"Today, Li Qingxuan, an observer from the United Examination Committee of Cloudy Dream City came to the exam site to cheer for everyone. Students of this group are the best talents of the second grade in our Third College. You must bring out the best in yourselves. Don"t be nervous... Okay, now I declare the test begins," announced Chu Hen, the grade dean, aloud.

The invigilator beside him read aloud the name of the first student to take the test, "No. 087, Leng Ye of Cla.s.s One, Grade Two, get on the ring and take the test."

Leng Ye was a clean-cut, good-looking young man, as well as a genius in Cla.s.s One, Grade Two. He was well-known and respected in the school.

He had never expected that he was the first person to be tested. He hurried out of the line, up the steps and into the ring.

In the center of the ring was a four-legged square black stone table which was one meter high.

A square white jade column half a meter wide and one meter high was placed on it. From Lin Beichen"s view, the white jade column looked like a large thermometer on earth.

This white jade column was called Mystery Energy-testing Stone.

It had something to do with the Mystery Mark Formation, which could test one"s Mystery Energy level.

Leng Ye walked over to be searched by another invigilator. Then he went to the right side of the Mystery Energy-testing Stone, pressed his palm against it, and worked his own Mystery Energy, pus.h.i.+ng it to its peak.

A reddish light shot up from the middle of the Mystery Energy-testing Stone"s front like the mercury in a thermometer at high temperatures.

All of a sudden, countless eyes were focused on the Mystery Energy-testing Stone"s scale.

The streak of reddish light shot up rapidly until it pa.s.sed the third mark and then slowed down. At last, the light stopped about five centimeters above the third scale.

Leng Ye"s face was flushed with breathlessness and the veins popped out of his neck.

He held it for a full 30 seconds before the test was over.

"Leng Ye"s Mystery Energy is at level 3.6," the invigilator announced his final level.

In accordance with the test rules, students used their own Mystery Energy to make the reddish light to rise to as high as possible, until the highest scale, and then maintain a full 30 seconds. That was the final Mystery Energy level.

Leng Ye looked excited.

The Mystery Energy of level 3.6 was the best he could achieve.

He saluted the teachers and the observer and then walked off the ring with a happy face.

The faces of several invigilators also brightened.

According to the historical data, the first grader" Mystery Energy was generally between level one to two, and a few geniuses" Mystery Energy could cross level two; the second grader" Mystery Energy was generally between level two to three, and the person whose Mystery Energy was over level three was a genius; the third grader" Mystery Energy was generally between level three to four, and the person whose Mystery Energy was over level four was a genius.

Leng Ye definitely could be considered to be a talent to reach level 3.6 in the Mystery Energy.

The test got off to a good start.

Chu Hen, the grade dean, was satisfied with the level.

He turned to look at Li Qingxuan, the special observer, only to find a trace of disdain in the latter"s eyes.

"Brother Qingxuan, you don"t seem satisfied with the level?" Chu Hen said.

Li Qingxuan made no secret of his disdain and replied, "In the First and Second Provincial Colleges, this level is very ordinary. If that"s the average level of the second-year talent group at your Third College, I"m disappointed."

Chu Hen, somewhat embarra.s.sed, said, "Please keep watching, Brother Qingxuan. This is just the beginning."

"Really?" Li Qingxuan asked flatly, "I hope your students won"t disappoint me."

Then the test continued.

The next few students of the first group got level 3.1 or 3.2 on the test. A dozen students in a row did not surpa.s.s Leng Ye.

The invigilators" faces darkened.

Chu Hen"s forehead was breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Slow down, slow down, don"t worry. Everyone, take it easy, stay calm and do your best," Chu Hen said loudly.

So the test slowed down.

Even so, the results were not encouraging.

The look of disappointment and boredom on Li Qingxuan"s face became clear.

"Gao Min of Cla.s.s Three, Grade Two, with the Mystery Energy at level 3.8."

Finally, there was a student whose Mystery Energy level surpa.s.sed that of Leng Ye.

Chu Hen, the grade dean, heaved a long sigh of relief.

Gao Min was the number one in Cla.s.s Three, Grade Two. There was finally a breakthrough.

But when he turned to look at Li Qingxuan, he noticed that there was no change in the latter"s face. He knew that such a level still did not impress the special observer.

"Zheng Shuangyong of Cla.s.s Five, Grade Two, with the Mystery Energy at level 3.7."

"Song Hao of Cla.s.s 10, Grade Two, with the Mystery Energy at level 3.6."

"w.a.n.g Tao of Cla.s.s Four, Grade Two, with the Mystery Energy at level 3.3."

"Yue Hongxiang of Cla.s.s Eight, Grade Two, with the Mystery Energy at level four."

Finally, as Yue Hongxiang, the number one of Cla.s.s Eight, Grade Two accepted the test, the first student whose Mystery Energy level reached four appeared.

The grade dean, Chu Hen, was overjoyed.

Yue Hongxiang deserved to be one of the prime talents of Grade Two.

Chu Hen thought this level should impress Li Qingxuan.

However, he looked back and saw that the special observer still looked very calm and indifferent.

"d.a.m.n it..." Chu Hen swore inwardly.

"We"re just the Third College! You are too demanding!"

The test continued.

As time went by, the other groups of students basically finished the test, and more and more people came to the first ring to watch the test, causing a dense crowd to pack the surrounding s.p.a.ce.

"Wu Xiaofang of Cla.s.s One, Grade Two, get on the ring and take the test," the invigilator yelled.

Wu Xiaofang perked up.

At last it was his turn.

He looked over his shoulder at Lin Beichen and said with a sneer, "Lin Beichen, keep your eyes wide open to see the difference between you and me. You will soon know what despair is."

After that, he strode off toward the ring.

He was quite confident.

Getting on the ring and saluting the teachers, he pressed his palm against the Mystery Energy-testing Stone.

All at once, there was an uncontrollable cheer around the ring.

The reddish light shot up in a moment, and pa.s.sed the mark of level three.

It then continued its rapid ascent, straight past the mark of level four.

It pa.s.sed the mark of level 4.5 before the reddish light began to slow down.

In the end, it held steady at the mark of level 4.7 for a full 30 seconds.

"Wu Xiaofang of Cla.s.s One, Grade Two, with Mystery Energy at level 4.7."

The teacher"s voice trembled a little as he read the results.

This was a record-breaking achievement.

There had never been a genius with Mystery Energy at level 4.7 in Grade Two of the Third College.

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