13. "because wealthy countries": Jonathan Watts, "Rio+20 Earth summit: Walkout at "green economy" talks," guardian.co.uk, June 14, 2012, "amid a global": Ibid.

15. "We cannot be": Ibid.

16. "immune from legal": George Russell, "Mammoth new green climate fund wants United Nationsstyle diplomatic immunity, even though it"s not part of the UN," foxnews.com, March 22, 2012, "possible conflicts of": George Russell, "U.N. Climate Organization Wants Immunities Against Charges of Conflict of Interest, Exceeding Mandate, Among Others," foxnews.com, June 12, 2012, "lack of transparency": Ibid.

19. "the move to": Ibid.

20. "1.9 trillion per": James Helser, "Green Climate Fund Demands Diplomatic Immunity," thenewamerican.com, March 26, 2012, "to use international": "Rio+20: Green Economy, SDGs, UNEP upgrade approved," Daily Independent, July 2, 2012, "scaled-up and": George Russell, "The tab for U.N."s Rio summit: Trillions per year in taxes, transfers and price hikes," foxnews.com, April 20, 2012, #ixzz1xzbVB8uS.

23. "Scaled-up": Ibid.

24. "there is currently": Felix Dodds and Michael Strauss, Only One Earth: The Long Road via Rio to Sustainable Development (London: Routledge, 2012), p. 169.

25. "help to clarify": Ibid.

26. "an estimated 25 percent": UNEP, "Inclusive Green Economy Given Go Ahead by Heads of State at Rio+20," UNEP.org, June 22, 2012, "pension funds to": Ibid.

28. "encourage governments to": Ibid.

29. "so few specifics": Mark McDonald, "U.N. Report from Rio on Environment a "Suicide Note," " nytimes.com, June 24, 2012, "a failure of epic": Ibid.

31. "sophisticated UN": Ibid.

32. "affirm, recognize, underscore": Ibid.

33. "To be sure": Ibid.

34. "some of the": Bradley Brooks, "Rio+20, the unhappy environmental summit," AP/The Jakarta Post, June 23, 2012, "[W]e saw anything": Ibid.


1. "After 12 years": AMICC, "Chronology of US Actions Related to the International Criminal Court," amicc.org, "the use of armed force": "Delivering on the promise of a fair, effective and independent court > than the crime of aggression," Iccnow.org, "Pressure [was] building": Reuters, "Bush Cancels Visit To Switzerland Due To Threat Of Torture Prosecution, Rights Groups Say," huffingtonpost.com, May 25, 2011, "shall satisfy itself": Marion Smith, "An Inconvenient Founding: America"s Principles Applied to the ICC," Heritage Foundation, February 18, 2010, "our government has": BBC News, "US to Resume Engagement with ICC," bbc.com, November 16, 2009, "so far completed": Eric Posner, "The Absurd International Criminal Court," wsj.com, June 12, 2012, "includes few authoritarian": Ibid.

8. "Now ... it is": Ibid.


1. "orbital debris and": Rose Gottemoeller, "A Code for Outer s.p.a.ce, as Seen From the State Dept.," nytimes.com, March 15, 2012, "What the code would": Taylor Dinerman, "America"s Suicidal s.p.a.ce Diplomacy," Gatestone Inst.i.tute, January 12, 2012, "Outer s.p.a.ce has": John Bolton and John C. Yoo, "Hands off the Heavens," nytimes.com, March 8, 2012, "a transparent": Ibid.

5. "Obama is eroding": Ibid.

6. "term [is] often": Ibid.

7. "in a war": Ibid.

8. "if the United States": Ibid.

9. "the administration a.s.serts": Michael Listner, "Congressional opposition to a Code of Conduct for s.p.a.ce," thes.p.a.cereview.com, February 6, 2012, "require the Department": Ibid.

11. "require the Department": Michael Listner, "Congressional opposition to a Code of Conduct for s.p.a.ce," The s.p.a.ce Review, February 6, 2012, "Imagine": Email from Zubrin to d.i.c.k Morris, July 5, 2012.

13. "planetary protection": Ibid.


1. ""The European Union"": Elisabeth Rosenthal, "U.S. and Europe Battle Over Carbon Fees for Airlines," nytimes.com, July 27, 2011, "a group of": UN News Centre, "UN experts call for global financial tax to offset costs of economic crisis," UN.org, May 14, 2012, "Where the world": Ibid.

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