Hero of Darkness

Chapter 432: New Monarch

Chapter 432: New Monarch

Not only Kahn but all the other generals and Omega had a somber expression at this moment. Because if Kahn"s a.s.sumptions were right… they were fighting against someone they didn"t know anything about even at this stage when the entire Verla.s.sen fiefdom was controlled by them.

And that too after Kahn took care of 3 of the legendary rank monsters himself.

As if a high-ranked being or a creature that was many times stronger than even the legendary rank monster or even legitimate saints was intentionally targeting these regions by controlling them.

Nevertheless, the fact remained that they were sitting ducks while someone was aiming to cause a bloodbath across the fiefdom.

Since the legendary monsters were always the cause of the annual monster tide… Kahn getting rid of them one by one must have thwarted someone"s plans so bad that they were forced to act and hence sent these creatures to invade and ma.s.sacre millions of inhabitants of Verla.s.sen.

"This won"t do. We need to be ready and alert all the time. If there"s another attack like this… then we won"t be able to counterattack in time.

We don"t even know who our enemy is." said Kahn as he gazed at all the subordinates.

"Master… I think we may have a lead." spoke Omega who had been silent till now.

"What… how?" asked Kahn.

"These two monsters were controlled into attacking the borders only after we got rid of the three legendary rank regional bosses.

I think the being controlling them detected their demise and only after that did the enemy start controlling the others and sent two of them to attack." spoke Omega with a serious expression.

"What I mean is… that all of them have one common factor.

They all belong to regions of the monster tide hotspots. So naturally… if there were to be another attack of a legendary monster after today…" said Omega.

But before he could continue, everyone else had a surprised expression as they came to understand what he was implying.

"Means the next attack will be done on the 6th hotspot. The final remaining region!" exclaimed Kahn.

Omega nodded in affirmation as he implied the possibility of their next clue"s location.

For the next 1 hour, Kahn and the crew had a heated discussion amongst themselves as they decided on the next counter-strategy.

"Fine then. I agree. But remember… don"t do anything unnecessary.

I too need some time to even fight properly.

For now, we should focus only on protecting our side rather than provoking that being." said Kahn as he confirmed their stand.

Five hours later… the synthesis procedure finally finished and the afternoon suns in the sky had brightened the whole dilapidated forest region.


A terrifyingly heavy aura spread across the 10 kilometers region as if a birth of a G.o.dly being had finally finished.

Even someone like Blackwall & Ceril who were at legendary rank felt this pressure restricting their movement.

Thud! Thud!

A loud noise of footsteps spread across 2 kilometers of forested region resounded as a 150 meter tall gigantic green creature with four legs and two arms came to be.

The body was mainly divided into two sections. One that had the four legs similar to a horse and the other being the upper body region with two giant arms.

Armin in his new Legendary Rank form had evolved into a completely new being.

Large and brightly illuminating light-blue colored vines ran across his wooden body while his chest had dozens of ma.s.sive roots moving slowly like blood vessels.

His head was completely different than any creature Kahn had seen so far and the six eyes shone light blue.

This figure of Armin released a green aura that spread across the whole region and right before Kahn"s eyes…

All the broken and shattered trees in the forested region were covered under this aura.

But before they could say anything…



All the trees started returning to their previous state and the green aura restored their physical state as if the entire forest was being recreated and reborn.

"System. Give me all of his details." commanded Kahn.

[Following are the statistics, abilities & skills of the subordinate named Armin :

Name : Armin

Species : Erdtree (Variant Yggdrasil)

Job : The Pathfinder (Legendary Cla.s.s)

Rank : Legendary Rank

Level : 248

Strength : 4920

Agility : 3289

Dexterity : 10379

Defense : 4811

Mana : 18480

Following are the newly acquired abilities :

Telepathy Link (SSS Rank)

Life Force Restoration (SSS Rank)

Roots of Nature (SSS Rank)

Nature Control (SSS Rank)

Monarch of the Forest (SAINT RANK) :

Allows the subordinate to control all plant life and wood elemental monsters, species and creatures telepathically as their supreme monarch.

Armin will have absolute control over their mind and physical bodies. He can even create new life forms and species belonging to wood elements based on his will.

Trans.m.u.ting different life forms by using life force, and changing their physiological structure and functions can now be done by the subordinate named Armin.

Following are the upgraded abilities & skills :

Flora & Fauna (SSS Rank) (Pa.s.sive) :

Allows the subordinate to make an innate telepathic connection with Plant & Animal lifeforms. The subordinate can command such lifeforms through his will.

Atonement (SSS Rank) (Active) :

The subordinate can remove 10 status ailments & debuffs at once from allies present within 3 kilometers meter radius.

The range of the ability will rise with an increase in levels and rank.

Restoration (SSS Rank) (Active) :

Allows the subordinate to completely heal allies to their previous physical state one minute ago.

Note : This skill does not work on deceased allies.

Guardian Spectre (SSS Rank) (Active) :

The subordinate can grant 4 times physical attack and defense buff to all the allies in a 2 kilometers radius using mana threads.

Chain Heal (SSS Rank) (Active) :

The subordinate can heal up to 80 allies at once within a 5 kilometers radius.

Elixir of Life (SAINT RANK) (Active) :

Allows the subordinates to instantly regenerate 90% of a single ally"s health and physical wounds.

Brewing (SSS Rank) (Pa.s.sive) :

The subordinate has received an innate sense of understanding of the effects of herbs and medicines.

Subordinate can now change the inner structure and properties of the plants and herbs. Providing a desirable effect during Alchemy.

Infusion (SSS Rank) (Pa.s.sive) :

Allows the subordinate to mix different elements in Potions and Medicines, giving the special elemental attributes.

The potency of the final product will be doubled.

Resurrection (SAINT RANK) (Active) :

Allows the subordinates to bring back any ally or individual after the short time of their death.

Note : The Host is an exclusion to this ability as all the subordinates will die after the host has died.

The Resurrection procedure will require 1000 SS Rank mana cores or ores to successfully resurrect an ally in their peak state.

The higher ranked the target is, the more and higher-ranked source of mana will be needed.

Soul Reformation (LEGENDARY RANK) (Active) :

The subordinate can heal the damage done to anyone"s soul over time and even make it stronger by two times.] reported the system.

Kahn only stood frozen on the spot… unable to believe the results.

Armin was no longer just a Healer or an Alchemist with no fighting skills. Rather he was…

The personification of Nature itself!

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