Hero of Darkness

Chapter 739 The Expansion

Chapter 739 The Expansion




The noise of hammers banging on metallic joints echoed incessantly throughout the surroundings while burning flames arose, joined by the sound of wood being cut by multiple carpenter workers.

Legolas looked at the construction going on in front as thousands of workers from numerous species were carrying on with the work of constructing new buildings in the 5 kilometer radius of the Misthios guild headquarters.

At this moment, the total number of guild members had risen to 7 thousand people and the guild was expanding its territory.

In the past 3 months, Misthios guild had a meteoric rise in fame and also in their clientele after their lineup of powerful saints was revealed to most of the top bra.s.s in various sectors of Alfheim.

And their way to take half payment in cores and ores was affordable to many so like a moth attracted to the flame… nearly 60% of all the high-end clients who needed the help of mercenaries had approached them and made deals with them.

Just as Kahn had predicted, the way he set the foundation of his guild had shaken the very foundation of this community and established themselves as the number one guild of Alfheim to the point that they didn"t have enough people to send for these jobs.


Hence, Kahn decided to expand the guild and with their rising popularity and extremely appealing offers set for the members, many people joined their guild.

And the ongoing construction in front of Legolas was the result of that event. Now, they didn"t have enough facilities to house all these people so he decided to invest in building new lodgings for their guild members to live in.

"At this rate… I will have to expand in the next few months again." spoke Legolas with a tranquil expression.

Just then, two figures arrived from the sky and stepped through the balcony of his office.

"How did it go?" asked the elf guild leader to the new arrivals.

These two powerful saints were none other than Rudra and Omega.

Instead of responding to him, Rudra took out something from his new high-tier s.p.a.ce ring and held it in his hand.

A horrified expression of a middle-aged Elf on a detached head came into sight.

Legolas then nodded and sighed in relief.

"This should be enough to make everyone lose any ideas to make trouble for us." he said in a somber voice.

The detached head belonged to none other than Sedaris Evarn, the 4th stage saint president of the LNP guild.


Over a month, the LNP guild had been creating unnecessary trouble for them despite the display of overwhelming might during that meeting 3 months ago.

Purposely taking commissions from the rival parties who stood in way of the clients that hired Misthios guild for the job…

Then hara.s.sing some low-ranked members of their guild in restaurants, mercenary a.s.sociation and even their homes.

Under their president"s orders, they even tried to poach the clients the Misthios guild already had by offering lower prices despite taking tremendous losses.

Legolas aka Kahn understood that Sedaris was a very vengeful elf who would stop at nothing to get back at them.

But Kahn couldn"t just outright kill him.

Sedaris was a native of Alfheim and had a lot of allies in this city, something their guild couldn"t oppress in such a short time when they had just settled themselves properly.

Thus Kahn decided on a different strategy this time. The one which would kill even the slightest chance of suspicion towards them and no one would even look into the matter seriously.

So since the past month, Kahn and the gang had been taking down all the influential and powerful people connected to Sedaris by either revealing their dark secrets or some crimes such as scams, bribery cases, and many more things.

Soon, all the people in power who had ties to him started losing their standing in society, and offices, got caught and punished by the imperial rule, and even the top-ranking officers of the military weren"t spared in their quest.

This was no different than a surgical strike.

In the end, Legolas had taken out all the people this elf was relying on, even the ones from the underworld organizations and the black market.

Recently, many people took a hint that someone very powerful was targeting Sedaris and the LNP guild. Thus, they started avoiding the elf and cut off all business ties with him. Even 30% of the guild members whose mandatory period was over abandoned the guild.

As for killing the Elf… Even luring him out by himself to a secluded place took a lot of planning and weeks to set everything in motion.

But after he fell for it, Rudra and Omega ambushed him outside of Alfheim in a barren area where no one would usually go.

In this battle however, Omega only used Gravity Domain but did not engage in combat.

Rudra chose this fight as a testing ground.

"So how would you a.s.sess it?" asked Kahn to Omega who was currently in his Raiden persona.

Omega rolled his eyes out and looked at Rudra with disdain.

"He has only brute strength and no fighting skills or any techniques.

Even a beginner rank trident or spear user has more skill and finesse." declared Omega as he sneered, not hiding his disgust towards this new commander of their guild in the slightest.

"Hey! I"m not like any of you who were created using fighting cla.s.s people of different jobs.

Even all of your swordsman skills originated from that peak grandmaster swordsman Arkham. So don"t give me that att.i.tude." rebuked Rudra angrily.

"So what?! Other than the skills master gave me, I improved and perfected most of them by myself. Everyone else has done the same so far, freeloader!

If you didn"t have that overly strong body and impenetrable defense… that elf would"ve killed you easily." he revealed about the happenings of the battle.

"Tch! I would"ve eventually killed him anyway. I have high-rank regeneration abilities." said Rudra and sat on a chair in the office.

"That"s not the point, you dimwitted buffoon!

What if he had run away?

We got the guy because I was obstructing all of his escape routes. So you only swung that trident like a rookie.

In the end, I had to use Gravity Imprisonment so you could land the killing blow." he iterated and continued…

His following words even left Kahn gobsmacked.

"You"re a disappointment to this family."

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