Hero of Darkness

Chapter 1014  A Debt Yet To Be Formed

Chapter 1014  A Debt Yet To Be Formed

Kahn was left dumbfounded after learning that not only the future Kahn had been with him, watching him and also living the exact same life as him in the new timeline… but he also once took over the body in order to save current Kahn"s life.

"Let me show you a flashback." spoke future Kahn.


He snapped his fingers and soon, the surroundings of Kahn"s inner world changed and turned into a dusty black cave where a battle between Kahn and Ajax, the Undead Lich with the Dark Summoner cla.s.s had just managed to kill the current timeline"s Kahn.

"Huh... How are his summoned creatures still alive? They should"ve disintegrated after the death of the caster." spoke the floor boss with a puzzled voice.


A ginormous and ground-shattering burst of dense and chaotic black aura exploded in this cave and suddenly, the pressure that could even destroy steel filled the surrounding.

This time, it was the Lich who found itself unable to move.

The insurmountable dark and purple energy that was exuded by the undead Lich was completely subdued under this black aura that filled the entire cave.

Hundreds of cracks formed in the surrounding walls and the ceiling... Almost enough for this entire place to crumble like dust.

And the source of this horrifying and domineering aura appeared in front of the undead Lich as it flew towards it.

The Undead Lich for the first time decades of its life shuddered and trembled in fear as it saw the being that appeared in front of it.

A 5-meter-tall and completely black Demonic figure with vertical red eyes as if they were from the pits of h.e.l.l gazed at the Lich.

A tangible black and neverending aura of death and destruction surrounded this being in the form of black fire that was raised from its body.

The creature floated in the air and approached the dark summoner and just with a wave of its hand... The Demonic figure broke past the impenetrable dark barrier that was unbreakable till this point.


The dark barrier faded into nothingness as the demonic figure appeared in front of the Lich.

A majestic and ancient voice filled this entire cave and echoed in every single corner of this dungeon floor itself.

"GIVE ME MORE! FEED ME MORE! I WANT ALL OF IT!!" commanded this ancient and domineering figure.

Most of them tried to create a diversion and all 7th-stage faction leader saints interfered on the border.

While the empire was keen on defending their borders against the mysterious attackers whose intentions were unclear to the powerhouses of the Rakos Empire… One of them infiltrated the empire and nearly killed me. I was only a 1st stage saint and survived only because Rathnaar took over my body for some time and killed the 3rd stage saint who cornered me." the future Kahn revealed a vital event of the original timeline.

"After that I have been mostly on my own, hiding in different empires, hoping that the group won"t find me…

Until I met him." he said and pointed at the dragon who was carefreely sleeping while coiling around the future Kahn"s throne.

"One more thing…

Looks like G.o.d of Nature gave you a favor and allowed you to pa.s.s." said the future Kahn.

"What do you mean?" asked current Kahn, confused by this revelation.

"Did you truly think that Venerable Oogway had no reason to let you pa.s.s without revealing your ident.i.ty? Do you believe that he let it pa.s.s solely because of what he saw in his divinations?" asked the Martial Emperor with a coy smile.

Kahn"s mouth opened wide and his expression turned full of disbelief.

"No. Because it was the G.o.d of Nature who showed him those Divinations and allowed you to come to the Conclave of Heroes." revealed the future Kahn.

"And why would the G.o.d of Nature help me of all people?" asked current Kahn to his future self.

"To thank you." responded the future Kahn.

"Thank me for what?" queried Kahn.

"For saving Maximus" life in this timeline." iterated future Kahn.

"What?! How? I never saved his life from certain death?

Even during this conclave, he would have easily survived on his own." said current Kahn, trying to understand why the almighty G.o.d of Nature made his pa.s.sage to the Conclave of Heroes possible.

"You did. You just didn"t know it." replied future Kahn.

"And how did I do that?" asked current Kahn, still unable to grasp the whole situation.

To his genuinely curious query, the future Kahn revealed why even a G.o.d from an enemy faction decided to help him…

"By killing the Hero of Fire."

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