2d dam Pocahontas, by North American, 116, 3d--Princess, by Washington, (1566) 4th--Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 5th--Primrose, by Charles, (127) 6th-- ----by Blythe Comet, (85) 7th-- ---- by Prince, (621) 8th-- ---- by Patriot, (486).


Red and white, bred by A. & J. A. CLARK, Granby, Ma.s.s.; property of H.

G. WHITE, South Framingham, Ma.s.s.: calved September 20th, 1855; got by Prince Royal, 880, Dam Stella 2d, by Rollo, 152,--

2d dam Stella, by North American, 116, 3d--Stately, by North Star, (4592) 4th-- ----Princess, by Splendid, (5297) 5th--Flora, by Patriot, (2412) 6th--Nonpareil, by Young Denton, (963) 7th--imported Arabella, by North Star, (460) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155), &c.

=Wall Flower,=

Red and white, bred by MORGAN GOODWIN & SON, West Hartford, Conn.; property of NEWTON CARTER, Hartford, Conn.: calved May 23d, 1856; got by Monarch, 718, Dam May Flower, by North American, 116,--

2d dam Rose, by Splendid, (5297) 3d--Romp, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Rachel, by Washington, (1566) 5th--Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 6th--Primrose, by Charles, (127) 7th-- ---- by Blythe Comet, (85) 8th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 9th-- ----by Patriot, (486).

=Wood Nymph,=

Red and white, bred and owned by WILLIAM HURST, Albany, N. Y.: calved February 27th, 1862; got by imported Neptune, 3192, Dam Sea Nymph, by imported Neptune, 3192,--

2d dam Nymph, by Bertram 2d, 21, 3d--Nannette, by Patriot, (2412) 4th--Nonpareil, by Young Denton, (963) 5th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 6th---Aurora, by Comet, (155) 7th-- ---- by Henry, (301) 8th-- ---- by Danby, (190).

=Windsor Belle,=

Red and white, bred by SAMUEL W. BARTLETT & SON, East Windsor, Conn.; property of H. G. WHITE, South Framingham, Ma.s.s.: calved February 29th, 1856, (leap year); got by Powhatan, 829, Dam Red Romp, by Agate 2,--

2d dam Romp, by Enchanter, (3729) 3d--Rachel, by Washington, (1566) 4th--imported Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 5th--Primrose, by Charles, (127) 6th-- ---- by Blythe Comet, (85) 7th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 8th-- ---- by Patriot, (486).

=Windsor La.s.s,=

Red and white, bred by SAMUEL W. BARTLETT & SON, East Windsor, Conn.; property of DANIEL W. BARTLETT, East Windsor, Conn.: calved April 4th, 1857; got by Powhatan, 829, Dam Red Romp, by Agate 2,--

2d dam Romp, by Enchanter, (3729) 3d--Rachel, by Washington, (1566) 4th--imported Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 5th--Primrose, by Charles, (127) 6th-- ----by Blythe Comet, (85) 7th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 8th-- ---- by Patriot, (486).

=Windsor Lady,=

Light roan, bred and owned by SAMUEL W. BARTLETT & SON, East Windsor, Conn.: calved March 2d, 1859; got by 2d Hiawatha, 1667, Dam Windsor Belle, by Powhatan, 829,--

2d dam Red Romp, by Agate 2, 3d--Romp, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Rachel, by Washington, (1566) 5th--Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 6th--Primrose, by Charles, (121) 7th-- ---- by Blythe Comet, (85) 8th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 9th-- ----by Patriot, (486).

=Yarico 7th,=

Roan, bred by WELLS LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.; property of PAOLI LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.: calved October 21st, 1853; got by Prince Leopold, 869, Dam Yarico, by North American, 116,--

2d dam Young Miranda, by Frederic, (2038) 3d--Miranda, by Young Denton, (963) 4th--imported Arabella, by North Star, (460) 5th--Aurora, by Comet, (155) 6th-- ---- by Henry, (301) 7th-- ---- by Danby, (190).

=Yarico 17th,=

Roan, bred by WELLS LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.; property of WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.: calved November 6th, 1858; got by Kirkleavington, 610, Dam Yarico 6th, by Prince Leopold, 869.--

2d dam Yarico 2d, by East Windsor, 56, 3d--Yarico, by North American, 116, 4th--Young Miranda, by Frederic, (2038) 5th--Miranda, by Young Denton, (963) 6th--imported Arabella, by North Star, (460) 7th--Aurora, by Comet, (155) 8th-- ---- by Henry, (301) 9th-- ---- by Danby, (190).

=Yarico 22d,=

Red and white, bred by PAOLI LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.; property of WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.: calved September 2d, 1859; got by John Bull, _{*}40, 3025, Dam Yarico 7th, by Prince Leopold, 869,--

2d dam Yarico, by North American, 116, 3d--Young Miranda, by Frederic, (2038) 4th--Miranda, by Young Denton, (963) 5th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 6th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

=Yarico 23d,=

Red, bred and owned by PAOLI LATHROP, South Hadley Falls, Ma.s.s.: calved August 5th, 1860; got by John Bull, _{*}40, 3025, Dam Yarico 7th, by Prince Leopold, 869,--

2d dam Yarico, by North American, 116, 3d--Young Miranda, by Frederic, (2038) 4th--Miranda, by Young Denton, (963) 5th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 6th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Red and white, bred and owned by WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.: calved January 18th, 1862; got by Hamilcar, _{*}33, Dam Yarico, 22d, by John Bull, _{*}40, 3025,--

2d dam Yarico 7th, by Prince Leopold, 869, 3d--Yarico, by North American, 116, 4th--Young Miranda, by Frederic, (2038), &c., as in Yarico 22d above.

=Young Pocahontas,=

Red and white, bred and owned by WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.: calved July 4th, 1861; got by Plato, 2032, Dam Pocahontas 2d, by Tam O"Shanter, 168,--

2d dam Pocahontas, by North American, 116, 3d--Princess, by Washington, (1566) 4th--Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 5th--Primrose, by Charles, (127,) 6th-- ----by Blythe Comet, (85) 7th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 8th-- ---- by Patriot, (486).

NOTE.--On page 27, the note at bottom of _{*}27, Stephenson, should read, this is a three-fourth Stephenson blood Bull.




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