Here Comes The Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 94 An Uninvited Guest

Chapter 94 An Uninvited Guest

The Sword-honing Venue was a Level-one Martial Arts Test Venue for the Third College. It was especially used for testing the cultivation and holding the upgrade tests as well as martial arts compet.i.tions of the teachers in the college. Usually, only the teachers were allowed to enter, and normally, students were not allowed to enter.

Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang arrived at the entrance of the venue. A young female teacher in her early twenties had already taken the initiative to come up to them.

The female teacher looked ordinary, but her skin was fair and her figure was plump. She was still single. She scanned Lin Beichen a few times, and her eyes were sparkling. She said very enthusiastically, “Lin Beichen, the three deans are waiting for you inside. Come with me.”

Yue Hongxiang was neglected.

However, she was used to it.

These days, Lin Beichen"s charm on women began to show up on the campus.

Like this teacher and the previous intern librarian, when they saw Lin Beichen, their eyes were s.h.i.+ning, as if they had seen their handsome younger brother. They were very enthusiastic—even the teachers were like this, so it could be imagined how crazy the female students would be.

Yue Hongxiang and Lin Beichen had contacted each other the most frequently, and they were also the closest.

She simply wanted to communicate with Lin Beichen as a friend who she admired.

Occasionally, when she was distracted, she couldn"t help but wonder what kind of mentality Mu Xinyue, the ‘Civilian Princess" who abandoned Lin Beichen—an excellent and handsome boyfriend, would have at this time.

She would probably hang herself with regret.

The atmosphere in the Sword-honing Venue was calm and solemn.

As soon as the two walked in, they immediately attracted dozens of people"s attention.

In addition to Chu Hen, the dean of the second grade, Pan Weimin, the dean of the third grade, and Liu Qihai, the dean of the first grade, were all waiting there.

These three people were now the three giants of the Third College. They worked their hearts out to teach students, so they were quite prestigious.

There were more than ten senior teachers from different grades. All of them had excellent cultivation bases and were very famous in the entire education circle of Cloudy Dream City.

There were two more students here.

One was Han Bufu, the top genius of the third grade.

The other was Bai Qinyun, the top genius of the first grade.

Coupled with Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang, they were the four geniuses from the Third College who were able to partic.i.p.ate in the main draw of the Talent Battle of Cloudy Dream City.

The four of them stood side by side.

Lin Beichen took a few more glances at Han Bufu and Bai Qinyun.

The former was a thin, long-faced young man with slanted eyebrows, narrow eyes, thin lips, and a tall nose. His eyebrows were always knitted as if he had something to worry about.

The latter was a little girl in a white swordsman robe. Her oval face was white and flawless. Because of her age, her face was a bit chubby. Her eyebrows and eyes were extremely delicate, and her long hair was wine-red. It was unknown whether it was natural or dyed. In general, she was a rare beauty. Her temperament was cold, and there was a sense of indifference that kept people at arm"s length in her. But with her flawless appearance, it was enough to make many people fall in love with her.

A benign-faced old teacher with white hair and beard said with a serious look, “Today, the three grade deans are all here and have personally organized a professional team. They will give you the most accurate and comprehensive test of your current strength so that the next special training will produce the best effect and the greatest improvement in your fighting capacity.”

He went on to say, “You guys, this is an opportunity that other students envy but cannot get, so you must grasp it well. Don"t have any psychological burden, just show your strength as much as you can. The test is divided into…”

In the introduction of the old teacher, Lin Beichen and the other three people gradually had a clear understanding of the test in their minds.

Obviously, this test was far more detailed and c.u.mbersome than the Midyear Compet.i.tion.

The test of the Mystery Force alone could be divided into many parts, such as the intensity and frequency of the Mystery Force, the time it cost for the Mystery Force to run one circle in the body, the fluctuation peaks of the Mystery Force, the recovery rate of the Mystery Force, and the lasting time of the Mystery Force.

Besides the test of the Mystery Force, there were also the tests of the body, Spiritual Force, sword skills, comprehension, willpower, and so on.

The test was so elaborate that it was almost like a physical examination.

After listening to the introduction, Lin Beichen was also eager to have a try.

To have a clear understanding and judgment of his current strength was what he had always wanted to do. He now was able to do it with the help of this test.

As for whether he should keep his ace in the hole or not, in the test, he just needed to trim his sails.

Chu Hen said expectantly, “Gentlemen, you are the pride of the Third College and our hope. Whether the former glory can re-emerge in the Third College or not depends on you.”

The other two grade deans also said some similar words of encouragement.

“Get ready. The test begins. Bai Qinyun is the first one…”

The old teacher"s voice had yet to fade when another voice suddenly sounded.

“Wait a minute.”

A handsome young man with blond hair slowly walked into the venue.

Behind him, in addition to the teacher guarding the Sword-honing Venue, there were two officials from the Cloudy Dream City"s education department.

One of them was the Mean Cold Face, Li Qingxuan.

Li Qingxuan"s face was a little gloomy. Obviously, he was in a bad mood, but he still introduced, “Dean Pan, Dean Chu, and Dean Liu, this is Young Master Cao, Cao Potian, from Baiyun City. Under the order of his master Bai Haiqin, he came to deliver the invitation card for the sword test.”

Cao Potian?

Lin Beichen"s heart skipped a beat. He immediately fixed his eyes on the blond youth.

The youth looked about 16 or 17 years old, wearing a white robe. He was tall and straight. In addition to his handsome face, he also exuded a strong aura of superiority and confidence. He was vigorous and graceful, which made people couldn"t forget him after a glance. He was a rare good-looking man.

Lin Beichen thought to himself, “Is this the genius of swordsmans.h.i.+p who was cultivated by Mr. Ding but betrayed him?”

At this time, Cao Potian"s eyes also fell on Lin Beichen.

Lin Beichen narrowed his eyes at once.

This subconscious move was just like the instinctive reaction of a beast when it met a strong enemy.

He had a strange feeling.

There was undisguised hostility in the eyes of Cao Potian. It seemed like there was a feud between the two which was so bitter as if Lin Beichen had killed his wife and taken his son by force. Lin Beichen believed that if Chu Hen and others were not here, Cao Potian would have drawn out his sword and stabbed him to death immediately.

The next moment, Cao Potian looked away.

“Haha, I came here on my own without an invitation. Please don"t blame me, deans.”

The golden-haired young man"s face carried a slight sense of superiority as he spoke in an understated manner.

Chu Hen and the other two giants all exchanged greetings with him for a while.

As a genius from Baiyun City and a disciple of Bai Haiqin, one of the three famous sword masters, his status was not low.

However, because of that incident back then, Cao Potian failed to make a good impression on the three giants of the Third College. Thus, the three of them were not enthusiastic.

Cao Potian didn"t take it seriously and said, “I heard that in the Third College, there were four geniuses who entered the main draw of the Talent Battle and set a new record. Haha, so I came here on purpose to see if there"s a real genius out there who deserves an invitation to the sword test?”

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