Hero of Darkness

Chapter 758

760 Equivalent Exchange

While the Hero of Life heroically killed the 71st floor boss by suicide bombing, Kahn"s group finally decided to kill the boss on the 51st floor and progress to the next floor.

Since this was their own kill, they harvested the corpse, storing it in multiple high-grade s.p.a.ce rings given the ma.s.sive size and kept its core for later use.

Kahn still had 2 allies left who were stuck at their levels, namely Armin and Blackwall. As for absorbing the boss"s abilities and skills… Kahn couldn"t do that because Edmund was present with them.

Revealing his divine abilities to a stranger who himself was a saint would create unnecessary doubts and leave a trail.

In the following moments, they appeared on the next floor where the scenery was completely changed.

An environment full of millions of stark white rectangular-shaped crystals, each being 10 meters tall while having a layer of reflective gla.s.s-like coating on them.

Right now, Legolas and his entourage appeared on the surfaces of these crystals

"What"s happening? I can"t use my mana or world energy at all." spoke Edmund with an alarmed expression.

"This floor seals everyone"s ability to use mana or world energy while messing with our innate senses.


You can"t use any of your species" bloodline abilities. And us saints can"t even fly here." responded Legolas.

He wasn"t just wasting time when the alliance was clearing floor after floor from past month.

They worked for the shares from the loot while the members of the Misthios were preparing in their own way.

Because of his Eidetic Memory, Legolas aka Kahn remembered everything and how to pa.s.s through them after he studied all the available information at hand.

To someone like Edmund who was in charge of gathering alchemy resources, this expedition was something he had no experience in. Thus, Legolas and his commanders were tasked with gathering everything there is to know about Immortal Dungeon.

"Let"s go. Since the previous floor boss won"t resp.a.w.n for a week, the alliance forces won"t be far behind us." he commended and started walking while creating a guarding formation.

Here… none of Kahn"s or his subordinates" innate abilities worked. Even their bodies were no different than normal people who couldn"t use mana. The only thing they could use was their weapons and armors to fight with battle techniques.

Thankfully, there were no monsters on this floor.

But as soon as they walked forth for 10 meters… something unexpected happened.

Rudra, who was in the lead suddenly disappeared and appeared 200 meters away on their left.

The same happened to Omega but he appeared 2 kilometers away from their group on the right side.

"What"s happening?" asked Edmund.

"Don"t worry. It"s just a mirage.

They"re actually still standing in front of us.

And those monolith-like crystals are reflecting our images to confuse us.

So from now on… everyone listens to my commands." said Legolas.

In the following moments, Ronin aka Scorpion took out a map from his s.p.a.ce ring and handed it to Legolas.

"What is this?" asked the human alchemist.

"This floor seals every single skill, ability and detection sense one could have.

And those crystals that act like mirrors, forming an endless grid of images would also confuse your sight.

Thousands of people who appeared on this floor were never able to pa.s.s it and many were stuck here for months before they died.

Only a handful of people who managed to pa.s.s this floor by luck created these maps.

After hundreds of years, the route has been perfected. But it"s still something one shouldn"t be careless about.

One wrong turn would send you in a direction where you can"t find your way out.

So from now on, no one even takes a step further without my command." ordered the ironborn elf.

When it came to focusing and mental fort.i.tude, Kahn was the strongest among their group because of the constant training and operating his doppelgangers from the past 10 months.

Consequently, he was the only qualified person to lead this floor.

"Based on our estimation… It will take us a few weeks at best." spoke Legolas with a stern voice and continued…

"If we don"t mess up our route, that is."


The Hero of Life and his remaining party members also entered the next floor with heavy hearts while the Misthios guild also tread carefully.

Meanwhile in the capital Eletnall, there was one particular palace which was a residential area of a particular person.

Inside the main training facility at the bas.e.m.e.nt of this palace, was a ma.s.sive and wide room filled with glowing archaic elven magic formations and runes.

At the center of this room, was a white-haired halfbreed elf seated quietly in a meditating position.

This person being none other than the "other" Ervalen.

As he was focused in the middle of a magic formation while constantly absorbing mana and world energy, the formations suddenly started glowing more brightly.

"f.u.c.k!" he shouted as his mind suddenly received a key information from the Immortal Dungeon.


A burst of green aura spread like shockwaves from his body and Ervalen"s body shook violently.


He groaned in terrifying pain and right before his eyes… his body started melting. First, his hands turned into a puddle of meat paste.

His bones started crumbling from inside like a sand castle falling and in the following seconds, even his brain matter turned into mush.

But suddenly, his body shuddered and he sprawled on the ground.


This time, a ma.s.sive green aura erupted and Ervalen"s body exploded on the spot, small pieces of flesh and hot blood sprayed across the room.

This Ervalen died in the same fashion as the one in Immortal Dungeon did.


Dozens of minutes later…



Another being walked in, dressed in a white and golden patterned shirt and pants. His gaze was icy cold as he looked around the room.

The Ervalen who died recently was the one whose life force and body was exchanged to revive the one who died inside the dungeon to kill the floor boss.

"Ugh! Now I have only 2 bodies left. This one and the one in the dungeon.

It will take me years to recover from this loss and I can"t create a new one unless I become a 5th stage saint first.

I hope I can at least reach the final floor and control that thing." spoke this being, revealing himself to be another Ervalen.

"Princess… I won"t disappoint you." he spoke with an elated voice.

"I"m not going to be useless in this life.

If I manage to control that thing… the Emperor said he would let me ask her hand." he said and took out a projection artifact, looking at the hologram figure of a beautiful high elf girl as he spoke.

He grasped his face, his eyes enlarged and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

His gaze at the hologram was so infatuated and obsessed that it would send shivers if there were any onlookers as he revealed a psychotic expression.

"I will be able to marry my beloved Eleanor."

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