Here Comes The Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 44 What It Feels Like to Be a Handsome Guy

Chapter 44 What It Feels Like to Be a Handsome Guy

On the right side of the camp, stood a big irregular stone tablet, where a few words were carved—

Cloudy Dream City Students Trial Camp.

On both sides of the camp, four strong warriors stood there, clad in Mystery Mark armors. They looked solemn, touch, and very overwhelming. They were supposed to be soldiers sent to protect the student camp by the army. They might be very capable, at least warrior experts.

The camp was built with big wooden blocks and rocks. It was about 10 meters high and looked kind of magnificent.

Only in a world where martial arts culture was prosperous, could they build such a seemingly simple but actually tall and grand city wall.

The four people including Lin Beichen followed behind Ding Sans.h.i.+. After the ident.i.ty check, they got to the inside of the camp.

The entire camp occupied around 13,000 square meters and took the shape of a ball.

Rooms weren"t many here. There were 10 of them in total, which were all built up by black rocks. They looked square. Compared to houses, they looked more like small castles. The walls were extremely thick and could stand a forceful attack. The rooms scattered inside the camp or around the wall.

At the center of the camp was a small square.

At the center of the square, a square stone tablet stood.

Four sides of the tablet were smooth, just like the stone list of the Third College.

The entire camp struck Lin Beichen as two words—

Simple, solid.

“Haha. Isn"t that Mr. Ding from the Third College? Hehe, the last one of the compet.i.tion of the six junior colleges in Cloudy Dream City, and the representative of the Third Provincial Junior College. You finally came.”

A very ear-piercing voice rang in the ears of people including Lin Beichen.

The person who was talking was a strange-looking middle-aged man.

He looked strange because…

He"s too fat.

If normal people had been growing vertically, then Lin Beichen had to suspect the middle-aged man had been developing horizontally. Inside the swordsman robe of his, four Lin Beichens could get in. Nevertheless, the fat middle-aged guy completely occupied it. Piles and piles of fat meat seemed to be about to completely tear the wide robe open.

Lin Beichen had never seen someone so fat.

If it was on earth, a fat guy like this might have first crushed himself dead.

However, luckily, in this world, one could cultivate Mystery Energy. Therefore, the middle-aged teacher was not only healthy but also nimble. When walking, he was like a big basketball lightly bouncing, landing on the ground almost silently.

“I was wondering who that could be. It turns out to be Mr. Qiu Tian from the Sixth Provincial College. Hehe, I haven"t seen you in half a year, yet you"ve grown fatter again.”

Ding Sans.h.i.+ replied with a fake smile.

Holy cow. Ruthless.

For the first time, Lin Beichen saw the mean and sarcastic side of the old teacher.

It turned out that the atmosphere between colleges wasn"t friendly.

Was it so compet.i.tive?

Before the qualifying match even officially begun, the leading teacher from two colleges sounded very threatening once they met up.

“Bulls.h.i.+t.” Qiu Tian snapped like a fat snake whose head was stabbed. “I"ve already lost 94 grams this month. Who says I put on more weight? You skinny monkey had better think about how to protect your Third College"s rank from being surpa.s.sed by home schools and sects.”

The fatty really cared about his weight.

Ding Sans.h.i.+ laughed out loud and said, “Ranked fifth among the six colleges, your Sixth College is no much better than us… The pot calls the kettle black.”

“Hehe, though our Sixth College ranks only one place higher than you, we have seven contestants today. Haha, you have only four. This time, I"m afraid you will return home empty-handed again.”

Qiu Tian mocked him in reply.

Ding Sans.h.i.+ snorted and said, “Success lies in quality, not number. Your seven people don"t necessarily equal a single one of our Third College.”

“Haha, I know. In this united examination, your Third College was said to have produced a genius called Lin Beichen. Haha, but, don"t you know the quality of the geniuses you selected all these years yourself? This time, it"s even more unbelievable. Even the city-famous black sheep, Lin Beichen, gets to be one of Third College"s geniuses. Hahaha, bad lobsters really come from stinky muddy ponds.”

Qiu Tian laughed exaggeratedly. The fat meat on his face wavered up and down.

Lin Beichen felt speechless on the side.

“While you two elder seniors get into a verbal war, why do you have to cue me?”

“Humph, let"s read the script while on a donkey—wait and see.”

Exchanging insults was completely meaningless. Ding Sans.h.i.+ didn"t want to argue in vain and directly ended the topic with a cla.s.sic saying. He directly left with four students and checked in at the center of the square.

Qiu Tian and the seven Sixth College students behind him all jeered.

In Cloudy Dream City, except the supreme Royal National Junior College, among the other six provincial junior colleges, the Third College used to enjoy great achievement. Nevertheless, nowadays, it had completely declined, ranked sixth. For the last dozen years, it hadn"t got a chance to rise at all.

This time, it was impossible either.

As long as there existed the Third College, the Sixth College would never have to worry about having no one to trample on.

It was at the center of the square.

Below the stone tablet, and behind a rock desk, an old acquaintance sat there.

Li Qingxuan.

It looked like the previous special observer was one of those who were in charge of this trial.

“Third College? Name, age, height, and weight.”

Li Qingxuan looked serious as if he didn"t know Lin Beichen and his companions. He asked them lightly.

Ding Sans.h.i.+ told the information about the four students.

“Check, change.”

Li Qingxuan waved.

The soldiers standing beside the desk divided the four people including Lin Beichen into a men"s group and a women"s group. They led them to two different rooms to search them very carefully and closely.

Not just clothes, they even checked hair, boots, and some private places on their bodies.

After the check, they could wash in the spring in the room.

Then, they changed into leather armor uniforms prepared by the camp crew.

Their original clothes and other personal belongings were all put aside temporarily, kept by the camp crew. When the qualifying match ended, they would be returned.

Only their weapons were left with them.

“It"s pretty strict.”

Lin Beichen held the sword of morals in his hand and couldn"t help secretly exclaiming.

Walking out of the men"s changing room, Lin Beichen immediately attracted attention from many people.

“Who"s that? So handsome.”

“Which college does he come from? Why haven"t I noticed some guy so terribly handsome before?”

“Wow, who does the same feather armor uniform look so good on the cute boy?”

A round of cries and discussion rang around him.

Lin Beichen smiled.

What did it feel like to be a handsome guy?

He thought now he totally had the right to answer the question on Zhihu.

“My face is finally my biggest advantage. Hahaha.”

Changing into the trial uniform, Lin Beichen looked excessively handsome.

Wu Xiaofang, who walked behind him, was also one of the cute guys in the Third College. Nevertheless, now, compared with Lin Beichen, he was as normal as a beggar on a roadside.

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