Hero of Darkness

Chapter 502: Necessary Measures

Chapter 502: Necessary Measures

For the next couple of days… Kahn had been secretly hiding inside the training facility he had in his castle. And what he was doing would make someone faint just from the shock.

Ever since he came back from the forbidden region, Kahn had been constantly summoning the subordinates from the legion that he made from harvesting the bodies of the soldiers who fell in the Kaldris region and those who were ma.s.sacred by Victor Apopis in the Berawaa region which Kahn later exposed to the empire.

But unlike before… this time, it was Kahn who killed them using Omega in his human form who was his strongest subordinate now and had too many skills to ma.s.sacre thousands of enemies at once.

And after he was done with more than 60 thousand subordinates he created from the harvested bodies, Kahn merged and awakened them again and again using millions of SS Rank cores.

And finally… using those bodies, he created hundreds of peak grandmasters. But after that, he started naming them all.

After that, he had Omega kill them all again.

And after they were all resurrected quickly by Kahn paying a hefty amount of resources to the system, all of them unlocked the Impartation Skill just like the generals and Omega.

But Kahn"s objective didn"t end here… he repeated the procedure until he was left with 40 semi-saint rank subordinates.

Unlike the generals, these were only fighter cla.s.s humanoid species with proper jobs and skills. None of them were merged with any monster species so they only had skills and abilities as well as appearances of a semi-saint varying from different that one could find in the empire.

And lastly, Kahn used Ezekiel"s body that they had brought with them after Celine killed him in the final region under the illusion of killing Kahn instead.

Kahn used the semi-saint mage"s body and his core to merge with 10 semi-saints with magical cla.s.ses such as magician, enchanters and spirit summoners.

As a result, Kahn received another Legendary rank subordinate who was comparable to the other generals in terms of levels and skill.

Kahn imparted all the suitable skills to this subordinate and named him Tobias.

And finally, the harvested bodies of the martyred soldiers he acquired as a backup plan before his expedition to the forbidden region even began had turned out to be extremely useful.

Inside Verla.s.sen, a semi-saint was a peak of strength. And now, Kahn created 30 of his own and also a new legendary rank subordinate who was comparable to a 2nd stage saint.

This was his final force of deterrence to protect the Verla.s.sen fiefdom from the grasp of the three factions after he left the Rakos Empire and still maintain his rule based on the plans he made.

Ronin had already succeeded in sending them private messages Kahn had prepared for his final bomb that he was going to drop on the whole Rakos empire.

The government and the military were already made of people who served him loyally or the slave contracts.

The military had commanders and officers who had pledged their loyalty to him. The three commanders who he bound by Blood-oath token had no choice but to serve him even if he were to leave.

The economy and resources of the entire fiefdom were controlled by Seven Deadly Sins under thousands of businesses, organizations and inst.i.tutions.

Kahn had absolute control over this place. And now the backup plan of the backup plan he made was finally going to be useful.

Kahn then met Albestros and told him about the situation at hand… just that he left information such as him being the Hero of Darkness.

He told the old peak grandmaster rank blacksmith and artificer that the deal with the Pureblood faction has gone south and soon, not only them but the other two factions would also be hunting him. So he has no choice but to leave.

And finally, he told the old man he met in the Flavot city 2 years ago about his final plan that was going to be executed 7 days later.

"Don"t worry… I"ll make sure that n.o.body can harm you or touch you even after I"m gone." spoke Kahn.

With teary eyes… Albestros hugged Kahn.

"Just make sure you stay alive, Kahn. I don"t need anything else." said Albestros as a stream of tears ran across his cheeks.

After going through all these obstacles and surviving so many problems… the young man in front of him was no longer just a partner or someone he needed.

Kahn had avenged Cynthia and Gerald, the two children of the old man who were inhumanely murdered by the n.o.ble clans.

After that, he helped the old man regain his old life before the tragedy and even helped protect his long-time friend, Prithvi Aranya, the grandmaster Alchemist"s legacy.

Because of Kahn and the Bloodborne company, the name of Albestros Winston was renowned as the number one blacksmith of the entire Rakos Empire.

After he came to Verla.s.sen fiefdom, Kahn made him the head of the Hephaestus inst.i.tution which not only verified products and did the quality control… but allowed the old man to share his knowledge.

Meeting this young man 2 years ago had been a blessing to Albestros who had lost his reason to live and now… he was happier than ever.

But now… hearing that Kahn was forced to flee the empire… it had shaken the old man.

To him, although there was no blood relation…

To Albestros… Kahn was no different than his son and the only family he had now.

Even though Albestros suggested to leave with him, Kahn outright refused the old man because there were too many dangers that he didn"t even have any knowledge of yet.

So someone like him who didn"t want people close to him to get hurt because of something he did… Kahn wanted to leave by himself.

But before leaving… Kahn gave him a farewell gift.

"This!... I can"t accept this. It"s too precious." said Albestros.

"I have my means. So this should be helpful to you." said Kahn after he handed down a box with a fist-sized white glowing Orb inside.

It was the very core of the first stage saint magician, Kereberos Mor Vandereich. The traitor magician from the Vandereich clan whose core was stolen by Ronin under Kahn"s commands after the Pureblood faction and all of their clans killed the traitors among them.

And now that Kahn no longer needed it to become a saint… he decided to leave it to the old man.

"Use it and become a saint. Only then you will be able to become a saint rank blacksmith after you break through your physical limits." spoke Kahn.

After a long discussion, he quietly left the palace.

Later, he met Sirius Blake, the Orc account whose life was completely turned around after he met Kahn during the beginning of the Emperor"s Chosen compet.i.tion.

The frail-looking orc was now unofficial treasurer of Seven Deadly Sins as well as managed the cabinet of government officials under Kahn"s orders.

Kahn also told him about the situation in the same way like Albestros. Serious who owed too much to Kahn… a man who helped him escape poverty and give a better life to his parents who had made so many sacrifices and even starved too many times just to raise their weak-bodied child; this news shook him to his core.

If not for Kahn helping him that day and hiring Sirius to work for him as the main accountant in the Bloodborne company and later giving him control and authority over his underworld organization"s monetary aspects… Sirius would still be living in misery and would never reach his full potential.

After an hour-long discussion… the orc accountant finally came to terms with the situation and swore to keep serving Kahn even after he was gone.

As for Tobias and his new platoon of semi-saints that had the same skills as Kahn and the generals that fit their levels and ranks… they were going to be the ones to do the heavy lifting.

Tobias, the new legendary rank general he created using Ezekiel"s body will be left in charge of handling Verla.s.sen as its protector and a stand-in for Kahn after he was gone.

And the army of 20 million covenant soldiers and everyone who worked in the seven deadly sins organization were to answer him from now on.

Tobias had the main task of maintaining Kahn"s reign after the final plan"s execution that was going to happen soon. And to root out spies from the three factions and kill their semi-saints or any forces from the shadows and maintain their absolute control until Kahn returned one day.

Verla.s.sen fiefdom was Kahn"s own territory and his best source of income and resources. So no way he was going to leave it for his enemies who planned to kill him even before he made any deal with them or found the tablet of arcana.

After making the final arrangements… Kahn quietly left Verla.s.sen with all of the generals and Omega.

He took a deep sigh and spoke in a worried voice…

"Now… there"s only one person I have left to meet."

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