=79 Florence 2d,=

Red and white; calved April 20th, 1860; bred by THOMAS TODD, Dunure Mains, Scotland; imported and owned by HORATIO E. DAY, Hartford, Conn.: Sire, Jock the Laird, Dam, Florence, 78.

=80 Florence 3d,=

Red and white; calved November 28th, 1861; bred and owned by HORATIO E.

DAY, Hartford, Conn.: Sire, Robert Burns, 57, Dam, Florence, 78.

=81 Folly,=

Red and white; calved September 4th, 1862; bred by C. M. POND, Hartford, Conn.; owned by BYRON LOOMIS, Suffield, Conn.: Sire, Samson, 63, Dam, Rosemount, 189.

=82 Frolic,=

Pale red, with a few small white spots; calved October 25th, 1855; bred by HUNGERFORD & BRODIE, Adams, N. Y.; owned by HENRY L. STEWART, Middle Haddam, Conn.: Sire, Kelburn, imported by Hungerford & Brodie, Adams, N.

Y., 1852, Dam, Cherry Blossom, imported by Hungerford & Brodie, 1854.

=83 Gentle,=

Light red; calved 1856; bred by JAMES REID, Torcross, near Tarbolton, Scotland; imported by the Trustees of the Ma.s.sachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, 1858; owned by GEORGE B. LORING, Salem, Ma.s.s.

=84 Gowan,=

Spotted red and white; calved April 4th, 1859; bred by ROBERT GRAY, Fredericton, N. B.; owned by NATHAN DANE, Jr., Kennebunk, Me.: Sire, Duncan, out of an Ayrshire cow, imported by Robert Gray, 2d Sire, Jock the Laird 4th, out of Helen, imported by Robert Gray, 3d Sire, Jock the Laird 3d, bred and imported by Robert Gray, 1849, Dam, Peerless, bred and imported by Robert Gray, 1849.

=85 Gypsie,=

Red and white; calved April 17th, 1859; bred by THOMAS DAWS & SON, Lachine, C. E.; owned by A. RICHMOND, Brooklyn, Conn.: Sire, Baldie, imported by James Logan, Montreal, C. E., Dam, an Ayrshire Cow, imported by Thomas Daws & Son, Lachine, C. E.

=86 Heather Bell,=

Red and white; calved 1853; bred by ANDREW MCFARLANE, Scotland; imported 1858, by James Logan, Montreal, C. E.; owned by C. & S. HARRIS, Riverpoint, R. I.: Sire, Heather Jack.

=87 Helen Mar,=

White and red spotted; calved April 5th, 1859; bred by THOMAS DAWS & Son, Lachine, C. E.; owned by A. RICHMOND, Brooklyn, Conn.: Sire, Baldie, imported by James Logan, Montreal, C. E., Dam, an Ayrshire Cow, imported by Thomas Daws & Son.

=88 Jane,=

Light red with little white; calved 1856; bred by JAMES CRAIG, of Polquheys, Scotland; imported in 1859, and owned by H. H. PETERS, Southboro", Ma.s.s.

=89 Jane 2d,=

Light red and white; calved January 16th, 1861; bred and owned by H. H.

PETERS, Southboro", Ma.s.s.: Sire, King Coil, 40, Dam, Jane 88.

=90 Jane,=

White with red spots; calved April, 1858; bred by ROBERT GRAY, Oak Park, New Brunswick; owned by EPHRAIM OTIS, Kittery, Maine: Sire, Jock the Laird, imported by Robert Gray, Dam, Jane, bred by Robert Gray, from his own importation, 1849.

=91 Jean Armour,=

Light red with little white; calved May 1st, 1856; bred in Scotland, by HUGH ROGER, Attiquin Maybole; imported in 1858, and owned by H. H.

PETERS, Southboro", Ma.s.s.: Sire, Wellington, Dam, Mary.

=92 Jean Armour 2d,=

Red, with but little white; calved May 23d, 1861; bred and owned by H.

H. PETERS, Southboro", Ma.s.s.: Sire, King Coil, 40, Dam, Jean Armour, 91.

=93 Jeanie,=

Red and white; calved June 18th, 1862; bred and owned by H. H. PETERS, Southboro", Ma.s.s.: Sire, King Coil, 40, Dam, Ruth, 193.

=94 Jean,=

Dark red, with little white; calved April 24th, 1854; bred by Robert Gray, Fredericton, N. B.; owned by NATHAN DANE, Kennebunk, Me.: Sire, Jock the Laird 4th, out of Helen, imported by R. Gray, 2d Sire, Jock the Laird 3d, imported by R. Gray, 1849, Dam, Jenny Willet, imported by Robert Gray, 1849.

=95 Jennie Deans 3d,=

Red and white; calved June 8th, 1850; bred by E. P. PRENTICE, Albany, N.

Y.; owned by WILLIAM BIRNIE, Springfield, Ma.s.s.: Sire, Jock the Laird, bred by Capt. Randall, New Bedford, Ma.s.s., 2d Sire, imported by Capt.

Randall, Dam, Jennie Deans 1st, by Highlander, 2d Dam, Mida, by Wallace, 3d Dam, Ayr 2d, sired in Scotland, 4th Dam, Ayr, imported in 1842, by Mr. Ward, Lenox, Ma.s.s.

=96 Jenny,=

Dark red and white; calved October 25th, 1860; bred by N. H. WARREN, Concord, Ma.s.s.; owned by M. S. KELLOGG, Chicopee, Ma.s.s.: Sire, Ayrshire Bull, bred by William S. Lincoln, Worcester, Ma.s.s., 2d Sire, McGregor, imported by the Trustees of the Ma.s.sachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Dam, Young Jenny Deans, by Prince Albert, imported by the Trustees of the Ma.s.sachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, 2d Dam, Jenny Deans, imported by the Trustees of the Ma.s.sachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, 1844.

=97 Jenny,=

Red; calved July 27th, 1861; bred and owned by JOHN ROGERS, Kittery, Me.: Sire, Jock the Laird 2d, 32, Dam, Jenny Willet, 102.

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