A teacher stopped him directly, with a mockery on his face, and said simply, "You use this." He was referring to the new Mystery Energy-testing Stone.

Below the ring rang a roar of laughter.

"Haha, this sc.u.m actually wants to use the level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone. Does he think he is as powerful as Senior Sister Mu?"

"That"s funny. He doesn"t have a clear estimation of himself."

"The knowledge exam inflated him."

"Not everyone is qualified to use the level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone."

Jeers came from the crowd around the ring.

With no expression on his face and no argument, Lin Beichen went straight to the new level four Mystery Energy-testing Stone.

As soon as he reached out his hand and pressed it, a reddish light suddenly appeared.


A cloud of white smoke rose.

Before everyone present knew what was happening, the new Mystery Energy-testing Stone exploded.

The Mystery Energy Explosion.

The new level four Mystery Energy-testing Stone burst.

The jeering off the ring stopped abruptly.

Chu Hen jumped up from his wooden chair again as if he had a nail in his b.u.t.t.

The special observer Li Qingxuan also looked shocked.

Off the ring, Wu Xiaofang looked as if he were seeing a ghost.

Mu Xinyue"s smile froze on her face.

It was as if the mute b.u.t.ton that controlled the ring on and off had been pressed in an instant.

Lin Beichen looked at the teacher who had just stopped him and said, "Sir, can I use the level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone now?"

The teacher, as if awakened from a dream, looked at Chu Hen, the grade dean.

Chu Hen finally came to his senses, darted to the center of the ring, looked at Lin Beichen in shock, and urgently asked, "Your... your Mystery Energy has already exceeded level four! When did you make it?"

Lin Beichen replied, "Oh, maybe it was yesterday when I was asleep... I"m not too sure."

He really didn"t know about that.

The app of the Intermediate Mystery Energy Condensing Skill in his phone did not show the Mystery Energy level.

The app had been running at full capacity for the last two days, and he himself had not cleared which level his Mystery Energy had reached.

It was a chance for him to test it out.

"Load of rubbis.h.!.+ How did you break through when you slept... Forget it. I won"t ask you. Try measuring your Mystery Energy with the level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone," Chu Hen said in an urging tone.

Lin Beichen came to the front of the level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone, put his hand on it, and ran his Mystery Energy at the same time.

A bright reddish light was born in an instant.

The pillar shot up sharply.

Countless eyes were fixed on the Mystery Energy-testing Stone, especially Mu Xinyue"s.

She clenched her hands and her nails almost went into the flesh. An unprecedented tension overwhelmed her. She no longer had the calmness and confidence that everything was under control.

She couldn"t believe that this loser could make her feel so threatened and oppressed.


There was another little noise.

White smoke rose from the top of the level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone.

Not only that, but there were cracks in the Mystery Energy-testing Stone.

The Mystery Energy Explosion!

The word uncontrollably popped into many people"s minds.

The level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone also burst.

How... how was this possible?

The knowledgeable grade dean, Chu Hen, froze.

Several other invigilators looked as if they were frozen, and their minds had gone blank. For a moment they were a little confused about the situation.

The special observer Li Qingxuan jumped to his feet, and stared at Lin Beichen, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng.

The mouth of the old teacher Ding Sans.h.i.+ was open enough to fit two duck eggs.

As Lin Beichen"s Mystery Energy teacher, he knew the situation of the black sheep best.

Three days ago, Lin Beichen"s Mystery Energy was definitely only about level one, up to level 1.5. In any case, his Mystery Energy was less than level two.

But now, the level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone exploded because of its upper limit was exceeded.

What did that mean?

That meant Lin Beichen"s Mystery Energy was at level six at least.

Three days, from level one to level six?

Even those talents in the First and Second Colleges, and the Royal Junior College in Cloudy Dream City were absolutely unable to do that.

What had happened to the black sheep?

As for the students off the ring, they were even more shocked.

Wu Xiaofang"s mind went blank and he almost lost his ability to think.

Mu Xinyue bit her lip so tightly that it bled. Blood even oozed from her white teeth, but she did not seem to feel it.

Others, such as Gao Min, Yue Hongxiang, Si Xinlin, Wu Xi, and other second-grade geniuses, all looked gla.s.sy-eyed, as if they had become wooden figures, all keeping their eyes and mouths wide open, unable to make any sound.

After a long while, the special observer Li Qingxuan said, "This student is Lin Beichen?"

This time he came to the Third College because of Lin Beichen.

Yesterday, Lin Beichen got full marks in three exams, and the astonis.h.i.+ng grades attracted the attention and speculation of all the Junior Colleges in Cloudy Dream City. Some people suspected that the Third College, which had been a mess for many years, did something disgraceful in the knowledge exam and produced a so-called miracle of three full marks in order to save face.

He, as an observer, was actually here to supervise the examination.

And the focus of his supervision was, of course, Lin Beichen.

In fact, he had heard of Lin Beichen.

After all, most of the citizens knew the notorious black sheep of Cloudy Dream City.

Li Qingxuan thought that in today"s martial arts test, the black sheep would show his true colors.

The results, however, were surprising.

So Li Qingxuan couldn"t sit still and asked.

Chu Hen, the grade dean, was suddenly clear in the head and replied, "Yes, that"s him, Brother Qingxuan..."

Li Qingxuan interrupted him and ordered, "Get his education record to me."

Lin Beichen"s education record was soon presented to him.

After reading it, Li Qingxuan felt a storm in his heart.

Lin Beichen was a black sheep, an ignorant fop, and a guy who had been a mess in all the previous a.s.sessments, big and small, but he had suddenly been magically transformed into a brilliant genius, as if he were reborn.

This was even more incredible than the legends of martial arts in minstrel poetry.

"Take a level six Mystery Energy-testing Stone," Li Qingxuan said.


Chu Hen gave a wry smile and said, "Brother Qingxuan, we don"t have a level six Mystery Energy-testing Stone in our Third College."

"How come you haven"t?" Li Qingxuan asked subconsciously.

But in an instant, he understood.

Generally speaking, in the Third College, the third graders" Mystery Energy were between level three to four, and only a few talents" Mystery Energy could achieve level five barely. Maybe some talents" Mystery Energy could reach level six in the strong schools like the First and Second Colleges, but this definitely did not include the bad schools like the Third College.

Therefore, it was reasonable that the United Examination Committee did not equip the Third College with the professional level six Mystery Energy-testing Stone.

After all, the level six Mystery Energy-testing Stone was not cheap.

It lying aside in the Third College was a complete waste.

Unexpectedly, it was a second grade student who made a level five Mystery Energy-testing Stone explode.

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