac, 1129, 6th-- ---- by Young Pilot, (497) 7th-- ---- by Pilot, (496) 8th-- ---- by Julius Caesar, (1143.)

=_{*}52 Nonesuch, 1935.=

Red and white, bred by D. C. COLLINS, Hartford, Conn.; property of DAVID MOSELY, Westfield, Ma.s.s.: calved April 2d, 1853; got by Monarch, 718, Dam Novice, by c.o.xcomb, 382,--

2d dam Nina, by Bertram 2d, 21, 3d--Nannette, by Patriot, (2412) 4th--Nonpariel, by Young Denton, (963) 5th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 6th--Aurora, by Comet, (155.)

=_{*}53 Osceola,=

Red and white, bred and owned by S. W. BUFFUM, Winchester, N. H.: calved May 24th, 1861; got by Duke of Winchester, 2792, Dam Lucky, by Kirkleavington, 610,--

2d dam Aurelia, by Osceola, 789, 3d--Adeliza, by Agate 2, 4th--Adeline, by Young Comet, (3427) 5th--Emma, by Wellington, (683) 6th--Anabella, by Major, (398) 7th--Ada, by Denton, (198) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155) 9th--by Henry, (301) 10th-- ---- by Danby, (190).

=_{*}54 Prince of Wales, 4275.=

Red roan, bred and owned by A. C. & J. G. WOOD, Millbury, Ma.s.s.: calved October 11th, 1860; got by Highflyer, _{*}34, 587, Dam Lady Chesterford, by Earl Ducie, (12799,)--

2d dam Lady Jane, by Red Roan Kirtling, (10691) 3d--Lady Anna, by Pam, (6272) 4th--Countess, by Vanguard, (5545) 5th--Dodona, by Alabaster, (1616) 6th--No. 6, by Dr. Syntax, (220) 7th-- ---- by Charles, (127) 8th-- ---- by Henry, (301) 9th--Lydia, by Favorite, (252) 10th--Nell, by the White Bull, (421) 11th--Fortune, by Bolingbroke, (86) 12th-- ---- by Foljambe, (263) 13th-- ----by Hubback, (319.)

=_{*}55 Pluto,=

Red and white, bred by WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.: calved June 4th, 1860; got by Frank Forrester, 2868, Dam Eva 3d, by Duke of Windsor, 451,--

2d dam Eva, by Logan, 95, 3d--Agatha, by Fabius, 60, 4th--Young Agatha, by imported Boston, (1735) 5th--Dorcas, by imported Boston, (1735) 6th--imported cow Boston, by Sir Charles, (1440) 7th--d.u.c.h.ess, by Wellington, (1683), &c.

=_{*}56 Prince Albert,=

White, bred by GEORGE VAIL, Troy, N. Y.; property of JOHN HOWITT, Guelph, C. W.: calved June 19th, 1846; got by Meteor, 104, Dam Splendor, by Symmetry, (2723),--

2d dam Pomona, by Bedford, Jr., (1701) 3d-- ---- by Isaac, 1129, 4th-- ----by Whitworth, (1584) 5th-- ---- by White Comet, (1582) 6th-- ---- by Son of Kitt, (2179.)

=_{*}57 Prince of Oxford, 3308.=

Red roan, bred by SAMUEL THORNE, d.u.c.h.ess Co., N. Y.; property of NEWTON CARTER, Hartford, Conn.: calved July 3d, 1857; got by Duke of Gloster, (11382) Dam Maid of Oxford, by Lord of Eryholme, (12205),--

2d dam Oxford 13th, by 3d Duke of York, (10166) 3d--Oxford 5th, by Duke of Northumberland, (1940) 4th--Oxford 2d, by Short Tail, (2621) 5th--Matchem Cow, by Matchem, (2281) 6th-- ---- by Young Wynyard, (2859.)

=_{*}58 Planet,=

Red and white, bred by WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.; property of CHARLES H. BARBER, East Windsor, Conn.: calved August 15th, 1861; got by Hamilcar, _{*}33, Dam Fancy, by Berlin Hero, (257,)--

2d dam Letty, by Fabius 2d, 478, 3d--Lilac 8th, by Superior, (5360) 4th--Lilac 4th, by North Star, (4592) 5th--Lilac, by Whisker, (5639) 6th--Lilac, by Frederic, (2038) 7th--Lilac, by Young Denton, (963) 8th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, by Comet, (155.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: PRINCE OF OXFORD, 2 Years Old, 3308. Vol. 4, A. H. B.


=_{*}59 2d Prince of Orange, 2183.=

Light roan, bred by PAOLI LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.; property of AARON M. WINSLOW, Putney, Vt.: calved May 24th, 1856; got by Prince of Orange, 872, Dam Novice, by c.o.xcomb, 382,--

2d dam Nina, by Bertram 2d, 21, 3d--Nannette, by Patriot, (2412) 4th--Nonpariel, by Young Denton, (963) 5th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 6th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

=_{*}60 Red Duke, 4295.=

Red, bred by PHINEAS STEDMAN, Chicopee, Ma.s.s.; property of SAMUEL W.

BARTLETT & SON, East Windsor, Conn.: calved June 2d, 1859; got by Double Duke, 1451, Dam Young Dorothy, by Windsor Comet, 1105,--

2d dam Dorothy, by East Windsor, 56, 3d--Red Romp, by Agate 2, 4th--Romp, by Enchanter, (3729) 5th--Rachel, by Washington, (1566) 6th--imported Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 7th--Primrose, by Charles, (127) 8th-- ---- by Blythe Comet, (85) 9th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 10th-- ---- by Patriot, (486).

=_{*}61 Red Blaize, 3325.=

Red, bred by D. W. BARTLETT, East Windsor, Conn.; property of NORMAN PORTER, Berlin, Conn.: calved May, 1857; got by Powhatan, 829, Dam Lilac 4th, by North Star, (4592),--

2d dam Lilac, by Whisker, (5639) 3d--Lilac, by Frederic, (2038) 4th--Lilac, by Young Denton, (963) 5th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 6th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

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