Hero of Darkness

Chapter 608: The Weapon

Chapter 608: The Weapon

Kahn and everyone were stunned and dumbstruck as soon as Throk took out another weapon which even riled up Rudra who preferred to stay quiet all the time.

Because at this moment… all of them felt an insurmountable and familiar aura filled with killing intent towards all of them. This was something all of them remembered vividly because they faced and barely managed to escape alive from the owner of this grim and terrifying aura.

If not for Kahn being a special case and a chosen Hero, none of them would"ve managed to live till this point. Because right now, the aura exuding from this new weapon that instantly put them on edge belonged to…

The Guardian Dragon!

To everyone"s reaction… Throk kept smirking as if he was expecting the scene in front of him. One of the reasons why he chose to reveal this weapon at the very end.

"Unlike the other weapons, this one took the most effort.

I concentrated and infused the blood that I managed to extract from the dragon"s heart in this weapon. It contains a trace of its bloodline and some remnant will of the Dragon when it was alive since it was a mythical rank dragon who lived for more than 300 years.

Hence it is more overbearing compared to the others." explained Throk with a prideful expression on his face.

Kahn and Blackwall were speechless and dumbfounded again. Because by now… they already had an idea about how hard it was to directly infuse a bloodline inside a weapon.

Not only was this technique extremely hard… there was only one in a hundred chance for success. Plus, concentrating a bloodline of a mythical rank monster was a complicated method.

Because the amount of blood needed was too much and also filtering the purest part of the blood with the highest density was very difficult.

Even a saint blacksmith without decades of experience in this forging technique would definitely fail, much less noobs like them.

Another sense of respect emerged in their hearts towards their master.

Although Throk had a short temper most of the time and did things out of rage… he had more than enough skills to back up his prideful manners.

"However, because of this… both dragon horns are used since you asked me to use them to make weapons for these guys.

As for you, I could only reforge your sword and make some extra weapons that you asked me to." he said to Kahn while still gloating.

The look on his face screamed "praise me more, you plebeians" type of feeling as he spoke in enthusiasm.

Kahn nodded since he understood how hard it was to process the horn of a dragon. A lot of it would eventually get wasted in sweltering and processing like any other metal while forging a weapon.

It wasn"t some metal that could be liquified and reused again and again for forging.

And since the guardian dragon himself was 1 kilometer tall even when he normally sat on the two forelegs and hindlegs… many parts of its body were too big.

But even with that much quant.i.ty… just the fact that Throk managed to make out all of their weapons, armors and reinforce them by forming layers of the same material again and again, then create this long weapon that carried the guardian dragon"s bloodline and the remnant will was already a feat worthy of a standing ovation.

Their master was simply flexing on them and they could only be awed.

[Brat… that it is indeed one of the best weapons I have seen. Even my sword made with the Elder Dragon"s horn wasn"t able to carry the bloodline and its remnant will.

This is a matter of skill and experience. This Throk Oakenshield is indeed worthy of his t.i.tle as one of the top 5 blacksmiths of the empire.] said Rathnaar, the Peak Saint.

[Even many Heroes that I fought didn"t have this quality of gear. Even their legendary rank armors would pale in front of the ones placed in front of you.] he praised the work wholeheartedly.

To Kahn, it was obvious already. Because not everyone could kill a dragon and even Ymir Whitlock, Rathnaar"s descendant from 200 years ago, who was an 8th stage saint magician could only secretly enter the Dragon Empire and only subdue a mythical rank Lesser Dragon that was only past level 300.

Fighting a Superior or Royal Dragon would"ve caused a great commotion. Plus he didn"t need that high-ranked dragon to use for the formation he set up in order to protect the Tablet of Arcana in Verla.s.sen.

While Kahn dwelled and accepted the fact about how lucky they were…

Rudra spoke in his mind again.

[Human, you guys can have everything else. But that weapon only belongs to me.] he said like an impatient child who desperately wanted a toy.

[Because it can use the dragon bloodline better? Is that why you want it?] asked Kahn in return.

[Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Ignorant as always.] admonished the basilisk subordinate.

[This is why I can"t help but look down on you idiots. None of you know how to make use of your bloodlines properly even now.] Rudra berated Kahn and everyone else through their inner mind connection.

[Alright, you legless and wingless lizard… enlighten us.] said Ceril in a retorting voice as he took that statement personally.

[Hmph! At best… you lot can harness the bloodline in a battle with great effort. But since none of you possess the Draconian bloodline like me and the human… you will never be able to utilize it properly.] scoffed off Rudra and continued...

[But since this idiot human of ours doesn"t know anything about bloodlines even now… it"s given that this weapon should go to me.] he iterated.

[Hmm… What kind of logic is this? I have more draconian bloodline purity than you.] rebuked Kahn.

[You don"t understand. Although this weapon is created using the dragon"s blood and its horn… I can sense that it has the capacity to do more.

As for why it should be me who uses this weapon… it should be pretty obvious.] he said in a prideful voice and continued in an overbearing tone.

[Because not only can I use the dragon bloodlines better than any of you…] he stated and declared the reason why he should be wielding this weapon.

[But I can also infuse my Basilisk bloodline.]

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