Hero of Darkness

Chapter 460: Stalling For Time

Chapter 460: Stalling For Time

Kahn was carrying out his duties while dozens of government officials presented him with reports and sanctions that needed his attention. The sovereign on the other end was lost in thoughts as he remembered the choice he made yesterday.

The letter he sent to the Mikealson clan had words such as calling Ka.s.sandra as his woman. But the contents included many more details than just that part.

Although Kahn repaid Ka.s.sandra by saving her life… it was also a truth that he left Ka.s.sandra on her own.

And neither was it his fault that her family was full of selfish b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who would sacrifice her for the sake of some powerful ally.

But after spending a night together with Ka.s.sandra and having talked their hearts out… knowing how their lives were similar in some ways, the bond between them as friends had deepened.

For the first time in this new life, Kahn felt like there was indeed someone he could be himself with. The fact that Ka.s.sandra did not judge him and told him to not blame himself for his past mistakes… made Kahn realize that she wasn"t the type who only saw worse in people despite suffering from helplessness and betrayal herself.

Compared to the Elric of the past and the Kahn of the present… she was much stronger as a person, unlike him who still couldn"t overcome his trauma and didn"t trust people or let others in his comfort zone.

Even someone like Albestros who he knew for more than one and a half years now had never seen this side of Kahn at this point.

This indeed elevated his opinion of Ka.s.sandra to a new level and he found her as a trustworthy individual that he could confide in.

So for now, he decided to create a temporary solution for her until things turned in his favor.

And even if Kahn couldn"t find a solution to get her powers back… he decided to play along with her clan and faction"s offer for now till gained some bargaining chips of his own.

Meanwhile, the contract between him and the Pureblood faction only stated that Kahn would get the rewards only when he accomplished the task and gave them the Tablet of Arcana.

But there was a loophole in the contract itself.

It never said that he must deliver the said object or his life will be jeopardized.

So now that he was offered another choice by the Neutral faction... He decided to play both sides.

Because the Pureblood faction had screwed him over a couple of times in the past… it"d be his turn if he decided after he acquired the tablet.

He"d have a choice to pick the most beneficial side then.

And also, this way… he could stall for time until he had some way to find a way for Ka.s.sandra. Not due to pity or obligation… but because he wanted to.

As for the reason he called her his woman in the letter…

Kahn felt like he should at least ensure her safety and make sure that they won"t create unnecessary trouble or hara.s.s her because she failed her task in reality.

Besides… knowing how cunning and ruthless the Neutral faction was at this point…

If Kahn had refused their offer, they would"ve spread rumors that he actually joined their side. Eventually making him the enemy of the entire Pureblood faction as well as Allister Mor Vandereich.

Although Kahn had a lot of prestige… if one of the strongest beings of the empire wanted to kill him… when he became a Saint… he"d have to leave Verla.s.sen fiefdom.

And no one would ever find out about how Kahn died. So to avoid that… Kahn would obviously have to join the Neutral faction even if he did not want to.

So instead of giving them an opportunity to manipulate the narrative… he put them on standby. So they won"t mess up with him until the deed is done.

So using this method, Kahn had stalled for enough time and also opened new options for himself.

And now… the only thing that was left to do for Kahn was to enter the forbidden zone.


Kahn had spent the past few days making arrangements to have people operate the entire fiefdom in his absence along with the generals.

Just a couple of days ago… Armin had finally finished healing Kahn"s damaged soul and now he was back to his former state before he sacrificed a portion of it to save Ka.s.sandra.

Although his levels hadn"t completely recovered even now, he could at least go all out during a fight.

Kahn then arranged a meeting between him, Omega, and all the generals in one of the closed rooms of the castle.

On the round table in the center… he placed a map in front of them.

This was the exact map sent by Allister Mor Vandereich, the faction leader of the pureblood faction who had Szayel deliver it to Kahn.

And the map pinpointed a particular path that he needed to clear out in order to access the entrance of the forbidden zone that was situated in the Verla.s.sen fiefdom.

This path was one of the only 3 entry points and Kahn had no other alternatives unlike the other factions and their semi-saints.

After discussing their plan of action… Kahn and the gang arrived at a military headquarters on one of the borders.

Kahn brought Jugram, Ceril, Armin and Blackwall, Ronin, Oliver and Omega.

Even the mythical rope named Rudra had recently woken up after he was done with absorbing Bjormngandur"s bloodline and abilities.

So Kahn was now back to his full power and the whole gang was akin to a group of supervillains who were on their way to cause ma.s.s destruction.

The whole squad had come to the border of the region called Niflheim.

This time, Kahn didn"t plan to play stupid and ignorant. This time… he was going all out.

Because Niflheim wasn"t just a normal border. It was actually…

The 6th and final hotspot.





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