Hero of Darkness

Chapter 414: Dealing with the Aftermath

Chapter 414: Dealing with the Aftermath

Kahn had a terrified expression on his face after the system revealed the key information that sent chills down his spine. The consequences of saving Ka.s.sandra"s life as a form of repaying his debt to her had come back to bite him in the a.s.s real quick.

Feeling someone"s presence over the range of ten thousand kilometers?

That was the most absurd thing he ever heard in this new life. Even fictional romance novels did not dare to go that far.

[The host sure has a wild imagination.] suddenly the system spoke in his mind.

"Eh? Then what does it mean?" he asked curiously.

[Although all the conditions and effects are not clear for the time being.

The system is certain that neither the host nor Ka.s.sandra Mikealson will be affected adversely.

And neither will their minds or personalities be affected because of this Soul Link.

As for the aftereffects… only time will tell.] replied the system.

"Phew! Almost scared me right there." spoke Kahn as he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness. I felt like my worst fears had come true." said Kahn and lay down on the bed.

"Let"s never do that again… ever!" he spoke to himself after the supposed calamity turned out to be nonexistent.

Because Kahn did not want to take responsibility or develop feelings for Ka.s.sandra out of nowhere just because he shared a part of his soul to repay her for saving his life.

Although the procedure they used was beyond any form of physical intimacy… he just did not want the responsibility and get entangled in something troublesome.

Developing romantic feelings for a woman?

He already suffered because of it in the previous life and had absolutely no intentions of doing so in the new one even now.

Although he had a very good impression and only admiration for Ka.s.sandra after their encounters till this point… it wasn"t to an extent where he would overcome his past life trauma just for the sake of it without a natural progression or reason.

He refused to be the protagonist of those romance and harem novels just so the readers could feel the rush of dopamine or get off.

And as soon as the system informed him about the current situation regarding the soul link… a giant boulder was lifted off of his chest.

Although many things were still unanswered… Kahn accepted and came to terms with his current predicament with Ka.s.sandra.

"Master, we have places to be." spoke Ronin who suddenly appeared behind Kahn.

For the next 10 minutes, Ronin explained how they dealt with the situation over the Kaldris border and what kind of measures were taken after the battle ended.

And without a surprise… the whole situation had reached the ears of all the native citizens of Verla.s.sen fiefdom. And to bury unnecessary rumors and avoid ma.s.s hysteria…

The generals themselves announced the happenings of the legendary monster attack and that Kahn was currently healing from his injuries. And soon he was going to make a public announcement addressing the whole incident and the aftermath.

"Well done. Although it must have caused temporary panic among the public, it was still better than our enemies and opportunistic people spreading wrong rumors and misinformation to gain any advantage in their favor." said Kahn as he too agreed with the collective decision of the generals.

"Since the Mikealson Clan"s envoy will come tomorrow, we better do it quickly lest they come blaming me for the death of their 3rd heir." commanded Kahn.

In the noon, using the broadcasting news network Kahn had created that reported the daily happenings and incidents throughout the fiefdom to the common populace… Ronin had all the official channels spread the news about the public announcement that will be held in the evening.

After the sunset… most of the citizens had ama.s.sed over thousands of the large broadcasting screens established in all the important squares of cities, towns and villages of the fiefdom.

All of them were eager to hear the word of their benevolent sovereign who brought drastic changes in their lives for the better in just 3 months since his reign started.

After the preliminary announcement, the majority of the population was already worried about Kahn"s health since he was already a savior in their eyes.

And finally, Kahn in his usual gray royal clothes appeared on the broadcasting screens throughout the Verla.s.sen fiefdom.


"He"s alive!!"

"All hail the Sovereign!!"

Millions of people loudly screamed and chanted with happiness as soon as Kahn in good health was revealed to them.

Although the current Kahn was at level 157 after the whole soul transfusion procedure and his body was in a weakened state… he was healthy enough to hold off a public broadcast.

However, the expression on Kahn"s face wasn"t of a victorious warrior but of someone who was in pain and sorrow.

"People of Verla.s.sen fiefdom… I, Kahn Salvatore, your sovereign…

Would like to apologize to all the citizens." spoke Kahn and did a ninety-degree bow in front of the whole fiefdom.

His dejected and remorseful expression had caught everyone off guard and quickly, a pin-drop silence ensued among the ma.s.ses spread throughout the eight thousand kilometers of the fiefdom.

"I was heavily injured and needed time to heal. That is why I couldn"t share the bad news with all of you earlier as I wanted." he said with a crestfallen look.

"Three days ago, the main military headquarter of the Kaldris region border was attacked by a Legendary Rank monster during the night.

And although I am standing in front of you while looking completely fine… my heart and soul is in great turmoil.

What I"m about to tell you is neither aspiring nor entertaining. But it is the truth that all of you deserve to know.

I have already promised all of you that my reign will be honest and transparent. So I shall keep delivering upon that promise.

Today…. I have a story to tell you." said Kahn with a heavy tone.

In the following moment, his expression turned to that of defeat and loss as if he underwent an insufferable situation. He continued as small tears dropped over his cheek…

"A story of Bravery and Sacrifice."

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