"You can... go now."

Chu Hen waved his hands.

He could not get any clue from Lin Beichen"s answer.

He still had to wait to mark Lin Beichen"s paper.

After a while...

Wu Xiaofang handed in his paper and then turned his head to see that no one was sitting in seat 109.

"Lin Beichen, I don"t believe that you can still score high."

The Herbology and Potion test was much more difficult than the North Sea Empire"s Recent History test.

The latter completely aimed to test one"s memory.

However, the former required one"s understanding, judgment, and inferences in addition to memory.

It even required students to be qualified with the experimental practice foundation.

That could not be improved by cramming.

"Wait and see how I will defeat you, sc.u.mbag!"

Wu Xiaofang left the examination room with plenty of confidence.

After another half an hour, students successively handed in their papers.

Time flew by.

It was time to hand in the papers.

Many students began to wail in the examination room.

"No, I haven"t finished it..."

"It"s harder than the North Sea Empire"s Recent History test."

"Shut up. I"ll break down."

After the teachers" urging, the students left the examination room one after another.

Grade Dean Chu Hen could not wait to say, "Hurry up. Mark the papers. I want to get the outcome as soon as possible..."

Everyone knew what the "outcome" he said referred to.

Without his urging, the teachers had begun to engage in marking the papers.

From the beginning of this exam, they had been using the Mystery Mark for the projection of the entire process of Lin Beichen"s answering his paper. Although they failed to clearly see the test paper on the desk, it was certain that there was no obvious evidence of cheating. Whether it was his posture or his speed of answering the questions, they were almost exactly the same as during the previous test.

So, could he still get full marks?

Everyone wanted to know the answer.

Time flew by.

After an hour, the marking of the papers was over.

"I found a 100-point test paper here."

Mr. Hou could not believe it, as he stood up and spoke with a trembling voice.

Chu Hen directly said, "Quickly. Remove the seal and see who it is."

Around the stone list...

"Oh my G.o.d, I must have a blurred vision..."

"Full... full marks again?"

"How did he do it?"

"12 points more than the one ranked second. How amazing!"

"So horrifying."

There were waves of exclamation of the soph.o.m.ore students, creating a warm atmosphere.

Everyone saw the name displayed on the top of the stone list.

Three syllables—Lin Beichen.

And his unreachable, frightening score—100 points.

Another full marks.

Mu Xinyue, who ranked second, only got 88 points.

Wu Xi ranked third, got a score of 87 points.

Si Xinlin ranked fourth, got 85 points.

Gao Min ranked fifth, with a score of 84 points.

Wu Xiaofang ranked just sixth, getting 82 points.

Everyone could see that Wu Xiaofang did not do well on this exam.

"That is impossible. It"s impossible."

Wu Xiaofang looked pale, muttering to himself.

Instead of defeating Lin Beichen, he was 18 points behind him.

These 18 points were like 18 hard slaps to Wu Xiaofang"s face and it made his face contort.

Mu Xinyue, who was standing not far away, was as shocked and angry as Wu Xiaofang.

She was still in second place.

It seemed that she was second only to Lin Beichen.

But there was a large gap of 12 points.

These 12 points seemed to be a huge insurmountable barrier, separating her from Lin Beichen and obviously showing the huge gap between the two of them.

"How did Lin Beichen do it?

"In the past, his academic performance was simply terrible. How did suddenly he...

"Did he pretend to have a poor performance before?

"Is he actually a genius?"

That idea chilled Mu Xinyue, and a touch of obscure regret came to her mind.

"No, I can"t regret it.

"I did nothing wrong.

"It"s all that sc.u.mbag Lin Beichen"s fault.

"Hmph, Lin Beichen, don"t be proud of yourself too soon. The results of the knowledge tests only account for 30% of the comprehensive performance. Even though you got two full marks, you will show your true colors in the martial arts compet.i.tion."

Mu Xinyue clenched her fists.

The other soph.o.m.ore geniuses looked at the results and rankings published on the stone list, also unwilling to accept it.

Losing to other geniuses was acceptable.

But losing to such a notorious piece of trash as Lin Beichen was unbearable to anyone.

At this moment, Lin Beichen had become a common enemy in the minds of all geniuses in the soph.o.m.ore Cla.s.s Two.

However, after three hours...

When the knowledge tests on the first day were over, these geniuses felt bitterly disappointed.

Because the results of the Mystery Mark Theory test, which was the last test today, were released.

The name of Lin Beichen, like a lingering nightmare, again ranked first on the stone list.

Another 100 points.

The infamous prodigal got his third full marks on the knowledge tests.

There were three subjects in total in the knowledge tests.

He got full marks in every subject.

The moment that the results were published, many experienced teachers were even in a daze.

Because it was so amazing.

What an unbelievably amazing performance!

Throughout the history of junior colleges in Cloudy Dream City, there had been no one able to get full marks in all three subjects of knowledge tests in the joint examinations in the past 10 years.

Lin Beichen established a record.

An unprecedented record.

All soph.o.m.ore students felt overwhelmed by Lin Beichen"s performance.

They were absolutely overwhelmed by his performance, even unable to resist.

Even those arrogant soph.o.m.ore geniuses such as Wu Xiaofang, Mu Xinyue, Gao Min, Si Xinlin, and Wu Xi had to admit that even if given one more opportunity, no, 10 more opportunities, they could not possibly get three full marks in the theory tests of the joint examinations.

Therefore, they could only stand still and take a beating.

Could they fight back?

No way.

This day, they were destined to be a humble stepping stone for Lin Beichen, who was s.h.i.+ning.

"Immediately seal all the Mystery Mark projections of Lin Beichen taking the three exams and report them to the Cloud Dream City United Examination Committee. Such results are so amazing that those junior colleges will definitely suspect cheating and then repeatedly review the examination process. We must not let them find any reason to suspect him," in the conference room, Grade Dean Chu Hen said with excitement.

He could not help getting excited.

For a long time, in the Cloudy Dream City Junior College United Examinations, the Third College had always been inferior to other colleges. Fortunately now, they had a super genius who set up an unprecedented record in their own college. The Third College could finally triumph over other colleges aboveboard.

They could hold their heads high now.

Even if it was only the record of the highest score in the knowledge tests, which held a small proportion of the compet.i.tion result, it was worth celebrating.

To them, it was a hard-won victory.

No matter how insignificant the record was, it was a real record.

Or other colleges could be so great to break the record.

Chu Hen had already been able to imagine that in the academic exchange conference, when dealing with the grade deans from other colleges, he could finally hold his head high and have a reason to mock them back.

Therefore, the test records had to be kept intact so those who wanted to question the record could not find any fault.

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