Hero of Darkness

Chapter 362: Moment Of Reckoning

Chapter 362: Moment Of Reckoning

On the following day, despite his urge to already give up… Kahn had decided to carry on his studies regarding s.p.a.ce law. And when the new training facility was finally ready, he decided to shift all the books to the new training grounds.

Like the Wayne Manor where Kahn previously lived, he had ordered Ronin to create different sections where everything related to various job cla.s.ses, research facilities and libraries were created.

And the open training grounds that were fortified by various archaic runes and magic formations could even withstand attacks from a legitimate saint. So not only Kahn but also all the other subordinates had a perfect place to train themselves when they had their hands free.

The training facility was 5 kilometers in radius alone so all of them could train themselves easily here.

As for Kahn, he sat in the newly made wide library filled with hundreds of compartments and thousands of books related to magic, weapon arts, history books and even study of different professions and cla.s.s related stuff.

Kahn then took out the book he gave up on yesterday night and started reading again.

Now with a clear mind, he came to a certain realization. It wasn"t that the book or knowledge in it was at fault… rather the one reading it.

"Ah… it"s nothing like Einstein"s Law of s.p.a.ce-Time relativity I read about back on earth.

The fundamentals of this world are completely different from earth. So I should stop trying to make sense of it based on the knowledge of earth and accept it as something new and different." spoke Kahn as he realized why he couldn"t understand a single concept of s.p.a.ce Law yesterday night.

His approach towards gaining new knowledge itself was wrong. And now with an open and innocent mind… he started to accept and make sense of the concepts of s.p.a.ce, one of the laws of existences of Vantrea based on what he had come to understand till now.

As he kept reading the book and reached midway by the sunset, he finally came to understand why learning s.p.a.ce magic & law was so hard.

In Vantrea, the world itself was full of mana and world energy. So if someone truly wanted to master s.p.a.ce law which existed everywhere regardless of the place or time.. The best way to access it was by having full control over mana and world energy at the same time.

However… that"s where the main problem arose. Because this process used a lot of mana and world energy ama.s.sed in your body itself if you wanted to keep practicing this law.

The body of the being studying it acted as a conduit to control the law of s.p.a.ce itself. No other forms of external sources worked.

So if one truly wanted to master s.p.a.ce Law… they had to make their bodies adapt to it by converting the mana and world energy constantly to gain access and control over it.

"Wait a minute…" just then, Kahn came to a mind-boggling realization.

"So that"s why Solomon was only a semi-saint despite living for nearly two hundred years.

It"s not because he was weak or talentless compared to other semi-saints… but because he chose to." said Kahn as he realized this fact about the semi-saint mage whose core Kahn ate and unlocked the Dimensional Law divine ability in the first place.

"He was sacrificing his mana and world energy that he had ama.s.sed over the century just to master s.p.a.ce law.

No wonder I barely felt any world energy after eating his core." spoke Kahn with a bewildered expression.

His previous a.s.sumptions were all wrong… Solomon was actually a very committed mage who sacrificed his levels and rank for the sake of studying and mastering his law of reality.

However, before he could dwell on this surprise… another groundbreaking fact hit his mind.

"System, you said that thing can be used as a subst.i.tute for mana and world energy, right?" asked Kahn.

[Yes.] replied the system.

"That son of a b.i.t.c.h… so that"s why he was after that thing and didn"t even hesitate to try to kill me to get it." he said and grabbed his head in shock.

Because just now…. Kahn uncovered a terrifying truth about the elven mage.

The First Emperor"s core!

Solomon spent decades searching for the peak saint"s core who was close to becoming a Demi-G.o.d before his demise and when the elven mage finally found it.. He couldn"t get it because of the magma drake dungeon boss.

And since he constantly needed to sacrifice his mana and the world energy he could"ve gathered.. his levels never crossed above 100 and the mage never broke through to the Saint rank.

Because of which… Kahn luckily managed to kill him back then although with his biggest trump cards used all at once.

"Holy f.u.c.k… did I, just by coincidence stop the birth of the strongest mage in the history of the Rakos Empire?" asked Kahn to himself in bewilderment.

Solomon was truly an Elf of focus, commitment and sheer will.

He sacrificed so many things and even his power and levels he could"ve easily achieved to meet his end goal.

The semi-saint elf could"ve been the most dangerous mage in Rakos Empire since he studied the most powerful and dangerous law of existence based on what the system told Kahn yesterday night.

And if he did manage to get his hands on the Emperor"s core… not only he would have reached the saint rank by using the core and kept breaking through higher stages easily; but his mastery in s.p.a.ce law would be so terrifying that he"d be unstoppable in the whole empire.

On the same stage, he would"ve been completely unparalleled and the top three 7th stage saints like Allister Mor Vandereich, Stalin Joseif and Jeremiah Themis won"t be able to fight or kill him even if all three of them banded together against Solomon.

Kahn got the core by luck… but it was actually Solomon who deserved to be chosen as the First Emperor"s successor.

"I really need to stop looking down on my opponents. That Solomon wasn"t a small mob character…" he said after having a moment of reckoning.

"But potentially the G.o.dd.a.m.n endgame boss of the entire story!"

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