Hero of Darkness

Chapter 425: Life Vs Death

Chapter 425: Life Vs Death

Six giant figures, each sizing around 50 meters in height alone rose from the wide crevices of the ground and jumped forward. The 10 kilometer wide battlefield now had six giant figures who shook the ground for dozens of meters just with a single step.

All of these six figures with darkness shrouded around them that acted like their attire based on their respective fighting professions had given them a ghastly and tyrannical appearance.

A demonkin spearman, a human halberd user, an elven swordsman, a brawler warrior equipped with gauntlets, a succubus using a metallic whip and a snakekin mage stood on six intersections.



Their decayed flesh and bodies made of hundreds of thousands of bones with a black aura running within, stood tall in the ma.s.sive and mountainous regions while having thousands of undeads stand behind them.

Compared to their t.i.tanic bodies, these small forces looked like nothing worth even looking at. Yet their rising numbers did not stop.

"Go forth, my guardians. It"s time for you to serve me. Show me all those months I spent creating and fusing you were worth it." said Ceril who was still standing in the sky as if there was an invisible platform underneath his feet.

Each of the six gigantic figures who emitted a powerful aura that was comparable to a semi-saint suddenly charged from their respective end after receiving the command from their master.




Their charge shook the battlefield and those undeads that were already engaged with the small foot soldiers created a way for their commanders to attack.

A dense dark aura encapsulated their weapons and solidified to the point it looked like hard metal.

The mage snakekin who once used light elemental skills during the battle when the six heads of Hydra fought against Ceril around 8 months now had dark magic as its main element of body cast numerous spells that floated around it.




In the following seconds, the gigantic figures trampled on hundreds of enemy monsters and wood elemental creatures.

With a swing of their weapons and attacking skills made of darkness element, the Six Guardians despite their ma.s.sive size moved quickly and decimated thousands of monsters and even a few tree sentinels.

A ma.s.sive 12-meter long aura blade strike by the elven swordsman shattered the ground, killing hundreds of small-sized enemies while its towering figure stomped on the small 5 meter tall horde of monsters that looked like small rodents to it.

Over a dozen 10 meter long spears made of darkness elements pierced through the one kilometer range as they obliterated the approaching enemies from the spearman guardian"s end.



Odin, aka the brawler guardian who was one a peak grandmaster and got used by Ceril in the form of Loki to summon all the heads of Hydra back then, jumped high and landed 200 meters inside the group of monsters.

He charged both his gauntlets with darkness aura and under the eyes of the thousand monsters…


A loud explosion resounded as Odin attacked with his fists that shattered the 1 kilometer radius of ground and created hundreds of crevices that engulfed the falling monsters.

The shockwaves that erupted from this attack were so intense and strong that they tore through the bodies of all the small fodders who were in 2 kilometers vicinity from the thrall brawler.



Hundreds of enemies were cut open and shredded as Violetta, the succubus who used a 20 meter long metallic and sharp whip with hundreds of curved spikes on it; attacked with her skills that created multiple long blades of darkness and cut through the enemy ranks.


A black mushroom-shaped explosion of black fire filled the side of the snakekin mage as a firestorm made of dark magic spread and burned all the approaching enemies in 1 kilometer radius.



A deep crevice that was formed by the ground splitting skill of the giant halberd warrior swallowed thousands of monsters in 1 kilometer of the battlefield.

One by one, all the six guardians of Ceril whose only purpose was to serve their Undead Lich master, shook the battlefield with their ma.s.sive bodies and threatening darkness elements skills and dark magic spells.

Soon, the normal-sized undeads also followed behind their commanders and fought relentlessly.

Unlike the enemy force made of living monsters who were like rabid dogs under the control of the legendary rank wood elemental creature, Ceril"s army was composed of fighting cla.s.s undead soldiers who had a variety of skills, combat techniques when they were alive and had proper weapons from the site where he harvested their bodies.

The latter with proper large-scale war formation quickly put the mindless monsters on the backfoot as they kept charging inside the enemy ranks.

As the battle continued for the next 30 minutes…

More than half a million monsters now lay dead while the Necromancer"s army of the dead kept coming out and joined the ranks. The overwhelming battle between the small mob monsters and the commanders of their respective forces carried on for an hour and soon, the battlefield was completely dominated by the Dark Summoner"s forces.

At the present moment… Ceril had summoned a ma.s.sive army of 5 million undead soldiers and creatures he created in the past 4 months while improving his knowledge and experience in both Dark Magic and Necromancy.

Given his talent for magic and his undying thirst for knowledge since he inherited Kahn"s eidetic memory and sharp mind after he was created… he had become the only general so far who naturally broke through the Legendary Rank by himself.

Because Mordor, where Kahn left Ceril months ago to create an army of his own was a site where dead soldiers who died in annual monster tides of that region have been buried for the past 100 years.

And Ceril aka Dr. Frankenstein had been creating, experimenting and synthesizing millions of bodies and thousands of amalgamations created from different species after Kahn gave him his playground.

This was his master"s main plan back then. Because he wasn"t in a position to go ma.s.sacring monsters on a whim or could create so many undeads like Ceril.

Even now, the highest amount of subordinates Kahn had at this point was three hundred thousand. But only 70 thousand of them were strong monsters and fighter cla.s.ses while the rest were just fodders.

But unlike his master… Ceril had a total count of more than 10 million undead soldiers. And unlike a traditional Necromancer, his army was comprised of capable fighters and not just fodder monsters who could be killed by some random newbie adventurer.

Even their attack and defensive formations were similar to real-life military battalions.

The only thing he lacked was an air force of flying undeads and he"d be strong enough to face an army of millions of enemies on his own.

And this was him not even at the best of his abilities. The Ceril at the current moment had even surpa.s.sed many saint magicians of the Rakos Empire in terms of mana capacity and talent as a mage.

The only downside he had was that he was under-leveled compared to them. And hence needed more time to show them all their place.

As the fierce battle continued and even the 100 meter tall legendary rank creature felt the Six Guardians approaching the 1 kilometer radius from its location, it was forced to pull out its roots and move 10 kilometers. It commanded all the powerful tree sentinels to charge the approaching guardians.

"It"s not attacking by itself. Means it has very limited physical attack skills.

So it has mostly mind control and terrain skills at best. And they too have a limited range. Otherwise, it would"ve killed them easily as soon as they entered the two kilometers radius.

I can use that to my advantage." said Ceril as he a.n.a.lyzed the enemy while he tipped his gla.s.ses in the middle with his forefinger.

Although the tree sentinels were higher in numbers, they did not have fighting profession skills like the six guardians.

So it was basically a trained marine soldier fighting kindergarten children… there was nothing to worry about.

And as this fierce battle continued, the situation on Omega"s side finally changed as the legendary rank creature summoned back the army of millions of its monsters to fight against Ceril"s army of the dead instead.

The soldiers of the Berawaa region finally felt like the ferocity of the battle was withering and many from the enemy side had calmed down a bit while some started running back to whence they came from.

While millions of fodders died and hundreds of thousands of undeads were shattered and broken by the enemies… the battle soon reached its peak.

But just when Ceril thought that victory was on his side… the Legendary rank wood elemental creature cast a 100 meter side ginormous green orb in its two ma.s.sive hands.

"Dammit!! So that"s why it was holding back.

It needed a long casting time. No wonder it didn"t attack from the beginning of our battle." spoke Ceril with a dejected expression as he noticed the type of skill that his opponent had cast.


A loud shockwave filled the 10 kilometers region and soon… an unbelievable phenomenon occurred that made the Dark Summoner frown.

The green orbs expanded over the 10 kilometers radius of the battlefield and right in front of Ceril"s eyes…

All the fallen wood elemental creatures and the normal monster who died till this point stood back up as this green wave of aura washed over their corpses.

If Ceril could raise the dead… this legendary monster could control even their fallen bodies with its skill as if it granted them life again.

One thing he quickly came to understand after this phenomenon.

That this was no longer a battle between two legendary monsters. But a battle of…

Life vs Death.

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