Hero of Darkness

Chapter 652: Neith Bow

Chapter 652: Neith Bow

After learning the effects of Shu Armor from the system, Oliver gave a cynical glance at the Snakekin opponent who was surrounded by a maelstrom of strong winds and lightning bolts striking furiously and destroying the entire battlefield they were fighting inside this 5 kilometer wide storm.

As soon as Oliver declared that he would hunt him down like a predator, the black snakekin"s expression turned grim because the aura Oliver exuded and the change in his appearance gave him the hint that the archer opponent of his had either used some kind of bloodline ability or received a huge buff in strength.

"Dammit! Now he looks as if he received some kind of boost! Why is my luck so bad?!" complained the Snakekin.

Garakh was a 1st stage saint with exceptional abilities when it came to his cla.s.s. One of the main reasons why he won the spot to enter the Hero"s Party. He and Tamak were the guys who fought at the front line with the support of other team members whenever they fought.

But after being separated from his allies and seeing them getting killed one by one… Garakh was frightened to his core for the first time in the past 5 years.

Oliver then infused his bloodline with his new legendary rank bow that Kahn named as Neith.

A white and golden bow that had multiple intricate and intrinsically carved patterns as well as on and within the body of the bow itself was revealed. The aura this bow emitted was that of perfection and serenity as if symbolizing the characteristics of nature itself.

[Following are the effects of Neith Bow :

There is no Escape :

Allows General Oliver to mark an enemy and all the arrows launched from the bow will automatically redirect themselves towards the target regardless of the direction arrows have been shot in.

Predator"s Mark :

Increases Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage by 200% and 400% respectively.

This damage will be dependent on the strength stats of the general. The higher leveled and ranked the user is, the more damage will be dealt based on the stats of the general.

Note : General Oliver"s gift given by the Sky Deity, Indra called as the Vajra attack skill can now be used with the help of legendary rank Neith bow without having to transform into the Thunderbird form.] reported the system.

"Good. Another long-term use weapon. Now I no longer have to look for good gear anymore." spoke Oliver in his content voice.

Now that both Shu Armor and Neith Bow gave him a way to use his powerful abilities and attack skills that were accessible only in his true form as well as a lot of benefits and battle-related Buffs respectively… Oliver was now fully ready to go all out.

The whole tornado and lighting strikes… they were just small gimmicks of his bloodline. The real battle would start from this moment.



Soon, waves after waves of golden and blue aura were emitted out of Oliver"s body like ripples caused by a drop of water in a stagnant pond.

These ripples soon dispersed into the nearby 5 kilometers of radius in a dozen seconds.





Hundreds of lightning bolts dropped like arrows from the sky as the dark clouds suddenly appeared and covered their entire battlefield like a dome. Visible volleys of windblades started appearing and completely surrounded the entire battlefield.

Neither could one enter nor could anyone leave.

"What the h.e.l.l is happening?" wondered the two and a half meter snakekin tank warrior with a flabbergasted expression as he sensed a great deal of suppression on his body.

His body and movement already felt sluggish for some reason and he was having a hard time breathing at the same time.

Little did he know… this was Oliver"s new personal domain aka the Sky Domain. And under the Don"t Fly Too Close To The Sun effect of Shu Armor, his flight capacity was reduced by 40%. And because of the SKY Domain effect, his agility and dexterity were already suppressed by 30%.

Before, maybe the snakekin had the chance to retaliate or fight as equals with Oliver… however, the situation was no longer favorable for him.




Thunderous noises filled the 5 kilometers radius under the impenetrable barrier of the sky domain and Garakh was completely surrounded by Oliver"s lightning bolts and windblades, afraid to make a move because there was no guarantee that he won"t be lethally wounded by a fatal attack from some random direction.

"What the h.e.l.l is this?! How can an archer use skills like this?" he questioned with an ashen expression.

Even someone like Rodan who was a wind elemental mage couldn"t create storms of this degree. And on top of it, not only this archer could use plenty of skills, he could use two elements mixed in his attacks. This was something even the 2nd stage saint archer like Mikaela from their group couldn"t do.

Garakh was an earth elemental tank. But now… his opponent has the two elements infused in his skills that were his bane as a Tank warrior.

"An unstoppable force meets an immovable object."

It was what he thought at the beginning of their battle. But in reality, it was a G.o.dd.a.m.n mountain against a thin sheet of paper.



A sense of impending destruction could be felt on the battlefield and without wasting another moment, Garakh quickly activated all of his defensive skills and 4 different layers of protective barriers activated and encapsulated his entire body.



"Impossible! How"s that even possible?!" he shouted and looked at the Emerald Archer cla.s.s enemy.

"Will of the Heavens, grant me thy strength. Lend me your wrath to punish my foes." spoke Oliver, his tyrannical voice resounding in the entire battlefield.

Soon, a 100 meter tall phantom bow appeared in the sky. This ma.s.sive bow was exactly identical to the Neith bow that was being held by Oliver at this moment.


More than a hundred lightning bolts thundered in the battlefield, their ear-deafening noise and bright light blinding Garakh, making him quickly hide behind his ma.s.sive red shield.

Soon, these summoned lightning bolts intermingled with each other and became a single ent.i.ty.

"f.u.c.k this! f.u.c.k the Hero and f.u.c.k the empire! I want to get out of this battle." said Garakh in a jarring voice because at this moment…

Oliver"s phantom bow had a 50 meter long ma.s.sive lightning bolt nocked and aimed at him.

"Heaven"s Judgement…" spoke Oliver as he launched his biggest killer move.



A ma.s.sive burst of white and blue light quickly turned the entire 5 kilometer region into a dome of lightning as an enormous explosion shattered the 2 kilometers region instantly.

The ripples and aftershocks from the explosion finally dispersed after 5 minutes and only a 500 meter wide and 100 meter deep hole and hundreds of cracks and crevices had filled the surrounding area after Oliver used his biggest trump card while restricting the opponent"s movements.

And at the very center of this deep pit… was a charred body that was destroyed in 4 different parts.

Like shooting at a Rabbit stuck in a hole with a G.o.dd.a.m.n Bazooka… Oliver did something none of the other generals managed to do so far.

He killed his opponent in a single shot!

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