Hero of Darkness

Chapter 480: The Fastest

Chapter 480: The Fastest

All the generals stood rooted on the spot and had an expression full of disbelief. Although they kind of saw it coming… Omega"s new evolution far exceeded their imagination and expectations.

Because Skoll and Hati literally bullied them in the first battle and they had the skills to take down every single one of them even after all the generals ganged up on the two mythical monsters.

And it only took them 10 minutes to beat the generals to a pulp with the gravity law skills.

But now… not only was Omega a rank higher above them, but he possessed all of Skoll and Hati"s powers. He was at an even higher level than them both.

So considering his stats, abilities, ranks, his attack range, and the gravity law skills such as the Gravity Domain…

Omega was now Kahn"s strongest subordinate who exceeded every single one of the generals and even Rudra in every aspect.

He was already comparable to a 3rd stain and given his boost abilities, even fighting a 4th stage saint as equals wasn"t going to be a problem.

Plus his own innate skills and fighting abilities such as his job ranked up called the Dual Swords Samurai which gave him a 200% buff in strength and agility…

If push came to shove, he could stand against a fifth stage saint for a while as well if he used the Gravity Domain skill which had the span of 10 kilometers.

He was like the strongest sword to Kahn now and now one under 5th stage saint can touch him as long as Omega was there.

"Master… I should"ve ranked up to a G.o.dbeast rank but Skoll and Hati were below level 500 and I was only a high lord.

If I was already on legendary rank, then this evolution would"ve become more fruitful." said Omega as his tyrannical and dreary voice in his Hrodvitnir form created sonic booms when he spoke.

Given his size and levels… even Rudra was like a baby snake to him now.

"It"s okay. It"s not like there"s no opportunity in the future. This result is already much better than we could"ve hoped for." said Kahn with a pleased expression.

Because based on their current ranks, levels and skill… forget killing two but even one mythical rank monster was beyond them.

And since Rudra also originated from a low leveled legendary rank monster, he had to grow from the bottom just like all of them.

"I"m currently low-leveled for now. But I feel like it will take time to form synergy between both bodies I was merged with and their powers.

Skoll & Hati"s skills and abilities are very different and opposite from each other. So it will take time for me to be able to perfectly use them." spoke Omega again and sent tremors in the ground while all the generals in their human forms were pushed a couple of meters back.

"And from now on, I will also need to practice and perfect the gravity law as well as learn to incorporate these abilities with my combat techniques and skills." he elaborated.

"Well, that"s a given. It"s also good that someone besides me also has acquired a law.

Even though you didn"t receive some sort of enlightenment or a gift from deities, this is more than enough to make up for it.

Besides, fighting with swords suits you the best." replied Kahn in acknowledgment.

"Alright… now that everything is done. We should make our next move." said Kahn as he didn"t want to waste time waiting here.

The throne of the strongest subordinate now already belonged to Omega and he was undoubtedly the undisputed champion.

So in terms of hierarchy, the variant Fenrir was already at the top amongst them. Any argument over that was as useful as counting all the stars in the whole universe.

Just when he was about to get ready to depart for the door…

[The subordinate named Omega has met the requirements of Natural growth and Rank up.

His rise in levels will be very fast and his original form will increase in size with each level up.] reported the system.

"What the… So in other words, Omega is a legit G.o.dbeast in making and he will certainly cross that rank after he levels up enough?" asked Kahn with a bewildered expression.


"By Odin"s beard… that"s the best news I heard this whole month." rejoiced Kahn as he was confirmed to get an S Rank unit in this gacha game without even using the mighty credit card.

Finally, Omega took his human form but this time… everyone including Kahn was left speechless.

Because now, Omega looked like a completely different person than before as if born anew.

A 6"3 feet tall man with ripped muscles and a lean ectomorph build came to be.

Unlike before, Omega no longer had ashen hair but waist-length silver hair. His right arm which he always used to fight with his weapon turned completely pitch-black like that of a demon.

Kahn could link these changes to Skoll and Hati"s bodies affecting Omega"s appearance after the evolution.

His bright red eyes remained the same but his face became more refined compared to before.

This time, Omega completely changed his attire and no longer wore the coat of a n.o.bleman. But instead, he pulled in some white straps and wrapped them around his left forearm.

He discarded the upper half of the armor that Albestros made him and kept only the gauntlets and the leg armors.

Afterward, he pulled in 3 more epic rank katanas and bound them on the right side of his waist while he unsheathed Raijin, his favorite katana that Kahn named himself.

After Albestros upgraded all of their weapons, he reforged Raijin with the bones of the legendary rank Invimarak. And now, the once white blade was now a blood-red katana with runes and engravings on it.

After he was done, Omega let out a content smirk and spoke in an exhilarated tone…

"Finally… I can be the fastest Samurai."

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