Here Comes The Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 43 Qualifying Match

Chapter 43 Qualifying Match

The second day.

It was fine after the rain.

The air was fresh, with the index of PM 2.5 being zero.

The air was full of oxygen ions, which was best for the middle-aged people.

As soon as Lin Beichen arrived at the school, he was called to partic.i.p.ate in a meeting in the office of Grade Two.

Naturally, the other three students in the meeting were Yue Hongxiang, Wu Xiaofang, and Mu Xinyue.

The art of healing in this world was far beyond that on the Earth.

Additionally, the warriors would cultivate the Mystery Energy, so their wounds could heal faster.

Therefore, even if Wu Xiaofang and Mu Xinyue, who appeared in the meeting room, were beaten up by Lin Beichen, their injuries had basically healed. Except for their slightly pale faces due to blood loss, there were no other signs of what they had suffered in the compet.i.tion.

Lin Beichen was the last one to arrive.

“Beichen, come here and sit down.”

When he saw Lin Beichen, the grade dean Chu Hen"s smile was like a blooming flower immediately.

He was even happier seeing Lin Beichen than seeing his own son.

Lin Beichen sat on the seat.

Mu Xinyue took the initiative to nod to Lin Beichen as if nothing had happened before.


Lin Beichen was speechless.

He directly ignored Mu Xinyue, turned to Yue Hongxiang, who was the cla.s.sical beauty of Cla.s.s Eight and sat opposite to him, and nodded to her with a smile.

Yue Hongxiang was slightly stunned for a moment, blushed instantly, subconsciously lowered her head, then suddenly found it impolite, looked up and nodded to Lin Beichen, and pretended to be calm.

She was not that kind of vulgar and sleazy girl.

On the contrary, in many cases, Yue Hongxiang always kept others at arm"s length.

She had a strict upbringing. She had been told repeatedly by her mother to be self-respecting since childhood.

She had been always stuck to it.

But the person who smiled at her just now was Lin Beichen.

Yue Hongxiang had never seen such a handsome boy before.

The smile was deadly attractive even only in terms of his face.

Moreover, he took first place in this Midyear Compet.i.tion, showing his shocking talents, as s.h.i.+ning and dazzling as the sun that just on the horizon. She dared not to look straight into his eyes.

Lin Beichen saw Yue Hongxiang"s series of reactions, and felt that this little girl was quite interesting.

As for Wu Xiaofang aside, he was completely a tragedy, and almost everyone ignored him.

“Today, I"m here to inform you of something about the qualifying match of the Talent Battle. The United Examination Committee has reviewed and verified your student"s status. This afternoon, you will leave the school for the Green Wasteland a hundred miles south of the Cloudy Dream City under the leader of Ding Sans.h.i.+. You will take the 10-day qualifying match there.” Chu Hen said straightforward.

Went outside the city?

Lin Beichen was slightly startled.

Was the match held outside the city?

Now, he would be in big trouble.

He had too many enemies outside the college, and there would be dangers outside the college, let alone outside the city.

Chu Hen seemed to see through Lin Beichen "s concerns at a glance, and then said, “The qualifying match is hosted by the Cloudy Dream City Education Department, executed by the United Examination Committee, jointly organized by six major departments such as the Castellan Administration and the Military Department. A total of sixty Grade Two students from different colleges will partic.i.p.ate in this match, and each student is protected by the Education Department. In the process, any or persecutions directed by other forces against the partic.i.p.ants, as well as any damage to the qualifying match will be regarded as treason. Moreover, you"re also under the joint lead of elite teachers for soph.o.m.ores from the major junior colleges, so you don"t have to worry about factors other than the qualifying match.”


Lin Beichen was finally relieved.

That was good news.

The North Sea Empire valued education, so the education department had great power in the empire"s administrative system.

Besides, in the recent hundreds of years, many influential officials and emerging powerhouses in the empire were from the major colleges. They were scattered over the world, and became a unique force with unlimited potential.

In major provinces and cities, the deterrence of the Education Department was not much worse than that of the armies.

Furthermore, in Cloudy Dream City, the deterrence of the Education Department was not much worse than that of the Mansion of Heaven-fighting Marquis before the latter was destroyed.

“Boys and girls, the major colleges have made full preparations for this qualifying match. These years, no soph.o.m.ore students of the Third College could pa.s.s the qualifying match and enter the real Talent Battle. I hope this time, there will be a breakthrough.”

When Chu Hen said this, his eyes fell on Lin Beichen.

His biggest expectation was Lin Beichen"s performance.

If this time, there could possibly be a soph.o.m.ore student of the Third College lucky enough to enter the Talent Battle, it must be Lin Beichen.

After giving some encouragement, Chu Hen told the four of them to leave in an hour.

Lin Beichen returned to the Bamboo House and told the old steward w.a.n.g Zhong to prepare clean clothes, and turned to report his arrival.

“Young Master, you…”

The old steward wanted to say something but stopped talking.

Lin Beichen said, “Relax. Don"t worry about my safety.”

After that, he ran away.

The old steward wore a complicated look.

The site outdoors was suitable for s.e.x.

“Alas, my young master is a handsome man, so I hope that those little b.i.t.c.hes from other colleges could be restrained.”

Otherwise, he would be exhausted.

Before the administration building, the partic.i.p.ants quickly a.s.sembled.

The qualifying matches for different grades were different.

The four soph.o.m.ore students set off directly under the leaders.h.i.+p of Ding Sans.h.i.+.

They left the school by the college"s closed carriage.

The carriage came out of the college quickly and into the streets of the city.

Listening to the hawking and laughter from outside the carriage, Lin Beichen could imagine the bustling and lively streets outside.

But he always leaned against the sidewall, closed his eyes as if he were sleeping, and waited patiently.

Mu Xinyue tried to calmly find a topic several times, but was completely ignored by him.

It was a total of one hundred miles long from Cloudy Dream City to the Green Wasteland.

The college"s carriage was pulled by a kind of beast called “Speeding Beast”.

Speeding beasts looked like the velociraptor, but the latter"s hind legs stood on the ground. The backward joint of their hind legs could make the speeding beast run extremely fast and stably, far better than the ordinary horses. It was a kind of advanced tractional beast in Cloudy Dream City, and coupled with the Mystery Mark Formation on the carriage, together with small whirlwind arrays on the carriage"s bottom which could lift the carriage, the carriage moved extremely fast and stably so that sitting inside was like sitting in the luxury business car on the Earth.

“It was obviously pulled by a beast, but why should it be called a carriage instead of a beast-pulling carriage?”

Lin Beichen wondered silently.

It took an hour and a half for the carriage to go through the distance of a hundred miles.

“Come down. We have already arrived.”

Ding Sans.h.i.+"s voice came from outside the carriage.

Four students got off one by one.

They breathed the fresh and cool air different from that in the city.

Lin Beichen looked around.

A vast green s.p.a.ce appeared in the field of his vision.

The moor was densely covered with a variety of lush wild and big trees, from far to near. Because of the different vegetation, the green color"s depths were also inconsistent, as if it were a huge green striated carpet, spreading from their foot to the horizon, aesthetically pleasing.

“Come with me and report your arrival,” said Ding Sans.h.i.+.

As soon as Lin Beichen turned around, he saw that the carriage was parked on the camping ground outside a manor on a small hill.

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